
1. Allocarpus sca¿r?/>/í«s; ramis pubescentibus, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis
calloso-dentatis 5-nerviis su p ra scabris subtus ad ñervos birsuto-pubescentibus, capitulis
corymbosis multifloris, ligulis 15-20, involucri squamis 15-20 3-4-serialibus striatis,
acbeniis radii glabris triq u e tris calvis, disci obovato-cylindraceis superne pubescentibus,
paleis plurimis lineari-subulatis uniserialibus.— H a b . Talisco.
Ì . Chlamysperma arenarioides ; humilis pubescenti-glandulosa, foliis ovatis integerrimis.
{Tab. L X IV .)
There cao. we think, be no doubt of the propriety of referring this to the same genus with C. pratense.
Less, and DC., so weii figured by Humboldt and Kunth under the name of Unccia pratensis (Nov. Gen.
Am. t. 401). In our plant, however, the central florets have the limb quadrifid, and they are abortive. The
curious broad iucurved wing of the marginal achenia is quite smooth, not tuberculated.
Tab. LXIV. Fig. I. P lant:—«a#, size ;—fig .2 . Capitulum ; /g-. 3. Floret from the disk ; 4 . Floret
from the ray, with the accompanying leaflet of the involucre j front view ; the fruit nearly ripe ; Jig. 5. Back
view of the fruit ; Jig. 6. Transverse section of the same -.—magnijied.
1. G n ap h a lium L .— De Cand. Prod. 6. p. 232.
2. G. iuteo-album. L .—Sm. E. Bot. t. 1002. De Cand. Prod. 6. p. 230.
1. T rix is (§ Macrochlænæ) ohvallata ; fruticosa, folüs sessilibus oblongo-lanceolatis
acutissimis sparse d enticula tis glabris subtus ju n io rib u s ramulisque subsericeis, capitulis
(magnis) corymbosis brev iter pedicellatis, involucro 8-pbyllo basi bracteis 4-5 amplis
foliaceis ovato-lanceolatis obvallato, receptáculo piloso-fìmbrillifero. ( T a b . LX V .)
Near T . longifolia, Don ; but the leaves are quite sessile. Corollas bright yellow; pappus tawny.
T a b . LXV. Fig. 1. Capitulum, with its double involucre ; fig . 2. Young floret ; fig . 3. Old do.
2. T . (} P rio n a n th eæ ) latifolia; fruticosa glabra, foliis sessilibus obovatis spinuloso-
den ta tis rigidis basi cordatis, ramis floriferis elongatis bracteatis apice laxe corymbosis,
involucri foliolis omnibus imbricatis lanceolatis spinoso-acuminatis pubescentibus, capitulis
Leaves in the lower part of the plant 4-5 inches long, ,9 broad. Lower bracteas leaf-like, small ; upper
ones acuminate subspinnlose, and gradually passing into the spinescent scales of the involucre. Receptacle
naked, Achenium erostrate. Pappus nearly white. Corollas apparently yellow,
O e d , X L IX , L O B E L IA C EÆ , Juss.
1, Lobelia ovalifolia ; berbacea ubique pubescens, caule erecto stricto, foliis sparsis
ovalibus sessilibus subcoriaceis duplicato-glanduloso-serratis acutissimis, pedicellis elongatis
solitariis axillaribus unifloris, corolla pubescente (ru b ra ) superne usque nd basin fìssa,
limbo 5-fido, laciniis lineari-acuminatis, filamentis hirsutis.
Nearly allied to L . mucrmata, Cav, (and Hook, Bot, Mag, t, 3207) ; but the leaves are much smaller, of
a different form, coming suddenly lo a very sharp point, and the serratures are considerably larger and more
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