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Fnitcx erectus, ramis oppositis pubescentibus. Folia opposita, vLx semiunciam longa, ovata, acutiuscula,
ititegia vel crenato-deutata, imo quaudoqiie incisa, interne in petiolum brevem attenuata, pubescentia, siccitate
uigrescentia. Pedicelli geminati, axillares, breves. Calyx subeampanulatus, 5-tidiis, pubescens, laciniis ovatis
acutis, demmn ampliatis, tubo lineis 5 elevatis. Corolla subcampauulata, 5-loba, lobis fere æqiialibus. Stamina
4, didynama, tubo inserta : Antheroe bilobæ, lobis basi divarieatis mucronatis. Gennen ovatum iu styhim
filiforme attenuatimi : Stigma dilatatum obtusum. Drupa ovali-globosa stylo mucronata, pubescens, ealyce
persistente eiiicta, bilocidaris, loculis monospermis.
Hab. W h it s im d a y I s la n d .— T h is s in g u l a r p la n t h a s m u c h th e h a b i t o f s om e o f th e Scrophularineoe, p a r tic
u l a r l y Euphrasia a n d Bartsia, b u t t h e r e is o n ly s e e d in e a c h c e ll o f th e tVuit, a n d t h a t tiUs i t u p e n tir e ly .
I t d if le rs f rom Myoporum in s e v e r a l p o in ts , n o r d o w e k u o iv a n y g e n u s to w h ic h i t is d e c id e d ly r e f e r a b le .
O r d . X X X V I . N Y C T A G IN E Æ . Juss.
1. Boerhaavia hirsuta. L i n n .S p r e n g . Syst. Veget. v. 1. p . 36.
2. Boerhaavia tetrandra; caule tereti glabro procumbente, foliis subrotundis emarginatis
crassiusculis basi vix attenuatis subtus (siccitate) rugosis pallidioribus, floribus umbellatis
2-5 -an d ris. “ Forst. Prodr. n. 5.” Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p . 37.
O r d . X X X V I I . A M A R A N T H A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Amarantliiis viridis. L in n . ,
1. Gomphrena globosa. L in n .
1 . Aclijnantlies cw^cra ? Lin n .
T h is p la n t is m u c h l a i g e r th a n th e u s u a l s ta te o f A . aspera ; i t s le a v e s s o f t a n d v e b e ty , w i th d e n s e s ilk y
h a i r s ; th e s p ik e a f o o t o r a fo o t a n d a h a l f lo n g ; th e r a c h is v e r y w o o lly ; a n d th e flowei-s r em o te .
2. Achyrantlies velutina; fruticosa, ramis herbaceis liirsutis, foliis ovalibus utrinque
acutis breviter petiolatis sericeo-velutinis, spica demum longissima, floribus inferioribus
remotis, ra d ii lanata.
Hab. Bpn' Island.—Allied to Achyrantlies aspera, but much laiger iu every part, ivith the leaves beauti-
fuHy velvety, with dense silliy hairs. We have the same plant, gathered by Mi-. Menzies in On-hyhee and
by Mr. Macrae in Oahu : that of the former shows the lower part of the plant to be decidedly n-oody. Some
of the undivided stems are, including the spikes, nearly three feet long. From the axils of the leaves, upon
exceedingly short ramuli, other leaves appear, which give a fasciculated or ahnost verticillate appeaa-ance to
the foliage. The flowers are very glossy, at length reflexed, pentaudrous, with 5 fimbriated processes alternating
Avith the stamens. Style filiform. Stigma capitate.
1. T>esmochætii micrantha? D e Cand.— Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 1. p . 818.—Acliyranthes
prosti'ata, q. L am .
The specimens are small, procumbent, and apparently annual.
O r d . X X X V I I I . P O L Y G O N E ® . Juss.
1. Polygoniun Persicaria. Lin n .
O r d . X X X IX . T H Y M E L E Æ . Juss.
1. Daphne indica; capitulis florum sericeo-pubescentium breve pedunculatis terminalibus,
perianthii laciniis lanceolatis acuminatis, foliis oppositis petiolatis ovali-lanceolatis acutis
ramulisque adultis glabris. (T a b . X V .) L in n .— Wikstr. de Daphn. p . 17. Spreng. Syst.
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