
i,v í Ü
I f f
3. Hibiscus tricuspis; foliis incanis U'ilobis lobis lanceolatis subdentatis, pedunculis axillaribus
subbifloris terminalibus subracemosis, involucello novem-dentato. DC . Cav. Diss.
3. t 55. f . a. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 453.
4. Hibiscus tiliaceus. L in n .— Cav. Diss. 3. f. 55. / . 1. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 454.
1. Thespesia populnea. Corr.— De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 456.—Hibiscus populneus.
L in n .—R um p k. Amb. v. 2. t. 74.
1. GossA-pium Barbadeìise. L in n .— Bot. Reg. t. 84. De Cand. Prodr. v. \ . p . 456.
This agrees with the %ure above quoted in all but the presence of glands on the undereide of the
primary nerves of the leaf; but Dr. Hamilton iu Linn. Trans, v. 13. p. 492, states it as his opinion, that such
a character is not to be depended on; aud that that derived even from the duration of the stem is of no consequence.
This belongs to his G. nigrum, “ lana alba, semine nigricante,” Avhieli includes the G. Barbadense
of Linn.
1. Sida rhombifolia. L in n .— Cav. Diss. 1. t. 3 . f . 12. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 462.
2. Sida periplocifolia. L in n .— Cav. Diss,. 1. t. 5. f . 2. De Cand:. Prodr. v. 1. p . 467.
O r d . IV . B Y T T N E R IA C E ® . B r.
1. Melochia hisp id a ; tota hispida, foliis intequilateris cordato-ovatis duplicato-serratis
utrinque pilis stellatis subtus pallidis, umbellis 6 -8-floris axillaribus petiolum sub«quantibus.
The hairs on the stem, petiole, and peduncles, ai-e long, spreading, and simple, though occasionally mixed
Avith others that are shorter and stellated. Those on the leaves are altogether of the latter kind. Towards
the apex of the petiole the hairs ai-e short and much croAvded, and of a yellow coloiu-; and this portion falls
off n"ith the leaf. The calyx is glabrous, except on the margin of the segments and the line marking the
union of the sepals, Avhere the hairs are very long. We have been obliged to draAv up our description from
a solitary and indifferent specimen.
1. Commersonia echinata; caule ai-boreo, foliis ovato-lanceolatis superne glabriusculis
subtus canescentibus. D C .—Forst. Gen. p . 43. t. 22. D e Cand. Prodr. v. \ . p . 487.__
Rumph. Amb. v. 3. t. 119.
1. W a lth e ria Americana. L in n .— De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 492.—W . indica. Jacq. Ic.
R a r . V . 1. t. 130.
O r d . V. T IL IA C E ® . Juss.
1. T fw im k itu procumbens ; prostrata, caule pubescenti-tomentoso, foliis cordato-rotundatis
subintegris trilobisve obtusissimis crenatis supra glabriusculis subtus stellato-pannosis,
petalis calyce tomentoso aux longioribus, carpellis arete coalitis in capsulam globosam, setis
muricatis plumosis.— “ Forst. Prodr. n. 204.” D e Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 508.
This plant, which we take to be the T. procumbens of Forster, has petals to the flower as Avell as united
carpels, Avhence it cannot belong to either of the divisions of the genus in De Candolle’s Prodromus. The
united fruit is nearly as large as an hasel nut, covered Avith rigid and hairy or plumose bristles. (Sec. descr.
—tab. a nobis non visa.) T. Fabriano. Gaud, in Frege. Voy. p . 478. t. 102.
1. Grewia Ma//ococca ; foliis cordatis ovato-oblongis crenatis scabris, pedicellis axillaribus
trifloris. DC. L in n .— De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 509.— G. crenata. Forst. Gen. t. 39.
O r d . VI. G U T T I F E R ® . Juss.
1. CalophyUum Inophyllum. L in n .— D e Cand. Prodr. v. I. p . 562. Rumph. Amb. 2.
t. 71. Rheede, Mai. v. 4. t. 38.
O r d . v i i . S A P IN D A C E ® . J u s s .
1. Cardiospermum Halicacubum. L i n n .-B o t . Mag. t. 1040. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 601.
1. Aporética p in n a ta ; foliis pinnatis, racemo supradecomposito terminali. Forst. Gen.
t. 66. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 610.
1. Dodonsea viscosa. L i n « . -D e Cand. Prodr. v. Ì. p . 6 1 6 . -D . spathulata. Sm. in
Bees' Cycl. De Cand.
O e d . V I I I . O X A L ID E ® . Jvss.
1. O. eorniculata. L in n .— Erigi. Bot. t. 1726. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 692.
O r d . IX . C E L A S T R IN E A ! . Br.
1. Celastrus crenatus ; foliis ovatis crenatis, cymis axillaribus. DC .— “ Forst. Prodr. n.
113.” De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p . 7.
We regret that the imperteot coadition of our epecimem will not aUow us to offer any remarks upon th.s
little known plant.
O e d . X . R H A M N E A ! . Juss.
1. Pomaderris z iz ip lm d x s ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis integerrimis coriaceis supra glabris
nitidis subtus reticulatis incano-tomentosis, venis rufldulis, ramulis foliisque jumordms dense
ferrugiueo-pubescentibus, petalis calycem seq u an tib u s.-R h am n u s z.ziphoides. S p r .-D e
Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p . 21.
Folia 3 - i uncias longa, supra (siccitate) intense fusca, nitida, parallelim oblique venosa, snbtns inter
venas reticulata. Flores mediocres iu corymbis a.viUaribus folio brevioribus. Calyx extus tomentosns;
tdxus ovario truncato adherens. Stylus bilidus, ad basin villosus. Fmctus baccatus, ater, magnitudine
seminis Fisi sativi. Coca et Seuúna omnino ut in PomadaridetB.
This was on the s.ame paper with Commersonia echinata, and is probably therefore a native of Tahiti. It
s e e l to be the R k a m l x.xipluride, oS Sprengel; but it. character, and its habit too, accord best uuth
1. Ceauodms Asia tims. L in n .-C a v . Ic. v. 5. t. 440. f . 1. D e Cand. Prodr. ». 2 p 30.
-C e la s t ru s capsularis. “ Forst. Prodr. n. 112.” D e Cand. Prodr. ». 2. p. 32. -C „ lu b rm a
Asiatica. Brong.
Brongniart is of the same opinion with ouiselves. that the Celastrus capsularis of Forster is identical
with the Ceanothus Asiaticus of LinnKiis.
1. Gouauia Domingensis. L i n n . -D e Cand. Prodr. ». 2. p . 3 9 . -G . glabra. Jacq. Am.
t. 179. / 40.
O r d . X I . S A M Y D E ® . Gcsrtn.
1. Casearia foliis oblougo-elliptieis breve petiolatis coriaceis basi apiceque
acutis obsolete dentatis glabris nitidis impunctatis, pedunculis brevibus glomeraus axillaribus,
calyce 5-partito, stam. fertiUbus 10, stydo elongato, stigmatibus tribus c,ipitatis.
Of this only one specimen exists in the CoUecdon, whose flowers agree wdth those of Casearia but the
pellucid dots ill the leaves, aUudcd to by Mr. Brown as characteristic of the Order Samydea, do not appear.
The stigmas ai-e very distinct aud capitate.