
i i rtff
I I CHILI. [UmbeUifera:.
atis reniformibus profunde 5-lobis, lobis ovatis obtusis bi-trifidis sinubus obtusis, pedunculis
brevissimis trifloris, fructibus parvis. Hook.— Schlecht. et Cham, in Linncea, v. 1. p .
382. Hook. B o t Misc. v. p . 324.
H.\b. Conception.
2. MULINUM. Pers.
I . M . cimeatum ; foliis cuneatis trifidis segmentis planis cuspidatis, vagina elongata
rig id a cibata, umbella b reviter pedunculata multiflora.—Frag o sa spinosa. R u iz et Pav. Fl.
Per. V. 3. p . 27 ?— Azorella spinosa. Pers. ?
H;Uj. Valparaiso.—The lunbel is certainly not sessile, although the peduncles are not so long as the
leaves ; on which account, we have quoted the above synonyms with doubt, the plant having been hitherto
described with a sessile umbel. • We have also received specimens from l\Ir. Cruckshanks, hut on none of
them have n e beeu so fortunate as to find any fruit : we have referred it to Midimm on account of its habit.
3. ASTERISCIUM. Schlecht. et Cham.
1. A . chilense ;
;e; foliis trilobis inciso-serratis, pedunculis elongatis sparsis, petalis pro-
itis apicibus involucri foliolis
fmide emarginatis apicious longissimis involutis, fructu basi angustiore, i
lanceolatis incisis. Hook.— Schlecht et Cham, in Linncea, v. 1. p . 254. t 5. / 1. (fruct.)
Hook. B o t Misc. V. 1. p . 332. t 68. a .—Anisillo, vulgo Mouchu. Feuill. Chil. v . 3. t 2 .
H.U5. Conception.
4. SANICULA. Zimi.
Ì. S. liberta; foliis 5-partitis partitionibus cuneatis trilobis inciso-serratis serraturis
setoso-cuspidatis, floribus masculis paucis pedicellatis, pedicellis capillaribus fructus longitudine.
Schlecht et Cham, in L in n a a , v . p . 253.
H ab. Conception.— The above authors in the Linn®a have pointed out the following chai-acters to distinguish
these, the allied species,from the present :—1. & canadensis. Linn.; pedicellis brevibus crassis fructu
triplo hrevioribus.—2. S . canadensis. Spr.—.S. maiylandica. Willd. En.—Jacq. Coll. 2. p. 239. Ic. Rar. t. 348;
floribus masculis numerosis longius pediceUatis.—3. S. marylandica. Spr.—Lam. Ill, t. 191, f, 2; floribus
masculis paucis subsessilibus.—The S. marylandica of Linnaus is involved in much obscurity.
I. P . sativum. Hoffm.—Apium Petroselinum. Lin n .
H a b . Conception.
I. H . laterifioi-um. Koch in Nov. A c t Acad. v . 12. p . 126.—Sison Ammi. L in n . *
H a b . Conception. Probably introduced.— Dr. Gillies found this also at Buenos Ayres.
1. 0 . chilense ; hirsutum, foliis decompositis, foliolis pinnatifido-incisis, stylis brevissimis
Caulis erectus, piloso-hirsutus. Folia bipinnata, pinnis cuneato-ovatis, pinnatifidis, laciniis subdivisis,
acutis. Pedunculus folio duplo longior, hirsutus. Umbella radiis 4, glabris, 3-4-uncias longis, umbellula 6-7-
flora, pedicellis glabris fnictum ®quantibus, 8 linens longis. Involucra involucellaque nulla. Fiores nonnulli
masculi, abortientes. Fructus vix maturus linearis, basi hirsutus, attenuatus.
H aij. Conception.—This belongs to the Uraspcx-mum of Nuttall, or Osmorhiza, Raf. We are not
aware of any species of the genus having been hitherto observed in Chili.
O rd. X X X I I . R U B IA C E ® . Juss.
1. RUBIA. Linn.
1. R .R e lb u n ; to ta scabra, caule procumbente tetragono, folüs 4-nis obovato-ellipticis
mucronatis nervo marginibusque pilosis, pedunculis axillaribus l-floris solitariis, floribus
bracteis q u atuor involucratis.—Schlecht. e t Cham, in Linncea, v. 3. p . 229.— R. chilensis.
Willd. Sp. V. 1. p . 604. (excl. syn. Molin.)— “ Relbun.” Feuill. C h il v. 3. t 45.
H ad. Conception.— The berries are globose, of a red colour. Schlechtendal and Chamisso, after an
examination of Willdenoiv’s plant, consider it the same as theirs ; but they pronounce R . chilensis of Molina
to be distinct, having rounded stems. After all, however, the difference may exist only in Molina’s incorrect
ilescription, as he must surely have been acquaijited with the Relbun, Avhich is found in different parts of
Chili, as well as Brazil.
2. GALIUM. Unn.
1. G. cotinoides ; caule diffuso ramoso retro rsum scabro, foliis 4-nis lanceolatis acutis
margine nervoque retrorsum scabris, cymis paucifloris terminalibus, fructibus mlnutim
tuberculatis.—Schlecht et Cham, in Linncea, v. \ . p . 227.
H ab. Conception.—A species closely allied to G. palustre, Witheringii, and uliginosum, having the same
habit, but differing by the ahove chai’acters.
2. G. Parmense ; caule p ro strato glabro tereti 4-sulcato ramoso, foliis 4-nis lineari-
oblongis mucronatis glabris nitentibus margine revoluto internodio trip lo brevioribus,
pedúnculo communi axiliari foliis longioribus, floribus cymosis.—Spr. Syst. Veget.
V. 1. p . 387?—G. mucronatum. R u i z et Pa v . Fl. Per. v. 1. p . 60?—G. apiculatum.
Rcem. et Sch. ?
H ab. Conception.— The description given in the Flora Peruviana is too incomplete to pennit us to say
with certainty that our species is identical; and the other sjmonyms, again, depend on it. Nor are the
specimens in the collection in a perfect state ; their flowers are not even developed, and we are quite ignorant
of the appearance of the fruit.
3. G. Aparine, Linn.
H ab. Conception. Pi-obably introduced.
O r d . X X X I I I . V A L E R IA N E ® . De Cand.
1. V. crispa; foliis carnosis superioribus pinnatifido-laciniatis segmenris crispis acutissime
dentatis, panícula fructífera subcoarctata, aclieniis su b co rd a to -ovatis plano-con-
vexis late marginatis antice linea media longitudinali elevata dorso tricostatis, pappo
plumoso basi membrana unito.— R u iz et P a v. F l Per. v. 1. p . 41 ?
H ab. Conception.—We have no means of ascertaining if this be the species of the Flora Peruviana, no
figure being there given of it. Schlechtendal and Chamisso, in the Linucea, say that their specimens were
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