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Afjoe.] CHINA. 2 5 7
3. P t. esculenta. Sw .—Lahill. Nov. Boll. v. 2. p . 95. t. 244.
I. Lomaviü longifolia i frondis fructificantis pinnis longissimis (pedalibus) linearibus
acuminatis brevissime petiolatis.
Only a portion of the fertile frond of this plant exists in the herbarium ; it is about 2 feet long, and the
pinnæ are alternate, remote, a line or a line and a half wide, and a foot in length, quite glabrous above, beneath
covered by the fructification, except on the costa.
1. Blechnum orientale. Sw.
1. Adiantum caudatum. L — Book. E x . Fl. t. 104.
The pinnæ are sometimes entire, sometimes deeply incised.
2. Adiantum amcenum. Wall.—Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 103.
H a b . Macao and adjacent islands ; Vachell ; Millett.
1. lÂwàhæa polymorpha. Wall— Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 15.
H a b . Macao; Millett.
2. Lindsæa variabilis ¡ erecta g lab ra p in n ata , pinnis petiolatis u n dique sorediatis basi
oblique cuneata excepta, superioribus infimisque liastato-oblongis, reliquis, nunc subpinnatifidis
integrisque, n u n c pinnatis, pinnulis nervosis oblongo-hastatis inferioribus ro tu n datis
oblique cuneatis. (T ab. L I I .)
H a b . Macao ; Millett. •
T a b . l i i . Lindsæa variabilis. Fig. 1. A pinna from the upper part of the plant ; f g . 2. A pinnule from
a lower pinna :—magnified.
1. Che-Wanúies tenuifolia. Sw— Schkh. Fil. t. 125.
1. Dicksonia po/ÿporfiozrfes. Sw.
2. D . flaccida. Sw.
1. D a v a llia /o t-k /m c o . Cav Nees in Nov. Act. Acad. 1823. p . 122. t. 12— Very
nearly allied to D. tenuifolia, p erhaps n o t distinct and may n o t Davallia Chinensis, Sw.
and D . Chusana, Willd. he the same species ?
2. D. elegans. Sw.
1. Azolla p iMitte. B r .
H a b . Lappas Island ; Vachell.
O r d . X C I Ï . A L G Æ . Juss.
1. Cystoseira Thunhergii. Ag.
H a b . N. E. side of the peninsula of Macao ; Vachell. " ' '
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