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ccous fronds. It is assuredly the Aspidium simmtum of Gaudichaud, but not of LabiUardiere, which has a
setoso stipes aud rachis, and tufts of hoits iu the sinuses of the margins of the fronds; and is, ntoroover, a
much less divided plant. The indusia are Tery:nnlike those of Nephrodium Hippocrqris, to which it has’ a
considerable affinity, and the colour of the stipes and rachis is different ; in tho latter particukar, too, it is at
y.mance with the Aspidium apifolium of Schkuhr; but in aU other respects, it seems entirely to accord
with that plant, whence we have been induced to adopt that name.
5. Nephrodium squamigerum; supra decompositum tri-quadripinnatum, pinnulis oblongis
obtusis pinnatifidis basi decurrentibus supra ad ñervos præcipue puberulis, stipite
rachibusque subtus dense squamulosis, squamis fimbriatis, soris subserialibus in tra costam et
marginem, indusiis reniformibus tenerrimis fimbriato-ciliatis.
The specimens in the Herbarium are but portions of a larger fi-ond, densely divided, flaccid, the primary
divisions acuminated; the upper surface glabrous, or only downy on the secondary rachides aud nerves,
while the stipes aud rachides beneath, and even the primary nerves or cost®, ai-e densely clothed ivith
copious, delicate, membranous, reticulated, aud fimbriated scales.
1. Asplénium resectum. Smith, Icon. ined. p . 72. t. 72. Forst. Prodr. n. 427.
2. Asplénium obliquum. Sw. Syn. Fil. p . 78, et 268. Schkuhr, Fil. p . 66. t. 71.—A. luci-
dum? Forst. Prodr. n. 429.
In our specimens of this variable plant, the lower pinnæ are much broader than the rest, and again pinnated
with 2-4 rhomboid pinnæ.
3. Asplénium contiguum; frondibus pinnatis, pinnis lineari-lanceolatis attenuatis inciso-
serratis serraturis dentatis basi superiore rotundato-cuneatis subauriculatis inferiore ab-
scisso-attenuatis, soris contiguis costæ parallelis. Kaulf. Enum. Fil. p . 172. Gaud, in Freyc.
Voy. p . 821.
That this may be a state of the following plant, we think very probable ; but we cannot agree rvith
Gaudichaud, that it is a variety of A . horridum.
4. Asplénium filifo rm e ; frondibus pinnatis, pinnis lanceolato-linearibus longissime
filiformi-attenuatis inciso-serratis serraturis adpressis subdenticulatis, infimis basì superne
lobato-incisis, soris contiguis costæ parallelis. Kaulf. Enum. Fil. p . 172.
5. Asplénium horridum; frondibus pinnatis, pinnis lineari-lanceolatis attenuatis inciso-
lobatis, lobis oblongis truncatis crenatis, soris costæ contiguis parallelis in lobis geminis,
stipite rachique hirsutis. K a u l f Enum. Fil. p . 173. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p . 318.
A very remarkable plant: first detected, as were the two following species, by Mr. Menzies, in the Sandwich
6. Asplénium acuminatum; frondibus bipinnatis glabris, pinnulis lanceolatis acuminatis
inciso-pinnatifidis striato-venosis rigidis basi cuneatis hinc auriculatis, lobis dentatis, soris
oblique parallelis, rachi subhirsuta.
Habit and texture of the two preceding, but constantly twice pinnated : the primary pinnæ lanceolate,
much acuminated, 4-6 inches long, having numerous pinnules, which are from an inch to an inch and a half
in length, and more or less deeply inciso-pinnatifid, according to their situation upon the plant. The veins
are almost parallel with the costa, and hence give a striated appearance to the pinnules.
7. Asplénium patens; frondibus triplicato-pinnatifidis, pinnis patentibus alternis, piii-
nulis pinnatifidis, laciniis oblongo-cuneatis apice inciso-dentatis. Kaulf. Enum. Fil. p . 175.
Gaud, in Freyc. Voy, p . 320.
This plant is a foot and a half long. Frond linoateMong. with patent short ptintary piante of a dehcate
Membranaceous texture, S o r i one or two on each lobe.
sissimis obliquis siepe geminatis.
N e i t , m r t e o n „ 7 - - ~
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9 Asnlenium ambiquum? Sw.—Schkuhr, E d . t. 75. a. h.
Without the lower part of the froud, which is wanting in onr specimen, it is difficult to say rf th,s e
decidedly the A . ambiguum of Swartz. , u ■ „
10 Asplenium P o i r e t a » ; frondibus fasciculatis decomposttts u tn n q u e g k b ris ( «
c o L medi® aV o x im a tis , caule subarboreo prostrato. G m d . » Freyc. Voy. p . 321. f.
1 D a r e a /a c c « « . Willd. Sp. PI. p . 295. (3. piimis subbipinnatifidts.
eida) again piunatifid with two or three segmente, and bcarmg two son.
1. Sadleria ci/«iAeoi*s; pinnulis remotiusculis euerviis, rachi nudo g k b e r r im a .-X « » //
Enum. Fil. p . 162.
2. Sadleria/Joffirfa; pinnulis approximatis nervosis, rachi paleacea. Hook, et rn. p . a,
kujusce operis.
See page 75 of the present volume, for some remarks ou this plant.
1 p te ris pedata. Willd. Sp. P I p . 358. Langsd. et Fisch. Ic. Fil. p . 17. t. 20.
the single specimen of this plant m the Collection.
2 Pteris alata; frondibus (3 -4 pedal.) tripinnatifidis tetrapiunatifidisve, pinnis oppos
itis 'p ilm lis liu e lri-k u c e o k tis irregulariter loba.o-pimtatifitbs acummatts k omus oblou^^^^^
knc’ed a tis subobtusis integris plerumque abortivis, inferioribus
late alata, stipite ttiangulari atro-riibro bast paleaceo. Gaud, m l ì aye. J. P- ■
(excellent.)— P. irregularis. Kaulf. Enum. Fil. p . 189.
1 Doodia A k n t tk m ; frondibus kseiculatis bmceoktis subacutis serrulatis superioribus
J J f Ì Ù L petiolatis basi cordatis infrmis subauriculatis, stip.te elongato rugose
basì squamoso. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. /i. 401. t. 14.
1. Vittaria c/ow<7«irt. Sw.
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