4. CAPSELLA. Vent.
1. C. Burm-Pastoris. Mmm:h.— De Cand. Prodr. v. I. p . 177.—Th lasp i Bursa-Pas-
toris. L in n .
Hab. Conception. In all probability imported from Europe.
1. M. linearis.— P)e Cand. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p . 420. Prodr. V. I. p . 184. Dekss. Ic.
Sei. V. 2. t. 56. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linneea^ v. 1. p . 28.
Had. Concaplion.— It is remarliable that De Candolle, who has so fully described this plant in bis
Systems Vegetabilium, and De Lessert, who has otherwise given so excellent a figure of it in his leones
Selecte, should both consider the cotyledons to be accumbcnt; whereas, in many seeds that we hare
examined, wo find that they are constantly incumbent (||o ), hcnco we have removed the genus to the
“ Notorbizeie angustisept«.”
O rd. V. B IX IN E iE .
1. AZARA. R . §- P.
Col. 4 -6 -p a rtitu s. Pet. nulla. Siam, plurima, filamentis fillformibus liberis e t fila
plurima capillaria e toro orta. Antheree 2-loc. Stylus subulatus. Stigma obtusum. Bacca
stylo apiculata, 1-loc., polysperma. Placentce 3 (seu 4) parietales.— Frútices Chilenses.
Folia geminata incegualia. Flores fragrantés. DC.
1. A . serrata; foliis geminatis serratis, majori elliptico-lanceolato minore subrotundo,
corymbis multifloris. (Tab . IV.)—B u i z et Pav. FI. Per. Prodr. p . 79. f . 36. “ Syst. p.
137.” D e Cand. Prodr. v. I. p . 262.
Frutex valde r is; ramis alternis, subdistichis, fus( as, foliosis. Folia geminata, gemiois
alteráis, membranaceo-coriacea, nervosa, distincte serrata, breve petiolata, glabra vel ad costam solummodo
obscure pubescentia ; majori duas vel tres uncias longo, elliptico-lanceolato, basi apiceque acuto, altero quadruplo
minori rotundato, basi obtuso, apice plerumque acuto. Flores in corymbis axillaribus, pedunculatis, ple-
ruraque pendentibus. Pedunculi bracteati, pedicellique pubescentes. Calyx nostris esemplanbus 5-partitus,
extus pubescens, laciniis oblongo-ovatis, acutis, cito reflexis. Corolla nulla. Stamina certe perigyna, ad
basin calycis inserta, numerosa. Filamenta longa, filiformia, basi setis numerosis intermixta. Anihera
didynne, subglobos», loculis longitudinaliter dehiscentibus. Germen ovatum, glabruiu, imiloculare, recep-
taculis 4 longitudinalibus parietalibus cui ovula plurima affixa. Stylus elongatus, filiformis. Stigma obtusum.
H ab. Conception.—We have given a figure of this plant, because we are not aware that any exists;
but we have to regret that the fruit is unknown to us, and that it is therefore out of our power to offer
any remarks on the natural order in which it should be placed. Venteuat thought it ought to rank n ith
the SamydecB or the Rosacea, only that Ruiz and Pavon expressed their opinion that it was allied to
Proclda. Adrien de Jussieu, in the Diet. Classique, says, that allied to Ahatia and Prockia, it should be
ranked with these genera among the Bixinea of M. Kunth, where, indeed, De Candolle has placed it : but
this latter author has classed Ahatia with the Tiliacea. The leaves of this plant are bitter, the flowers
T ab. IV. Azara serrata. Fig. 1, flow e r; fig . 2, Stamen; fig . 3, Flower from which the stamens are
removed; f i g . \ . Section of the germen :—magnified.
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