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1. Alpinia Allughas. Roscoe?— H a b . L o o Choo.
This, as well as all the Monocotyledones, except some of the Gramineæ and Cyperaceæ, are so mutilated
as to prevent our determination of the species with any degree of certainty.
O r d . L V I I I . L IL IA C E Æ . Juss.
1. hWmm pomponium. Thunb. F l. Jap, p . 134. H a b . L o o Choo.
O r d . L IX . A S P H O D E L E Æ . B r .
1. Allium G. D o w H a b . L o o Choo.
This is the only species to which we can refer the Loo Choo plant, but it differs by the umbel being
bulbiferous and not crowded : it may, however, be A . odorum, of Thunberg and Loureiro, which Mr. G.
Don calls A . Thunhergii. The stamens are exserted, simple, and arise from a broad triangular membranous
1. Dianella graminifolia. Dtww.—H a b . Lo o Choo.
O r d . L X . D IO S C O R EÆ . R . Brown.
1. Dioscoreajqpowtca. Thunb. Fl. Ja p . p . 1 5 1 ?—D . oppositifolia. Lour, {an L in n .? )
— H a b . Lo o Choo.
Rumphius’ Amb. 5. tab. 123, gives a good representation of our plant. Perhaps it is only a form of D. alata,
but the branches are slender and nearly terete.
O r d . L X I . C O M M E L IN EÆ . R . Brown.
1. CommeWua polygama. Roth.—H a b . Loo Choo.
O r d . L X I I . P A LM Æ . Juss.
1. Ca ry o ta urens. L in n .?—H a b . Loo Choo.
A branch of the male spadix only is present, without leaves.
O r d . L X I IL C Y P E R A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Abildgaardia Rottboelliana. a, spica solitaria demum subnutante. Nees ab Esenh.
Mst.— k . monostachya. var. indica. Va h l; Kunth, E n . 2. p . 247— H a b . Loo Choo.
1. Cyperus hexastachyus. Rottb.—JAab. Lo o Choo.
1 . Mariscus cyperinus. Vahl.— H a b . Loo Choo.
1. Chætocyperus DmwocAam. Nees ab Esenb.?—H a b . Loo Choo.
The specimens are not sufficiently advanced to enable us to determine the structure of the fruit accurately :
the stems are more slender than in the Indian specimens.
■ I
I. Fimbristylis podocarpa. N . ah E F. communis. Kunth, E n , 2. p . 235. supra, p.
225.—H ab . Loo Choo.
1. Carex Boottiana ; culmo brevissimo, folüs subradicalibus linearibus longissime
.subiilato-attenuatis margine revolutis e t ad nervum subtus scabris inflorescentiam 2-3-plo
superantibus, spica mascula solitaria terminali, fcemineis subquaternis remotiusculis
longiuscule pedunculatis erectis cylindraceis apice masculis, fructibus squama lanceolata
setaceo-acuminata brevioribus oblongo-lanceolatis rostratis rostro longe bicuspidato n e rvosis
glabris patulis trigonis, angulis duobus acutissimis dorsali obtuso, stigmatibus tribus.
— H a b . Bonin.
Allied to C. Hoenheana of Presi, but that is described as having pendulous female spikes, ovate squamæ,
and broad leaves.
O r d . L X IV . G R A M IN EÆ . Juss.
1. Paspalus Boryanus. P resl?— H ab . Bonin.
1. Pan icum Rottleri. Kunth.— Hab . Bonin.
We can perceive no difference between this and the specimens from the Peninsula of British India. The
sheaths of the leaves are hirsute, the hairs springing from tubercles.
2. P . commutatum. Nees ab Esenh.— Vide supra, p . 232.— H a b . L oo Choo.
3. P . ischæmoides. R e tz.— Vide supra, p . 28%.— H ab . Loo Choo.
4. P . miliaceum. L am .— Vide supra, p . 233.— H ab . Loo Choo.
5. P . Ralicum. L in n .— P. hordeiforme. Thunb. FL Jap. p . 46. tab. 9 .—H ad . Loo
6. P. penicillatum. Willd.— H a b . Loo Choo.
7. P . hispidulum. L am .— Vide supra, p . 235— H ab . Lo o Choo.
1. Isachne muricata. Nees ab Esenb.— Vide supra, p . 236.— Hab. Loo Choo.
The only specimen in the collection has leaves longer, in proportion to the breadth, than usual.
1. T h o u a rea involuta. Brown, Prod. 1. p. 137, in adnot.— Isachne involuta. Forst.
Prod. n. 3 85.—H a b . Bonin.
1. Chrysopogon acicidatus. T r in .— Vide supra, p . 238.— H ab . Loo Choo.
1. Imp erata Koenigii. P . de B /3, Nees ab Esenb.— Vide supra, p . 240.— H ab . Loo
1. Pogonatherum refractum. Nees ab Esenb. supra, p . 239.—Andropogon crin itum.
Thunb. FL Jap. p . 40. tab. 7— H a b . Loo Choo.
1. Spodiopogon awrews ,• caulibus cæspitosis adscendentibus nodisque glabris, foliis lan-
2 M