
confertissimis, semine subgloboso su b tiliter ruguloso. Goertn. de Fruct. 1. p . 8. ¿. 1 . / 11.
Kunth, E n . 1. p . 2T3. Tr in . Ic. Gr. t. 70. Roxb. Fl. In d . \ .p . 342 ; (erf. Wall.) 1. p . 343.
— Isje tti-p u llu . Rheed. H ort. Mai. 12. i. 78.—0, stricta ; spicis strictis.—E . stricta. Roxb.
I. c. p . 343 ; (erf. Wall.) 1. p . 344.—y, puinila ; vix digitalis. N . ab E . in Herb. Royle,
n. 369 (ex p a rte ).
H a b . Ad Macao et in insulis adjacentibus ; Millett; G. H. Vachell, n. “ H.”
Simillima præcedenti, e qua, pra te r characteres adnotatos et habitum proprium parum differt. Gluma
superior quandoque dorso 5-nervÌs ; etiam valvula inferior 5-nervis occurrit.
24. DACTYLOCT ENIUM. P . de B e am .
1. D . mucronatum. Willd. E n . 2. p . 1029. N . ah E . A g r . B ras. p . 436, (cum synonymia
completa).— Eleusine Æ g y p tia c a. Roxb. Fl. Ind. l.jo . 3 4 4 ; (erf. Wall.) l.ju . 34 5__
a, Æg yp tia cum— D . Æ g y p tia c um . Kunth, E n . 1. p . 261.—0, repens; valde ciliatum,
spicis 1-3 erectis vel p a tentibus, rliachi in te r spiculas patenti-ciliata.—D . prostratum.
Willd. E n . 2 . p . 1029. Kunth, E n . l . p . 261. L in k , Hort, B e r. 1. p . 59.— Eleusine prostra
ta . Spr. Syst. Veg. 1. p . 350.
Hab. Ad Macao, in insula Lappas, et in aliis vicinis ; MiUett; G. H. Vachell, n. 73. b. (ex parte).
D . aristatum, Link, non minus ac reliquæ hujusce est varietas. Restât igitur solum D. radulans,
P. Beauv., seu Eleusine radulans. Brown, jure suo ut species propria vindicandum.
[We have before us, from Mr. Millett, two forms of this plant, both belonging to « ; one is smaller than
the other, with roots from the joints, and the leaves and sheaths shortly hairy and ciliated ; this may prove
to be D . aristatum, Link. The other is more robust, the ascending portion of the culm being about a foot
high, and the spikes almost an inch and a half long, and thick in proportion ; the leaves arc very scabrous
on the margin, and more or less bearded at the mouth of the sheath, but are otherwise, as well as the sheath
itself, glabrous ; the lower part of the culm forms a very remarkable branched prostrate densely leafy rhizoma
one to two feet in length. The spikelets are sometimes pubescent, sometimes glabrous and shining : but all
these variations, as well as var. fi, seem to depend much on the localities in which they are found, and not to
be permanent,]
25. CHLORIS. Linn.
1. C. barbata ; culmo ramoso compresso, foliis acutis basi e t m argine infero v aginisque
collo stricte pilosis, spicis digitatis (4-15), spiculis imbricatis, g luma superiore lanceolata
in teg ra nervo mucro n u lata flosculum he rm ap h ro d itum dimidiato-obovatum superne vil-
loso-ciliatum æquante, flosculis neu tris binis truncatis setigeris glabris, setis omnibus
æqualibus. Sw a r tz , Fl. In d . Occ. 1. p . 200. N . ab E . Agr. B ra s. p . 421. (cum synon.)
Roxb. Fl. Ind. l . p . 329 ; (erf. Wall.) ]. p . 331. Jacq. Eel. Gr. 1. p . 8. Kunth, E n . I . p.
2 6 4— Andropogon barbatus. L in n .— Ko n d a pulla, Rheed. Hort. M a i 12. t. 51. f . 3.
H a b . Prope Macao ; Millett.
T r i b . IX . F E S T U C E Æ .
26. ERAGROSTIS. P . de Beauv.
§ 1. Caudatæ ; rami paniculæ elongatoe breves, f ascicuUformes.
1. E . cylindrica. N . ah E .— P o a c y lin d ric a . Roxh. Fl. Ind. 1. p . 3 3 4 ; [ed. Wall.) 1.
p . 3 3 5 . Kunth, En. 1. p . 3 4 5 .— M e g a s ta c h y a c y lin d ric a . Schult. Mant. 2 . p . 3 2 8 .
H a b . Circa Macao urbem ; Millett. In insula “ Danorum” dicta, 12 mill, infra Cantonem; G. H.
Vachell, n. 56.
Exemplum nostrum, a Vachelüo lectum, fructu delapso jam ramulis paniculæ gaudet paullo magis patulis,
valvulisque interioribus, ut in E . pectinacea persistentibus rigidulis patulisque, sæpe subtrifidis. Folia linea
latiora, attenuata, rigidula, lævia, glaucescentia, convoluta, circa os vaginæ barbata. Paniculæ rami in
axillis scabridi. Valvula inferior trinervis, pallida.
[Our speeimens from Mr. Millett are much less advanced : the panicle is very contracted, cylindrical, and
composed of short, crowded, adpressed, compound, alternate branches, as described by Roxburgh, The
spikelets are tinged with purple. The glumes and lower valvelet of tho florets are minutely strigoso-pubes-
cent, but otherwise glabrous and without ciliæ on the margin.]
$ 2. Megastachyæ ; paniculatoe, paniculæ ramis validiusculis, spiculis ovatis oblongis lanceolalisve, valvulis
haud pellucidis.
2 . E . amabilis : p a n i c u la ra c em o so -c om p o s ita p a tu l a e r e c ta , ram is p le ris q u e so lita riis
b a s i g la b ris p r o p e a b a s i div isis c irc um s c rip tio n e la n c e o la ta , p e d ic e llis lo n g iu sc u lis , sp ic u lis
c o lo ra tis o v a tis 1 6 - 2 4 -flo ris, flo scu lis a r c te im b ric a tis in fe r io rib u s d e c id u is , v a lv u la in fe r io ri
la te o v a ta a c u ta tr in e r v i m em b ra n a c e a , c a ry o p s i o v a ta , c u lm o ram o so a d s c e n d e n te n o d is q
u e g la b ris , l ig u la b re v is s im a , foliis la n c e o la to -lin e a rib u s g la u c is læ v ib u s b a s i c ilia tis .
et A rn. in litt. ; Wight Cat. n. 1777.—E ra g ro s tis . Wall. Cat. n. S 8 3 8 .— M e g a s -
ta c h y a am a b ilis . P . de Beanv.— P o a am a b ilis . L in n .— Willd. Sp. P I. 1. p . 3 9 2 . Kunth, E n .
1. p . 3 3 4 . B o x i, in Coet. Merc. Angl. Ind. Or. Mns. tab. 8 4 2 (fid e A rn .)— P. u n ilo id e s .
Boxb. Fl. Ind. I . p . 3 3 9 ; {ed. Wall.) 1 . p. 3 4 0 . Kunth, E n . 1. p . 8 3 5 (a n B e tz ii ?)— P.
r u b e n s . L am . III. Gen. t. 4 5 . / 2 . Kunth, I. c.
H a b . In insula Lappas ; G. H . Vachell, n. 55.
Gmmen perelegans, spiculis brizoidels purpureo pallidoque vatiis.— In adombranda Poa sua unûoide Retzius
ante oculos habulsse videtur spiculam ex inferiore parte paniculse pauciflotam, cui glumm jam delapsoe
defloereut. Turn vero flosculorum duorum inferiorum inferiores valsólas glumas esse, sive calycem, existi-
manti, obslabant valvular utriusque flosculi superiores, quas itisi ealyccm altorum intetioremque declararet,
non faabcbat quibus explicaret. ,
3 . E . megastachya; p a n ic u la ra o em o so -c om p o s ita p a t e n te e r e c ta , ram is in fe r io rib u s
s u b v e r tic illa tis .a lte rn isq u e in a x illis e t a d ra ra ific a tio n e s b a rb a tis , re liq u is om n ib u s a lte rn is
p ro p e a b a s i d iv isis p ed ic e llis b re v ib u s , sp ic u lis lin e a r i-o b lo n g is p a llid is a u t p lum b e o -
v irid ib u s 1 5 -2 5 -flo ris , v a lv u la in fe rio ri o b tu s a su b em a r g in a ta b re v issim e m u c ro n a ta trin e rv i
n e rv o la te r a li p rom iu u lo s u p e r io r i c ilia ta , c.aryopsi g lo b o s a , c u lm o ram o so a d s c e n d e n te
n o d isq u e g la b ris , v ag in is g la b ris o r e b a rb a tis , foliis la n c e o la to -lin e a rib u s m a rg in e s e r ru la to -