
Mi Folia et pars inferior culmi desunt. Summitas plusquam podalis. Culmus crassitie pennoe columbinæ,
alternatim canaliculatus, lævis. Genicula glabra. Vaginoe longæ, lanceolatæ, compressæ, folio terminantiir
angusto acuminatissimo complicato glabro glaucescente. Pedunculi axiUarcs gemini; quorum alter brevior
et simplex; alter longior iterumque divisus. Vaginoe propriæ communi similes, lamina autcm multo minori,
quandoque omnino deficiente, margine membranaceæ, pallide rufeseentes, glabræ. Rachis lutcseens; arti-
culi ejus extrorsum, pedicelli utrinque basiu versus longe ciliari. Spicula sessilis 2 lineas longa, lanceolata,
flavescens, glabra, setis glumæ inferioris (ubi adsunt) gluma sua paullo brevioribus superioris seta eadom
longiori recurva: seta flosculi fertilis fere pollicaris, scabra, infra genu fuscescens. Spiculoe pedicellatoe,
gluma inferior oblongo-lanceolata, purpurascens, decemnervis, superius ciliata; superior alba, subfimbriata;
seta glumæ inferioris 3-4 lineas longa, superioris seta 14-2 lincarum est.
8. I m p e r a t a . Cyrill.
1. I. Koenigii ; foliis fasciculorum angustis elongatis, culmeis brevioribus in vaginis summis
denique obsoletis basi ciliatis, panicula spiciformi laxiuscula, nodis plerumque barbatis.
— P . de Beauv. Agrost. p . 165. Roem. et Sch. Syst. Veg. 2. p . 289. L in k , Hort. Ber. 1. p.
236.—I. arundinacea. Kunth, En . \ . p . 477.— Saccharum Koenigii. R e tz, Obs. 5. p . 16.
Pers. Syn. 1. p. 103.— S. cylindricum. Roxb. Fi. Ind. 1. p. 2 3 4 ; {ed Wall.) 1. p . 239.—
a ; foliis caulinis superioribus brevissimis, nodis omnibus longe barbatis, pilis arrectis.
Saccharum Koenigii. R e tz, et Auct. citatorum.—0 ; foliis caulinis magis conspicuis longiusculis
sæpe convolutis, foliis radicalibus pluribus, vaginis distichis, nodis vel inferioribus
saltem vel omnibus glabris et imberbibus, barba etiam ubi adest breviori. Sacch. Th u n -
beigii. R e tz, Obs. 5. p . 17?
H a b. ec. Circa Macao atque in insulis adjacentibus; G. H. Vachell, n. 47. a.
Folia culmi infima confería, subcæspitosa, fasciculorum foliis latiora, duplo breviora.— Grame» carico^m
A . Rumph. Herb. Amb. 6. t. 7. f. 2. a. vix hujus loci, quippe cui folia 4-5-pedcs alta, pollicem fere lata tri-
buaritur, cum in nostro culmi ^ 2 pedes alti, nec folia altiora, et 1-1^ lin. lata, basi angustiora. Spica cylindrica
4-3 poli, longa et paullo longior.
[Roxburgh in his Flora Indica states, concerning the leaves, “ those of the root or loweripart of the culm are
much longer than the culm, tapering equally towards each end;” and as his observations were made on the
living plant, we suspect that Nees has taken his description from herbarium specimens only: at the same
rime. Rumphius’ figure can scarcely be our plant; perhaps it is a true species of Saccharum.]
9 . S a c c h a r um . Linn.
1. [S. Sara ; panicula subcontracta elongata, ramis semiverticillatis decompositis, ramulis
superioribus triquetris pilis albis adspersis, spiculis hemigamis conformibus, glumis subulato-
acutatis dorso longe pilosis, floscula neutrius valvula glumas fere æquante, flosc. hermaphrodito
bivalvi, valvula inferiori flosculo neutra paulo breviori oblonga apice setulifera,
superiori plus dimidio breviori ovata, omnibus ciliatis.— S. Sara. Roxb.? Fl. Ind. 1. p . 244;
{ed Wall.) 1. p . 249. in Coet. Merc. Angl. In d . Or. Mus. tab. 1113.
H ab. Circa Macao, e t in insulis vicinis; Millett. G. H. Vachell, n. 31.
Of this, which seems to be very common about Macao, we have not received the leaves. It appears to
be a remarkably tall plant, and the panicle is very similar to that of S. officinarum, from which, however, it
differs by the large and conspicuous valvelets of the fertile floret. 5. procerum differs by the upper valvelet
S. exaltatum, according to Roxburgh’s observations and drawing, has the upper valvelet of the bisexual
floret wanting in the pedicelled spikelet, but about equal to the other and acute in the sesile one ; according,
however, to N. v. Esenbeck's examination of what he considers the same plant, in Dr. Wight's herbarium,
it is the upper valvelet of the pedicelled (not the sessUe) spikelet which is equal and similar to the other,
while in the sessile one it is much shorter and obtuse. As we have not seen the leaves of the Chinese plant,
we are uncertain about its being the same as Roxburgh’s; and, besides, that author, in his drawing, represents
the upper valvelet much narrower and more acuminated than in our specimens, but probably his figure
may be inaccurate in that respect. The neuter valvelet and both those of the fertile florets are ciliated.
2. S. chinense ; paniculis ovatis contractis, ramis verticillatis subcompositis, gluma
infera chartacea, flosculi fertilis valvula inferiori nulla, foliis planis margine hispidis.
Roxb. Fl. In d . 1. p . 239 ; (ed. W a ll) 1. p . 244. Corom. 3. t. 232. Kunth, E n . l . p . 474.
In nostro specimine (in Benghala superiori a Royleo lecto) panicula magis contracta ; sed distincrissimum
valvula inferiori flosculi fertilis omnino deficiente ; superiori autem satis conspicua, lineari-lanceolata, ciliata.
Valvula neutra ista major, lanceolata, magis ciliata. Lodiculæ cuneiformes, truncate, pro magnitudine
spiculæ satis magnæ. Glumæ glabræ. Vagina suprema ventricosa, in folium angustum attenuatum contracta.
10. H E T EROPOGO N. Pers.
1. B . contortus. P . de Beauv.— N .a b E . Agrost. B ra s. p . Z6Z {cxira syu.) ; in Linnæa,
7. p . 284.— Stipa spicata. Thunb. F l Cap. p . 19.
H a b . Ad Macao et in insulis adjacentibus ; MiUett ; G. H. Vachell, n. 4 6 (ex parte).
[After having carefully examined the Chinese plant, and H. polystachyus R. et Sch., of which last N. ab
Esenbeck considers the Andropogon contortus of Roxburgh, and perhaps also of Linnæus, (hut not of
Brown’s Prodr. 1. p. 2 0 1 ,) to be a variety with solitary spikelets, we can see no good grounds for separating
them. Both have the peduncles elongated and often fascicled, each with one short-Ieaved sheath, the male
spikelets ciliated, and the leaves linear scabrous and more or less ciliated at the base : in the Chinese specimens
the hairs on the glumes and leaves are softer, and spring out of inconspicuous tubercles ; iu Dr. Wight’s
specimens of H. polystachyus the hairs are rigid, and arise from pretty large tubercles, but we can see no
other difference between the two ; if then our friend be correct in referring our Chinese plant to H. contortus,
we should be inclined to reunite to it H. polystacfnjus.
11. ER IAN THUS . Rich.
1. tristachyus ; spicis terminalibus 2-5 simplicibus griseo-hirtis, glumis ferrugineis
basi margineque griseo-hirtis, inferiori plana rigidaque, flosculi hermaphroditi seta spicula
trip lo longiore, culmo simplici nodis glabris basi bulboso ferrugineo-tomentoso, foliis
linearibus basi vaginisque apice hirsutis.—a ; spicis 2-3, vaginis apice tan tum hirsutis.
N . o h E . in Wight C a t n. 1691.—Andropogon tristachyus. Roxb. F l Ind. l . p . 2 5 6 ; (erf.
Wall.) I. p . 261.— A. trispicatus. Sch. Mant. 2. p . 452. Kunth, E n . 1. p . 49 8— ¡3; spicis
2-5, spiculis paullo majoribus, glumarum villis longioribus, vaginis basi et apice hirtis.
H a b . /5 ; In vicinia urbis Macao, inque insulis adjaceutibus ; G. H. Vachell, n. 35.
Ab E . aureo, N. ab E. in Wight, Cat. ii. 1690, cui proximus, notis memoratis bene distinguitur. Me-
morabilis est bulbus cidmi cæteroquin gracilis erecti et simplicis, piso major, densissime tomento ferrugineo
tectus. Culmi apex tomentoso-hirtus. Lodiculæ carneæ, crassiusculæ, bidentatæ.
2 H