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O e d . X X X V I . C O N V O L V U L A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Ipomæa reptans. Chois.—H a b . Loo Choo.
In these specimens the leaves are more cordate and less hastate than in the common form of the plant.
1. Evolvulus Atrswíwí. L am .— Chois. Conv. Or. p . 114.— H a b . Bonin.
O r d . X X X V I I . E H R E T IA C E Æ . Mart.
1. Ca rmona heterophylla. Cav. Ic. 5. t. 4 38.— E h re tia heterophylla. S p r .— TÍAB. Loo
Choo and Bonin.
To this genus, as has been already observed by Adr. de Jussieu, Ehretia buxifolia likewise belongs ; .the
ovary contains six cells.
O r d . X X X V I I I . B O R A G IN EÆ . Juss.
1. Echinospermum javanicwn. Lehm.— H a b . Lo o Choo.
O r d . X X X IX . S O L A N EÆ . Juss.
\ . Solanum hijlorum. L o u r .—H a b . Loo Choo.
2. S. Melongena. L in n .— H a b . Loo Choo.
1. Physalis angulata. L in n .— H a b . Lo o Choo.
i. L y c iam chinense. M ill.—L. Barbarum, var. chinense. Auct.—L am . l l l . t . \ \ 2 , f . 2 .
— H a b . Loo Choo.
The five teeth of the calyx are nearly equal and equidistant, but there is nevertheless a tendency to being
disposed into two lips, the one bifid, the other trifid. We have, therefore, doubts if L . Barbarum, chinense,
and Ti-evÁanum, arc really distinct.
O r d . X L . S C R O P H U L A R IN E Æ .
1. Vandellia crwstocea. Benth.— Vide supra, p . 20 2— H a b . Bonin.
1. Veronica Anagallis. L in n .—V . undulata. Wall.— H a b . Loo Choo.
1. Buddleia curvijlora: ramis teretiusculis subtomentosis, foliis tenui-membranaceis
ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis subdentatis su p ra glabris subtus pubescentibus demum
glabris, racemis terminalibus elongatis, pedunculis pauci-(3-10-)floris, corollæ tubo
elongato apice su p ra antheras incurvo.— H a b . Loo Choo.
Perhaps this may be B . acuminata of Poiret ; but he could scarcely have omitted to mention the singular
incurvation of the corolla, precisely similar to what is seen in the genus Striga. Poiret also says that the
panicle is short ; here the raceme is six to eight inches long.
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