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Gramineoe.] C A L IFO R N IA .—SU PPLEM ENT .
G e n . C h a u . Spiculoe multifloræ, rhachilla articulata. Glumæ 2 , membranaceæ, obscure L3-nerves, flosculis
breviores. Flosculi callo truncato inserti, omnes perfecti : valvula inferior chartaceo-rigida, plurinervis,
apice membranacea, bifida, lobis proemorso-dentatis, inter lobos setigera seta recta ; superior plano-com-
plicata lateribus in medio dentato-laceris apicem versus serratis ; apice emarginato. Lodiculæ truncatæ,
connatæ. Stamina 3, (antheris violaceis.) Ovarium oblongo-lineare, glabrum j styli breves, discreti ;
stigmata parva, plumulosa.— Inflorescentia : racemus simplex, secundus. Graraina mollia. Folia brevia.
Spiculæ bromoidea, oblongo-lineares, speciosa. Locus inter Poas Glyeeriæas ju x ta Glycgrlam, cui mediante
Glyceria {Windsoria) pallida consiliaiur. Forsan hæc W. pallida, amplificato generis nostri
charactere, isti potest connecti.—Nees.
1. L . Californica, Nees v. Esenb. in Tayl. Ann. o f Nat. Hist. v. 1. p . 283. (T a b . X CV .)
T ab. XCV. F ig ..l. Flower; fìg . 2. two different views of the inner or superior valve :— magnified.
1. Bromus carinatus; annuus, caule erecto, foliis linearibus pilosis vaginis deflexo-pilosis,
racemo composito ramis 1-3-nis oligostacliyis, spiculis sessilibus lanceolatis valde compressis,
glumis lanceolatis acutissimis muticis 3-5-nerviis carinatis, flosculis patulis, g lu mella
exteriore pubescente lanceolata ex apice bifido longe setigera carinata obscure 7-
striata, in terio re bicarinata ad carinas ciliata, caryopsi bine canaliculata.
Perhaps this ought to be referred to the Genus Ceratochloe, but the straight seta, or awn, is almost as
long as the floret, and, with the exception of the compressed spikelet, the character is entirely that of Bromus.
1. Melica imperforata; panicula composita e t decomposita (an te anthesin co n tracta),
pedicellis nudis scabro-puberulis, spiculis oblongis bi-trifloris, glumis inæqualibus obtusiusculis,
superiori flosculos subæquante, valvula inferiori flosculorum perfectorum apice
brevi spatio membranaceo-appendiculata 7-nervi, flosculo supremo sterili sublineari
antheriformi, folüs anguste linearibus vaginisque scabris. Nees— Trin. Gram. Ic. t. 355.
— Melica colpodioides. Nees v. Esenb. in Ta yl, Ann. o f Nat. Hist. v. 1. p . 28 3 Poa
viridi-purpurea. Hook, et A rn . mss.
This has certainly not exactly the habit of a Poa, to which we had been disposed to refer it ; and the
flowers are fewer in number than usually occur in that Genus. In appearance it approaches slightly to
Eragrostis Koenigii, and E . interrupta, but it unquestionably is not a speeies of Eragrostis. Tlie glumes
are membranaceous, but the florets are of a firm texture, greenish and tinged with purple, their margins white
and membranaceous. We have only seen the upper portion of the plant, although the specimens are about
two feet in length ; the panicle is from 9 inches to a foot long. We adopt the Genus to which we find that
Trinius, and since, Nees von Esenbeck, have referred it.
1. Po a serotina, Gaud.— Poa fertilis, Host, Gram. 3. t. 14.
Our plant resembles that of Gaudiu in the spikelet, but it is more rigid, and the inflorescence is an interrupted,
contracted, narrow, linear, erect panicle, the lower branches of which are shorter than the internodes.
1. avenacea, L .
1. Brizopyriun spicatum.— Uniola spicata, L in .— U. stricta, Torr. in A n n . L y c . l . p .
55.—U . multiflora, Nutt.— Festuca distichophylla, Mich.— Foa Micliauxii, Kunth.
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