
I l l 'It
2. C. parviflora (L in d i.) ; caule glabriusculo pro strato adscendente vel erecto, foliis
oblongo-lanceolatis inliegris vel paucidentatis infimis ovatis petiolatis, pedunculis axillaribus
solitariis flore multo longioribus, corollæ calycem pubescentem subæquantes vel paullo
superantes laciniis integris subacutis.—üîkÆ. in Bot. Eeg. I. 1082. Hook. Fl. B or. Am
2. p . 94.
H a b . Between Bruneau aud Onyhee Elvers, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie.—California. Mr Douglas.
1. Salpiglossis p ro siraia . Hook, et A r n . supra, p . 153.
The plant before us may prove a distinct species ; it is not prostrate, has apparently an annual root, and
a lew short ascending simple stems ; we incline, however, to think that the speeimens being in a yonnrer state
may cause these diifeteuces. Bentham has remarked, in the S o l. Eeg., under t. 1882, that this and some
others from the West Coast of America, will probably form a new genus.
1. Pentstemon cordifolius (B e n th .); caule pruinoso, foliis b reviter petiolatis lato-
ovatis obtusis intege rrimis basi cordatis bullatis subtus nervosis, panicula laxa, corollis
tubulosis profunde bilabiatis, labio superiore emarginato inferiore trifido, filamento sterili
barbato, an th e ris glabris. Betith. Scroph. In d . p . 7.
2. P . stoticifolius (L in d i.) ; caule adscendente pubescente, foliis radicalibus oblongo-
lanceolatis in petiolum longum angustatis integerrimis glabris, caulinis sessilibus cordato-
ovatis d entatis pubescentibus, cymis subsessilibus calycibusque tomentosis, corollæ v entri-
cosæ pubescentis labiorum laciniis ovatis obtusis subæqualibus. L in d l. in B ot. Reg. t. 1770.
With this we are wholly unacquainted, except from Mr Lindley's figure and deseription ; we fear that il
was sent from Columbia, and that it is a mere variety of P. glandulosus. Bough
3. P . breviflorus (L in d l.) ; annuus, foliis lanceolatis serratis glabris summis sessilibus,
p an ícu la lax a brachiata, calyce pubescenti, corollæ labio superiore lineari arcuato emargin
a to villoso inferiore deflexo 3 -p artito tubo calyce breviore, staminibus fertilibus b™i
villosis, sterili glabro. L in d l. in Bot. Reg. t. 1946.
4 . P . heterophyllus (L in d l.) ; suffruticosus, foliis glaucescentibus integerrimis inferioribus
lineari-lanceolatis superioribus linearibus, racemo virgato, pedicellis subflore bibracteolatis,
sepalis ovatis, corolla g laberrim a su p e rn e ventricosa imberbi, stamine sterili glabro,
an th eris sagitta tis apice fimbriatis.— «. sepalis ovatis acuminatis.—Z taÆ in Bot. Reg. t.
1899.— sepalis orbiculari-ovatis cuspidatis.
The leaves, as in almost all the species, are broader below ; but since these pass, by insensible gradations
into the linear ones at the top of the stem, we scarcely think the specific name appropriate.
5. F . laricifolius ; perennis cæspitosus humilis glaucescens glaberrimus, foliis angustissime
linearibus obtusiusculis integerrimis nitidis ad caulium basin dense congestis
superioribus remotiusculis, racemis foliosis, pedicellis folio florali brevioribus supra basin
bibracteolatis, sepalis ovatis acuminatis m argine m embraiiaceis, corolla glaberrima superne
ventricosa labio inferiore ad faucem piloso, stamine sterili piloso, an th e ræ loculis divari-
catis glaberrimis.
H a b . Snake Fort, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie.
6. P . procerus. Dougl. in Bot. M a g . t. 2954. Hook. Flor. Bor. Am. 2. p . 97.
H a b . Common throughout the Blue Mountains, Snake Country. Mr Tolmie.
1. C\ie\ooe centranthifolia (B e n th .); glaberrima glauca, foliis ovato-lanceolatis in tegerrimis
basi cordato-amplexicaulibus, panicula elongata, corollis tubulosis pendulis
glabris fauce nudis, filamento quinto imberbi. Benth. in Hort. Soc. T ram . N . S . 1. p . 4S I.
Bot. Reg. t. 1787.
1. Herpestes (Mato u rea) pilosa (B en th .); erecta viscosa mollissime piloso-lanata, foliis
sessilibus oblongis subintegerrimis, pedunculis folio brevioribus solitariis eb racteatis,
sepalo externo late ovato, (coroilæ labio superiore subintegro, capsulæ acuminatæ valvulis
integris).— Benth. in Comp. Bot. Mag. 2. p . 57.
The capsule is oblong aud acuminated, splitting at the apex into two quite entire valves, the margins of
which do not appear to be at all inflexed.
1. Mimulus linearis (Benth.); suffruticosus viscosissimus, caule erecto ramoso, foliis
linearibus integerrimis margine revolutis, pedunculis subracemosis, caiycibuá eiongatis
piicatis, dentibus lanceolato-linearibus obtusis inæqualibus. Benth. Scroph. Ind. p . 2 7__
M. glutinosus. Hook, et Arn. supra, p . 152 (excl. syn.).—Diplacus lep tan th u s. Nutt, in
Tayl. Ann. N a t H i s t l . p . 138,
2. M. glutinosus (PVendl. ?) ; suffruticosus viscosus, caule erecto pubescente, foliis su p ra
glabris oblongis lanceolatisve basi angustatis eroso-dentatis integerrimisve, pedunculis folio
brevioribus, calycibus eiongatis plicatis dentibus lanceolato-linearibus inæqualibus. Benth.
Scroph. Ind. p . 28.
Mr Douglas’ specimen has the peduncle slender and rather longer than the calyx, in which respect it
diflers trom Diplacus latifolius, Nutt. 1. c. i bnt as the M. glutinosus of our gardens (JMi aurantiacus of
the Bot. Mag. t. 354), varies much in this respect, it is probable that Nuttall's plant is a mere form of our
present one.
3. M. Irevipes (B e n th .); pubescens, caule erecto viscoso, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis
linearibusve subdentatis basi angustatis subsessilibus vel superioribus amplexicaulibus,
floribus brevi-pedunculatis, calycibus ovatis plicatis bine fissis, dentibus lanceolatis inm-
qualibus. Benth. I. c.
4. M. cardinalis (Dougl.) ; villosus, foliis amplexicaulibus ovatis margine eroso-den-
tatis, pedunculis folio longioribus, calycibus amplis inflato-tubulosis vix plicatis, dentibus
ovatis acutis, antberis villosis. Benth. I. c.— Sweet B r . Fl. Gard. N . S. 4. t 358. Hook,
in B o t Mag. t. 3560. L in d l. in Hort. Soc. Trans. N . S. 2. p . 70. t. 3.
5. M. lyratus (B e n th .); basi glaber apice pubescens, viscosus, foliis eroso-dentatis
inferioribus sublyratis petiolatis superioribus cordato-amplexicaulibus, calycibus ovatis
fructiferis inflato-campanulatis ore patulo, dentibus ovatis acutis supremo maximo,
corolla calycem duplo superante. Benth. I. c— M. guttatu s. Hook, et Arn. supra, p . 152
(ex parte).
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