
ì . Z.? a n e la ta ; caule glab ro ramisque angulatis, foliis conjugato-pinnatis subbipinnatisque,
foliolis (minutis) ovali-orbicularibus, racemis terminalibus pubescenti-glandulosis.
H ab. Coquimbo.—Our specimens of this plant are by no means in a sufficiently perfect state to decide
even tho genus; but it appears to us a Zuccagnia, and, if so, a very distinct species from the Z vunctata
of Cav. (Ic. V. 5. t. 403.) ' ^
14. CASSIA. Lirm.
1. C. (Sect. Coluteoide<B. DC .) stip u lm ea ; foliolis 8 -ju g is ovato-lanceolatis glabris,
g ianduia in te r inferiora, stipulis ovatis maximis. DC .— Ait. Hort. Keiv. ed. 2. p . 52.
Feuill. Chil. V. 3. p . 56. f. 42.
H ab. Conception,
2. C. fro n d o sa ; foliolis 9-jugis ovali-oblongis glabriusculis obtusiusculis, gianduia c ilin d
ric a in te r p a r foliorum infimum, racemis axillaribus foliis brevioribus. DC .— A it. Hort.
Kew. ed. 2. p . 36. D e Caiui. Prodr. v. 2. p . 496.
H ab. Coquimbo.
O r d . X X I I . R O S A C E ® . Juss.
1. PRUNUS. Toum.
1. P . domestica. L in n— D e Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p . 533.
H ab, Conception. Introduced.
2. ACoENA. Vahl.
1. A . argentea; spicis globosis, caule repente, foliolis 3-4-jugis ovato-oblongis serratis
subtus sericeis. DC .— B u i z et P a v. Fl. Per. v. 1. p . 67. t. 103. f b. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2.
p . 593.— P ro q u in . Feuill. Chill, v. 3. 41.
H ab. Conception.
2. A . tr iß d a ; spicis globosis, caule erecto foliisque tomentoso-canescentibus cunei-
formibus 3-5-fidis 7-8-jugis. D C .—R u iz et Pav. Fl. Per. v. 1. p . 67. t. \Q4. f . c. De
Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p . 593.
H ab. Conception.
3. GEUM. Lirm.
1. G. chiloeme; foliis caulinis tripartitis laciniatis, radicalibus interrupte lyratis pilosis,
lobo terminali rotundato subtrilobo crenato, floribus paniculatis, carpellis villosissimis.
L in d i.— B aM s in D e Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p . 551.—G. chilense. Bot. Reg. t. 1348.__
G. Quellyon. Sweet, B r . Fl. Gard. t. 292.—G. coccineum. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p . 551.
(non Sm.) B o t Reg. t 108S.— Feuill. Chil. v. 2. t 27.
H ab. Conception.—This splendid species, which has been confounded with the G. coccineum of Greece,
IS now one of the greatest ornaments of our gardens, being perfectly hardy, even in Scotland. It is called
i by the natives, according to Feuillee.
4. FRAGARIA. Toum.
1. F. chilensis. Ehrh.— D e Cand. Prodr. v, 2. p . 571.—Dill. H o r t EUh. t 20. f . 140.
H ab. Conception.
O r d . X X I I I . O N A G R A R I® . Juss.
1. FUCHSIA. Plum.
1. F. macrostema; ramis glabris, foliis 3-verticÍllatis ovatis acutis denticulatis breviter
petiolatis, pedicellis axillaribus flore longioribus nutantibus, calycis lobis oblongis acutis
pétala obovata patentia superantibus, stigmate 4-lobo. Ser.— R u i z et Pav. Fl. Per. v. 3.
t 324. f . 6. Lodd. B o t Cab. t 1062. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p . 37.—Thilco. Feuill. Chil.
V. 3. t 47.—F. gracilis /3. macrostema. Bot. Reg. p . 1052.
H ab. Conception.— Sir James E. Smith in Rees’ Cycl., and even De CandoUe, appear doubtful if this
should be distinguished from F. coccinea ; while, on the other hand, the author of the Botanical Register
makes it a var. of the F. gracilis from Cbili, (not Mexico,) notwithstanding that the name of Ruiz and
Pavon is by far the older. The F. lycioides, {Lun, Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 24,) though not in the collection,
e have received from Valparaiso, transmitted by Mr. Macrae, Mr, Cruckshanks, and Mr. Bridges.
2. (ENOTHERA. Linn.
1. (E. dentata; foliis sublinearibus denticulatis, capsulis cylindraceis angustissimis cu r-
vatis, stigmate globoso. Ser.— Cav. Ic. v. 4. p . 67. t 398. R u i z et Pav. Fl. Per. v. 3. t 317.
L in d i. Coll. t 10. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p . 46.— CE. micrantha. Spr.— ( ^ . h irta e t CE.
Chamissonis. L in k . {DC.)
H ab. Conception ; as well as the three following. We have them all, likewise, as well as CE. tenuifolia,
of Ruiz and Pavon, from Mr. Cruckshanks, Mr, Macrae, and Mr. Bridges.
2. CE. mollissima ; caule ramoso, foliis lineari-lanceolatis subundulatis molliter villosis
repando-dentatis, petalis obovatis genitalibus vix longioribus flavis dein I'ubris, stigmatibus
filiformibus, capsulis mollibus longissimis. Ser.—L in n . Sp. PI. p . 192. D e Cand.
Prodr. V. 3. p . 48.—Dill. E l th . f. 286.—Mithon. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 34?
3. CE. tenella; caule simplici stricto, foliis lineari-spatbulatis, petalis obovatis obtusissi-
mis violaceis, stylo staminibus erectis longiore e t petalis multo breviore, stigmatibus
obovatis brevibus, capsulis cylindrico-tetraquetris tomentosis bractea longioribus. Ser.—
Cav. Ic. V. 4. p . 68. t 396. f . 2. R u i z et Pav. Fl. Per. v. 3. ¿.3 1 6 . D e Cand. Prodr. v. 3.
p . 48.—Onagra Linarim folio, &c. Feuill. Chill, v. 3. t 34.
CE. acaulis; foliis rosulatis pinnatisectis, lobo terminali maximo denticulato, tubo
floreque maximis, laciniis calycinis liberis reflexis, petalis obovatis subretusis integris, antheris
stigmatibusque tenuibus corolla brevioribus, capsula obovata tetragona subulata
Ser.— Cav. le. v. 4. p . 68. t. 399. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p . 49.
caule pedali, foliis alternis. Ser.— R u i z et Pa v. F l. Per. v. 3. t 318. f . 6.