
6. Polypodium Adenophorus; caudice sqiuuuoso, squamis lanceohvto-acuminatis,- stipite
brevi clavato-glauduloso, frondibus elongato-lanceolatis profunde pinnatifidi.s, laciniis tri-
angulari-oblongis obtusis integris parce ciliatis, rachi coiicolore piloso-glandulosa, capsulis
glandulis clavatis immixtis. (T a b . X X I I . )— P . pendulum. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p . 349.
(non 5za.)— Adenophorus pinnatifidus. Gaud, in Freyc. V o y .p . 365.
Caudex cnissiuscalus, brevis ? rcpeus ? deuse squamosus; sguainis imbricatis, laiioeolato-aeuminatis, reti-
ciilatis, membranaceis, intense fuscis, nitidis. Stipes brevis, vix unciam longus, teres, superne fronde dccur-
rente alatus, pilis glandulosis, clavatis, rubris, patentibus tectns. Frons spitlianiaa ad pedalcm, erecto? elas-
tice membrauacea, pallido vireus, elongato-lauceoLata, apice acuminata, iuforne sensim atteiiuata, medio
nuci.ara lata, per totam longitudincm profimde, fere ad i-acliidem, pinnatifida; laciniis liorizontaJitcr piii-
natifidis, oblongis, basi latioribus, sensim attenuatis, obtusis (bine subtriangulari-oblougis), iutegerrirais sed
marginibus paululum sinuatis, pilis subglandulosis parce ciliatis, csBteroquira glabriusculis. Rachis viridis,
utrinque siibprominens, glaiiduloso-pilosa. Sori 1-12 in singula lacinia, arete dispositi, biseriales. Capstda:
fuscie, pilis claviformibus glandulosis rubris immixtie.
This has assuredly very much the habit of the wcll.knou n P. pendtdum of the West Indies, and cannot
generic.'illy be separated from it, ivithout violence to nature. It differs as a species from that plant, in its
much greater size, in the dark-colonred longer scales of the short caudex, in the claviform glands of the
stipes, iu the different colour (never black) of the stipes, and, above all, in the presence of the peculiar
club-shaped glauds wliich are mixed with the capsules, aud which, it must be confessed, arc similar to those
which m part characterize the Adenophori—a geuus, it lias beeu observed in the leones F iliam , only to be
distinguished by the habit aud peculiar glauds, from Polypodium. In both, the sori are a t the apex of a
simple vein, not, that wo can find, “ dilated into a receptacle."
Tab. XXII. Fig. 1, Segment of a frond, with sori; fig. 2, Capsules aud clavate glands; fig . 3, Glands from
the stipes:—magnified.
7. Polypodium polycarpon; fronde pinnata, pinnis oblongis acuminatis basi truncatis
hinc auriculatis sessilibus sinuato-serratis coriaceis glabris venis superne pubescenti-scabris
ad marginem attingentibiis et in sinubus versus costam redeuntibus, venulis anastomosanti-
bus medio soriferis, soris numerosissimis.
The only sjiecimen of this plant is destitute of stipes, and presents a frond 12-14 inches long, ovate.
Kachis stout, fulvous, glossy, grooved on the upper side. Finn® 4-6 inches long, oblong, acuminate’
nearly an inch broad at the base, truncate, sessile, divided ou the upper side, tapering upwards, often sub-
falcate, rigid, subcoriaceous, glabrous, except ou the costa and nerves above. The costa sends forth its
lateral aud horizontal nerves opposite the centre of each tooth; these extend to the margin, branch off there
and descend m two opposite divisions to the sinus, whence they again enter the substance of the frond, and
form, as it ivere, a parallel intermediate nerve, reacliiug almost to the costa, and connected u ith the moin
vein by transverse bars or veinlets, near the centre of which tlie sori are produced. A somewliat similar
appearance is observable iu Aspidium Debrueilianum; but there the intermediate nerve seems rather to be
formed by the junction of the veinlets.
8. Polypodium Sandwicense; glaberrimum decompositum tripinnatum, pinnis lanceolatis
acuminatis, pinnulis oblongis obtusis basi decurrentibus grosse serratis, serraturis approximatis
acutis subincurvis, soris in tra costam e t marginem uniserialibus distinctis.
Of this Fern, we are incompetent to speali as to the habit, size, caudex, or stipes. The two specimens in
the Herbarium may even not be entire fronds, but portions of a much larger plant. Tiiey are two feet long,
ovate in outline, and rather acute, tivice divided iu a pinnated manner in the up|ier part, below thrice or
almost four times pinnated, everywhere glabrous; all the divisions approximate, the primary ones ovate.