
O r d . l i . S A N T A L A C EÆ . Jtiss.
1. Thesium «Msíra/e ; herbaceum, foliis linearibus a cuminatis cauleque glabris, racemis
subspicatis elongatis remotifloris simplicibus, bracteis foliaceis fru c tu globoso 4-6-plo
longioribus, pedicellis flore brevioribus, perianthio sub-4-fido segmentis obtusis tubo
florente p a rum longioribus.— T . australe. B . Brown 9 Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl. p . 353.—
H a b . Lo o Choo.
This seems to be the species described by Mr. Brown, but he adds that the segments of the perianth are
longitudinalbj margined : in the Loo Choo plant the margin is paler, but not, that we can perceive, at all
O bd. l i l E U P H O R B IA C E Æ . Juss.
1. R o ttle ra yapowzca ; sub h erb ace a? foliis late ovatis subcordatis subdentatis adultis
u trin q u e glabris longe petiolatis eglandulosis.— R. japonica. Spr. 9— Croton japonicum.
Thunb. FL Jap. p . 270. tab. 29 ?—H ab. L oo Choo.
Thunberg’s figure and description do not represent the leaves as cordate, but rounded at the base ; in our
plant they are either emarginate or slightly cordate.
2. R , a urantiaca; arborescens, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis integerrimis
subtus pubescentibus, glandulis ad basin obsoletis, floribus racemosis, capsula au rantiaca
farinosa.— H ab. L oo Choo.
This approaches very closely to some narrow-leaved forms of R . tinctoria, Roxb.
1. Croton polystachyum. Willd. 9— H a b . L oo Choo.
Our specimens agree well with Sprengel’s character of the plant, except that the leaves are rather obovate
than oblong, being broader towards the apex than the base. The two glands at the base are flat
and concave, and almost immersed in the substance of the leaf. If this be really Willdenow’s plant, there is
probably either some error in the locality given by that author, or Messrs. Lay and Collie have accidentally
mixed a part of the Brazilian collections with the present packet. We might have considered it C. eîoeagni-
folium of Vahl, but here there are two glands at the base of the leaf, and the petiole is two or three lines in
length. The leaf is from one to four inches long.
1. Phyllan th u s rhamnoides. B e tz 9—H a b . L oo Choo.
Leaves larger than in Burman’s figure, usually referred to this species. We have not observed any male
flowers, so that we cannot determine whether it belongs to the restricted genus Phyllanthus, or to Melan-
thesa, of Blume. We may here remark, that Ph. lucens (supra, p. 210, cum synon.) is Melanthesa chinensis,
Blume Bijdr. p. 592.
O rd. L IH . C H L O R A N T H E Æ . B . B r.
1. C hloranthus inconspicwus. Sw .— Nig rin a spicata. Thunh. Fl. Jap. p . 65.— Hab .
Loo Choo
O r d , L IV . U R T IC A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Ficus séptica. B umph.— H a b . Loo Choo.
2. T .p um ila . L i n n .f— H a b . L o o Choo.
3. F . Beecheyana ¡ foliis integerrimis oblongo-lanceolatis apice atten u atis basi subcordatis
trinerviis alioquin penninervibus subtus pallidis junioribus su p ra sparsim subtus
dense pubescentibus adultis glabratis, fructibus solitariis pedunculatis globosis apice
mammillatis basi a ttenuatis e t bractea triloba instructis j unioribus pubescentibus matures-
centibus glabris.— H ab. L oo Choo.
This we cannot refer to any described species.
1. U rtic a mVefl. L in n .— Thunb. Fl. J a p .p . ’l l Í — lÍÁB. Lo o Choo.
1. Boehmeria densifiora; fruticosa, ramis pubescentibus, foliis oppositis b reviter petio-
latis anguste oblongo-lanceolatis a ttenuatis a rg u te serratis trinerviis su p ra e t a d ñervos
subtus strigosis, spicis femineis axillaribus folia subæquantibus cylindricis dense multifloris.
— H ab. L oo Choo.
O bd. LV . C O N IF E R Æ . Juss.
1. Podocarpus neriifolius. Lamb.— T a x a s verticillatus. Tlrnnb. Fl. Ja p . p . 2 7 6 ?—
H ab. Lo o Choo.
1. Ju n ip e ru s ta xifo lia ; arborescens, foliis obtusiusculis ternis verticillatis adultis
patulis superne concavis glaucis subtus bisulcatis, fructibus subsessilibus— J . virginica.
Thunb. Fl. Ja p . p . 26 4 H ab. Bonin.
8. J . Thunbergii; arborescens, foliis quadrifariam imbricatis oblongo-linearibus
mucronatis su p ra concavis glaucescentibus subtus convexis carinatis.—J . Barbadensis.
Thunb. Fl. Jap. p . 264.—H a e . Loo Choo.
We have not seen the fruit.
1. Pin u s U a ssm ia n a . Lamb.— V. sylvestris. T h ta b . F l. J a p . p . 274.—H ab. L o o Choo.
OuD. LV I. O R C H ID E Æ . Juss.
1. Spiranthes indica. Lindl. ?—H ab. L oo Choo.
The only specimen is very imperfect. There is another species ot this gemis in the collection, from Loo
Choo, but only in fruit.
1. Cymbidium irfsie. L in d l.— E p id en d rum teres. Thunb. Fl. Jap, p.'BO,—H a b . Bonin.
O rd. L V I I . S C IT A M IN EÆ . B . Brown.
1. Globba Dwra. Boxb. ?—H ab. Bonin.
The peduncles are solitary, and two or three-flowered.