
. O r d . X L V I Í . V A L E R IA N EÆ . Juss.
I . V a le ria n a ceraiophjlla. H . B . et Kunth, Kov. Gen. Am. v. 3 . d, 3 3 3 . t. 2 7 6 . H a b .
O r d . X L V I IL C O M P O S IT Æ . Juss.
1. Stevia glandulosa; fruticosa to ta pubescenti-glandulosa, foliis oppositis sublonge
petiolatis ovatis serratis, corymbis densis polycepiialis, involucro trifloro, pappo paleaceo
brevi exaristato.
^ H a b . Talisco.—a shrubby and apparently rather tall growing plant, every where clothed with glandular
viscid down. Leaves, including the petioles, near two incites long. Capitula very compact. Achenia
black, linear, crowned with about 5 short paleaceous, nearly equal, jagged scales.
1. E lep h an to p u s Caro/tmaws. Willd.— De Cand. Prod. ò. p . 86.
The E . nudicauUs of the United States is not specifically distinct from this.
1. Distrep h u s spicatus. C a s s .~D e Cand. Prod. v. 5. p . 8 7 .~ E le p h a n to p u s spicatus.
B . Juss.
1. Lagascea latifolia. De Cand. Prod. 5. p . 9 2 .—Nocca latifolia. L a lla v . et L e x . Nov.
Veg. Descr. 1. p . 31. Sweet. B r . Fl. Gard. ¿.2 1 5 .
1. P e c tis Taliscana ; c a u le e r e c tiu s c u lo g la b ro te tr a g o n o o p p o s ite ram o so , foliis lin e a r ib
u s a c um in a tis m u c ro n a tis g ro s s e g la n d u lo s is v e rsu s b a s in u t r in q u e 3 -3 - c ilia tis s u p r a
p u b e s c e n ti-s c a b rid is , p e d ic e llis b ra c te a tis m o n o c e p h a lis c a p ítu lo s 2 -4 -p io su p e r a n tib u s ,
in v o lu c r i sq u am is S lin e a r ib u s c o n v o lu tis a c u tiu s c u lis , p a p p o r a d ii e t disc i se tis 3 -6 a r is ta tis
b a s i d ila ta tis p a le isq u e p a u c is b re v issim is.
H a i . Talisco.—a small and incomplete specimen is all that »-e have had the oppoilunity of evamining,
but the pappus does not correspond with that of any described species.
2 . P . d iffu sa ; g la b r a , c a u le ram is q u e diffusis, foliis lin e a r ib u s su bm u c ro n a tis , p e d ic e llis
e lo n g a tis p a u c i-b ra c te a tis , in v o lu c ri sq u am is 5 o b lo n g is a c u tiu s c u lis , p a p p i p a le is se tifo
rm ib u s sc a b ris inæ q u a lib u s in d isco 1 0 -2 0 , in ra d io p a u llo p a u c io rib u s , lig u lis o b lo n g o -
lin e a r ib u s in v o lu c rum d u p lo s u p e r a n tib u s .
H a b . T a lis c o .— A llie d to P . elongata, b u t sm a lle r, and w ith a v e ry diffuse h a b it.
1. Pique ria trinervia. Cav. Ic . 3. p . 19. t. 235. De Cand. Prod. 5. p . 104.
1. Gymnocoronis latifolia; foliis ovatis serratis u trin q u e acuminatis secus petiolum
decu rren tib u s, involucri foliolis oblongis acutis.
H a b . Talisco.—The flowers very much resemble those of G. attenuata, DC.HAlomia spilanthoides,
Don ; et Hook, et Arn. Bot. of S. Am. in Comp, to Bot. Mag. v. 1. p. 238) ; but the capitula are much
larger, (he scales of the involucre broader, and the leaves are vastly longer, and two inches and more in
1. Cælestlna ageratoides. H . B . et Kunth, Nov. Gen. Am. iu p . 151. De Cand. Prod. 5.
p . 108.—Agera tum cælestinum. Bot. Mag. t. 1730.
J i
Î. Plian ia ? urenifolia; berbacea glabra, folüs alternis grosse serratis petiolatis trifidis
v. pinnatim trisectis lobo terminali petiolato trifido segmentis obtusis, capitulis paucis
axillaribus longe pedunculatis subcorymbosis permultifloris (fere Ì0 0 ), involucri squamis
s triatis externis paucis ovatis acutis, internis 40-50 lineari-acuminatis, corolla pappi
long itu d in e æquali perangusta lobis brevissimis obtusis, pap p o brevissime coroniformi in
setas tenues rigidas 4-5 producto, styli ramis elongatis longe exsertis tenuibus.
We are extremely doubtful of this genus ; but the plant has so many points in common with Phania multi-
caxdis, DC., that we, for the present, refer it to the same genus, from which it differs in many of its characters.
The scales of the involucre are very numerous ; the achenia and corolla exceedingly slender ; the setæ of
the pappus slender, rigid, rough, and of a dark purple colour.
1. Bolbostylis r ig id a ; fruticosa, ramis elongatis, foliis rigido-coriaceis ovatis acutis
sessilibus reticulatis su p ra nitidis scabris subtus albo-tomentosis superioribus minoribus
bracteiformibus, capitulis pedunculatis terminalibus axillaribusque subsolitariis, involucri
turbinato-hemispbærici foliolis imbricatis, ext. late ovatis acutis, int. oblongis.
Leaves to 2 inches long. Fiowers large. Scales of the involucre blackish a t the tips. Achenium
narrow, furrowed. Pappus of many slender setæ slightly thickened below the point.
2. B. hebecarpa. De Cand. Prod. b .p . 138.
H a b . Talisco. This seems to agree with the plant thus named, except that there are about 13 (not 10)
flowers in each capitulum.
1. Eup ato rium glaberrimum. De Cand. Prod. b. p . 144.
Specimens very imperfect.
2. E . conyzoides. Vahl, Symb. 3. p . 96. D e Cand. Prod. 5. p . 143— fi. glabrius.
3. ovali fo r u m ; fruticosum pubescens subvelutinum, foliis oppositis brevi-petiolatis
anguste ovalis acuminatis subcoriaceis 3-5-nerviis serratis, panicula trichotome composita,
involucri ovalis sub 23-flori squamis arcte imbricatis ovatis obtusis striatis nitidis.
The leaves are singularly harsh and rigid, but clothed, especially above, with a short and almost velvety
down. The involucres are almost exactly oval, contracted at the apex, and embracing tightly the florets.
It seems most nearly allied to E . divergens, Less.
4. E . nigrescens; fruticosum fere ubique glabrum, foliis oppositis ovato-deltoideis
acuminatis serratis tenuibus siccitate nigricantibus sublonge petiolatis, petiolis g racilibus,
corymbis polyceplialis, involucri brevi-cylinclracei squamis oblongis obtusis arc te imbri-
calis pubescentibus striatis sub 15-florÌs.
The old leaves are glabrous, as are the stems and older branches ; the young leaves and pedicels and involucres
are slightly downy.
5. lasioneuron ; fruticosum, foliis p a tentibus sublonge petiolatis ovatis acuminatis
submembranaceis serratis supra glabriusculis subtus ad costam præcipue lanuginosis,
corymbis poiycephalis, involucri patenti-campanulati foliolis g labriusculis laxis 1-2 externis