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Lobeliaceoe.} MEXICO.
uiieonal. The stems are leafy lo the top, and hence the dowers are asillary. In L . mucronata, leaves
suddenly become bracteas among the flowers, and then the flowers are said to be racemose ; but this we con-
sider no permanent character, as is clearly shown in the following species.
2. L . lanceolata; berbacea pubescens, caule erecto stricto, foliis sparsis lanceolatis
subsessilibus subcoriaceis duplicato-glanduloso-serratis anguste acuminatis, pedicell.s
elongatis solitariis unifloris axillaribus vel racemosis et foliaceo-bracteatis, corolla glabrms-
cula (rubro-flava?) superne usque ad basin fissa, limbo 5-fido, laciniis lineail-acuniinatis,
filamentis glabris An L. rigidula, H . B . K . Nov. Gen. Am. 3, p . 3 1 1 ?
This belongs to the same group with the preceding, as docs the following, and it is ¡hetbmc
may be varieties of one and the same species. The present is distingumhed from Í . ova ,fo t,a by the shape
of the leaves and nearly glabrous corolla, and quite glahrons filaments; !,om L . angulato-dentata, by ,ts
downy stem and leaves, which latter ate sessile, more rigid, and by the nature of tbe serratures.
3. L . anguMo-dentata; b erbacea? glabra, foliis sparsis tenui-membranaceis lato-
lanceolatis angulato-dentatis basi in petiolum brevem atten u atis apice tenui-acummatis,
pedicellis eiongatis solitariis axillaribus unifloris, corolla glabra (ru b ro -flav a.) superne
usque ad basin fissa, limbo 6-fido, laciniis lineari-acuminatis, filamentis glaberrimis.
4 L . arabidoides; a n n u a subcæspitosa glabra, caule gracili paniculato, folus in fe n o n -
bus lanceolatis grosse inciso-serratis in petiolum a ttenuatis reliquis linearibus subintegerrimis,
floribus racemosis, calycis tubo brevissimo ore valde obliquo mferne calcarato,
limbi laciniis lineari-lanceolatis inæqualibus, corolla (cærulea) superne usque ad basm
fissa 5-fida bilabiata, labio inferiore bitubeiculato, fi'uctu semisupero. ( I a b . E A V l.)
The c iri.u s spur-like process at the lower margin of the ealyv, in the sinus ot the two shorter laciuim. both
of this and the following species, varies in length, and the base ot the corolla is prolonged into it.
T ab. LXVI. Fig. 1. Flower; Jig. 2. Fruit magnified.
5. L . cordifolia; a n n u a subcæspitosa glabra, caule gracili paniculato, foliis inferioribus
longe petiolatis cord ato -ro tu n d atis reliquis lanceolatis omnibus grosse mciso-serratts,
flotdbus racemosis, calycis tubo brevissimo, ore valde obliquo inferne brevi-calcarato.
limbi laciniis lineari-lanceolatis inæqualibus, corolla (cærulea) superne usque ad basm
fissa 6-fida bilabiata, labio inferiore bituberculato, fructu semisupero.
Nearly allied to the preceding, but very different in the foliage, and the spur ot the calyx is mnch shorter.
6. L . divaricata : parva an n u a ramosa glabra, ramis divarieatis tetragonis, foliis subdentatis
inferioribus ovalibus petiolatis reliquis anguste lanceolatis, floribus racemos.s,
calycis oequalis tubo turbinato, laciniis lineari-lanceolatis imiformibus, corolla (cærulea)
superne usque ad basin fissa quinquefida bilabiata, labio inferiore grosse bituberculato,
fructu semisupero. (T a b . L X V I I.)
H a i . T a lis c o .— a sm a ll, o f te n s tr a g g lin g sp e c ie s , a p p a r e n tly v e ry d is tin c t from a n y h ith e r to d e s c rib e d .
T ab. LX V II. Fig. 1. Flower; fig . 2. Fr\i\f.—magnified.