or tab. 837 of tho drawings in the India House, it certainly does not belong to E . tenella, P. Beauv., and
bears much more resemblance to the present species ; but it differs from botli by all the branches of the panicle
being short, and consequently with a habit nearly that of E . Koenigii, N. ab E., or P . inten-upta, Roxb.
We have hitherto seen no forms o i E . verticillata tliat resemble either of the two last mentioned of Roxburgh.]
ÿ 4. Ciliares ; paniculatoe, aut panîculato-spîcatoe, valvula superiori, omnibusve et valvulis et glumis ciliatis.
8. E . plumosa ; p an icu la decomposita patula, ramis alternis strictiusculis p rope a basi
fasciculato-divisis axillis longe barbatis, spiculis subsecundis cernuis lineari-oblongis
4-8-floris, valvula inferiori obtusa trinervi superiorem longe rigideque ciliatam æquante,
culmo adscendente ramoso, foliis vaginisque glabris, bis collo longe barbatis. L in k ,
Hort. Ber. \ . p . 192. N . ab E . in A gr. B ra s . />. 511 {cum syn. completa).— P o a plumosa.
B e tz , Obs. 4 . p . 20. Roxh. El. Ind. 1. p . 3 3 7 {ed Wall.) 1. p . 3 3 8 . Kuntk, E n . 1. p . 3 3 8 .
— P . capillaris. Roxb. in Ccet Mere. A ngl. In d . Or. Mus. tab. 838 (fide A rn .).
H a b . Circa Macao et in insulis vicinis ; G. H. Vachell, n. “ a."
T r ib . X . B A M B U S A C EÆ .
27. BAMBUSA. Zùm.
1. [B . verticillata : culmo inermi ? foliis lanceolatis atten u atis u trin q u e lævibus margine
scabris basi ro tundatis, vaginis glabris ore nudis, spicis e nodis superioribus culmi simplicibus
p a tulis aphyllis vel apice ramulum foliosum brevem proferentibus, spiculis
sub-8 'flo ris ovato-oblongis acutis erectiusculis aggregato-subternis, glomerulis equidis-
tan tib u s subapproximatis, glumis subquaternis superiori apicem versus leviter c arinulata,
flosculis omnibus p ræ te r 2-3 inferiores neu tro s hermaphroditis, valvula inferiori læviuscula
orbiculato-ovata m ucrona ta glabriuscula m argine superiori versus b reviter ciliata,
su p e rio ri minore multoque angustiore pubescente ciliata, stylo longo villoso apice 3-fido.
— B. verticillata. N. ab E . in A gr. Bras. p . 5 3 4 ? (vix Willd.) SchuU. S y s t V e g .l. p.
1 3 4 6 (sub obs. 2 , descr. o p t.).— B. nana. Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2. p . 199 ? (quæ fru tico sa inermis,
nec fusius descripta).
H a b . Circa Macao; Millett,
Our specimens agree in every respect with Schultes’ deseription above referred to, except as to the number
of florets in the spikelet, which is probably subject to much variation. We cannot see how B . Thouarsii,
Kunth, En. 1. p. 431, judging from the specific character given in that work, differs ; but nearly all the
synonyms there adduced belong to other species. Nastus, Beauv. Agr. t. 25. f. 3, can scarcely belong to
either, although the shape and disposition of the spikelets are not much at variance on account of the style
being represented bifid.
e have received, also, from Mr. Millett, from China, another species of Bambusa, in which the inflorescence
seems to form an immense panicle, or decompound spike, with the branches only of which we are
acquainted : these emit from the joints alternate fascicles of 2 or 3 long unequal simple spikes ; on these last
are pkced alternate dense fascicles, composed of several sessile subulate acute spikelets, each nearly an inch
long ; the lower florets are sterile, the upper ones, in all we have seen, purely male, without any bisexual
one : the long lower valvelet of the male florets is oblong, acuminated, and glabrous; the upper one very
small in comparison, glabrous, and only minutely or scarcely at all ciliated along the angles of inflexion, com-
monly called the margins. We have not seen the stem or leaves, nor can ave refer it satisfactorily to any
described species: in many points it approaches to B Blumeana, Schult. Syst. Veg. 7. p. 1343, but that
species is said to have the spikes or branches of the panicle solitary, and the spikelets surrounding the knot
on all sides : the other parts of Schultes’ description agree pretty well, so that, perhaps, our plant ought to
be considered a variety of B . Blumeana.}
O r d . X C I . F IL IC E S . Jxtss.
1. Lycopodium cernuum. L .
H a b . Lappas Island; Vachell. H a c a aM ille tt.
2. L . caulescens. Wall. Cat. n. 137, Hook, et Grev. in Bot. Misc. v. 2. p . 332.
H a d . Macao; Vachell.
3. L . canaliculatum. L .— Hook. et Grm. in Bot. Misc. v .2 . p . 3 8 6— (3. p a llid iu s ; minus
nitid um, i-arais magis attenuatis, caule inferne stolonifero.
Ha s Macao; F ocScH.-The Lgcopodia with sessile spikes, distichous leaves, and superior stipules
arrauged in two series, so abundant in the tropics, are by no moans easy to deine. The present, m its paler
colour, loss glossy foliuge, and more attenuated branches, differs from what we concci.e to be the true L .
canaliculatum; but we can hardly consider these characters sufficient to separate it from that species.
1. Osmunda V a c h d lii; fronde p in n ata basi fructificante, piimis lineari-lanceolatis
coriaceis integerrimis. Hook. Ic. Plant, t. 15.
H a s . Macao and neighbouring islands; Ecu. G. H. Vache ll.-ter, oatremely singular and beautiful
species of Ocmnnda. resembling, however, the O. Javanica of Blume ; but that has many of the pinnat lobed
and pinnatifid, and the fructification confined to the middle pmnte.
1. Mertensia Hermanni Gleichenia Hermanni. B r— Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 14.
—Mertensia dicbotoma. Stti.— Polypodium dicliotomum. T h . Fl. Ja p . t. 37.
H a b . Macao; Vachell: Millett.
2. M. glaucescens. Willd.
Our specimeus ea.etly agree with one from Brasil, sent under this name by our friend Dr. Klotssch
aud which has doubtless been compared with the original plant in WiUdenow s herhanum The pinnsB are
very glaucous beneath, but narrower thau in the last species, always downy or rather arachnoideo-tomentose
beneath, especially on the ribs.
1. Lygodium Japonicum. Sw.
H i . , Macao and Lappas Island ; Faciefi— This varies much in the I
and fertile pinnules.
1. Notolsena/jrfosa. Hook, et Arn. supra p. 74.
H a b . Macao ; Vachell.
1. Niphobolus pertusus. Spr.— Polypodium pertiisum. Boxb.— Hook. E x . Fl. t. 152.
H a b . Macao; Vachell; Millett.
and breadth both of the sterile