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2. L . hieracioides; caule ei ecto, ligulis integris.— Madaraglossa hieracioides. D e Cand
Prod. 5. p. 694.
There are certainly no paleæ among the florets of the disk. The flowers of this and the preceding arc
yellow ; in the following white. ®
(L. Douglasii; subdecumbens pilis albidis eglandulosis setosa, foliis inferioribus
pinnatifido-dentatis, superioribus integris, pappo disci fulvo, ligulis (albis) trifldis dis-
cum subduplo superantibus.
H a b . On the gravelly islands of the river Columbia, between the “ Narrows” and “ Great Falls.”
D o u g la s.~Y ie have introduced this here in order to complete the account of the genus, it havin<^ been by
an oversight, omitted in the Flor. Bor. Am.)
3 . L . glandulosa.— Blepharipappus glandulosus. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1. p . 316. De
Cand. Prod. 5. p . 6 7 9— E rio p ap p u s glandulosus. A m . in L in d l. N a t. Syst. p . 443__
Madaraglossa angustifolia. De Cand. Prod. 5. p. 694.
H a b . California. Douglas Snake Country. M r Tolmie.
The flowers are white. The upper leaves, peduncles below the capitulum, and involucre, are furnished
vith a few stipitate black glands among the coarse short bristles, which have been overlooked by De
Candolle. There are no paleæ on the receptacle, except those which separate the disk from the ray. De
Candolle has inadvertently said, that tbe achenia of the ray are villous ; those of the disk are so, but of the
ray glabrous. The name Blepharipappus may be retained to B . scaber, Hook. The present has quite a different
habit, a paleaceous receptacle apparently abortive, florets to the disk, achenia of the ray as well as of the disk
villous and crowned with a pappus composed of about fifteen so densely plumose paleæ, that they might
almost be termed oblong membranaceous, with a strong midrib, and pectinately divided. The style has
two short branches. In the genus L a y ia {Eriopappus or Madaraglossa,) however, the pappus of the disk
consists of 8 or 10 aristæform paleæ, nearly naked at the apex, but plumosely ciliated with long soft hairs
at the base, and the branches of the style are long and slender ; these last are not included, as De Candolle
states, but exserted and recurved.
4. L . AeierofricAa.— Madaraglossa heterotricha. De Cand. Prod. 5. p . 694. Hook. Ic
PI. V. 4. t. 326.
The flowers in the dried plant appear pale yellow, but may have been white, as in the two preceding.
The receptacle of the disk is free from paleæ, and the pappus pure white, as iu Z. glandulosa. Tho achenia
of the ray are glabrous ; not so, however, those of the disk, as mentioned by De Candolle. These are
covered, in the matured fruit sparingly with adpressed greyish hairs.
1. C&\ycaAema truncata. D e Cand. P ro d l b. p. 695.
2. C. villosa {De Cand. Prod. 5. p . 6 9 5 ); caule stricto pilis albis liirsutulo, foliis inferioribus
p rope caulis basin approximatis caulinisque linearibus obtuse mucronatis margine
revolutis sparsim setoso-ciliatis floralibus hirto-ciliatis apice glandulam calyciformem
pedicellatam gerentibus, ramulis floriferis axillaribus brevissimis monocephalis, involucro
pilis albis longis hirto squamis acutis.
De Candolle’s specimens do not seem to have been so perfect as those before us, which has induced us to
give a new specific character.
3 . C. muUiglandulosa. De Cand. Prod. 5. ». 695.
4. C. cephalotes. De Cand. Prod. 5. p . 695.
1. Achyrachæna mollis. Schauer, del. sem. H . Vrat. 1837, p . 3. Lin næa X I I . L itt. p. 87.
De Cand. Prod. 7. p . 292. Hook. Ic. P I.— Lepidostephanus madioides. B a r tl. ind. sem.
Gott. 1837. Linnæa X I I . L itt. p . 82.
1. Venegasia carpesioides. D e Cand. Prod. 6. p . 43.
1. Monolopia major. De Cand. Prod. 5. p . 74. Hook. Ic. PI. v. 4. t. 344.
The tube of the ray has a small toothed appendage on the opposite side from the ligule, so that tbe florets
may almost be called bilabiate. The involucre is of one piece, and divided scarcely down to the middle.
2. M. minor. De Cand. Prod. 5. p . 74. Hook, Ic. PI. v. 4. t. 343.
The florets of the ray are destitute of the appendage found in the first species, and the involucre is divided
to near the base.
1. Tanacetum ? suaveolens. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 1. p . 327. t. 110.— T . m atricari-
oides. Less. Syn. Gen. Compos, p . 2 65.—T . pauciflorum. D e Cand. 6. p . 131 (vix Rich.).
Santolina suaveolens. Pursh, Fl. Bor. Am. 2. p . 520. Nutt. Gen. 2. p . 141. De Cand.
Prod. 6. p . 3 7 .—Artemisia matricarioides. Less, in Linnæa, 6. p . 21 0— Cotula matri-
carioides. Bong. Veg. Sitch. p . 2 9— M a tricaria discoidea. De Cand. Prod. 6. p . 50.
This was originally found by Lewis on the banks of the Kooskooske River, one of the tributaries of the
Columbia ; but it extends to North California on the south, and to Unalaschka on the north. T . pauci-
fo rum , Rich., has villous leaves, and appears, from the character given, more allied to Pyrethrum discoi-
deum. We are still in doubt about the proper genus to which our plant ought to be referred ; the florets are
four-angled, slightly bialate, and usually 4-toothed ; the last character approaches it to Tanacetum, in which
the same structure is frequently found ; in many particulars it agrees with the Cotuleoe, from all which it
differs by the conical receptacle. It thus forms a link between several genera. The receptacle, on a more
recent examination, is not paleaceous, unless the inner scales of the involucre can be so called.
1. Artemisia vulgaris. Lin n .
2. A. De Cand. Prod. 6. ». 114.
3. A. frig id a . Willd. De Cand. Prod. 6. p . 125.
H a b . Snake Country. M r Tolmie.
1. Gnaphalium rfecwrrens. Ives in Sill. Journ. De Cand. Prod. 6. p . 226. Hook, et Arn.
supra, p . 151.—G. Californicum. De Cand. I. c. p . 224.
We do not see how Mr Douglas’ plant, which is quite the same as that we have already noticed in this
work, can be satisfactorily distinguished from G. decurrens.
2. G . ? fla g in o id e s i totum albido-lanatum, caule erecto apice subramoso, foliis linearibus
basi attenuatis apice nigro-mucronatis, capitulis ovato-conicis in glomerulos ad
dichotomias a u t apices ramorum silos aggregatis, involucri squamis obtusiusculis exterioribus
ovatis lanuginosis interioribus ovato-lanceolatis scariosis dorso linea villosa notatis,
receptáculo conico papillis cylindricis retusis onusto, acheniis teretiusculis glanduloso-