
This has many points in common with C. Monti; but the stem is acutely angnlar. Each ray of the
umbel has on its upper half several horizontjil alternate branches, of which the lower ai-e the longest, and the
upper gradually shorter. These again, pai-ticularly the lower ones, have also alternate branches, along which
are placed the turgid spikelets. The stem is fi-om fifteen inches to two feet high. The leaves resemble those
of some of the lai-ger species of Carex.
8. C}q)ei-us Prescottianus; spiculis linearibus elongatis compressis horizontalibus alternis
spicatis, spicis corjTnboso-racemosis, squamis hiantibus obtusiusculis nervosis, involucri universalis
p o h ’phylli foliolis tribus umbella duplo longioribus, partialibus umbellula brevioribus,
culmo acute triquetro.
There is only one specimen in the CoUection. We have named this species iu honour of J. D. Prescott,
Esq. of St. Petersburgh, who has made the Cyperaceoe his pai-ticular study.
9. Cyperus multiceps; spiculis subulatis spicatis, spicis umbellatis confertis, umbella et
umbellulis intermediis atque ultimis inultiradiatis, squamis oblongis obtusis, involucri poly-
phylH foliolis tribus inflorescentia quadruplo longioribus, involucellis umbellulas proprias
æquantibus, culmo triquetro.
Of this only one specimen exists in the Collection, The flowers are not sufficiently advanced to enable
us to decide whether it be a fi-ue Cypenis or a Papynts.
O r d . L I I . G R A M IN EÆ . Juss.
1. Digita ria C27tam. WiUd.—D. consanguinea. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p . 4\Q.
1. Panicum capillare. R e tz .— Boem. et Schult. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p . 435. Spreng. Syst.
Veget. V. I. p . S20.
2. Panicum gossypinum; totum dense ac molliter pilosum, folüs planis, panicula ramosa
effusa, ramis gracilibus, spiculis lanceolatis, glumis subæqualibus, floris neutri glumula superiori
The silkiness extends not only to the stem and leaves, but to tlie branches of the panicle aud the glumes.
The stems grow in a tufted manner.
3. Panicum affine; caule foliis (planis) vaginisque pilosis, panicula ramosa, ramis erecti-
asculis strictis pilosis, spiculis ovatis, glumis pilosis subæqualibus, floris n eu tri glumula
superiori nullo.
Closely allied to the preceding species, but the panicle is much more glabrous, and the shape of the
spikelets is very different.
4. Panicum nephelophilum ; foliis planis minute pubescentibus basi supra vaginisque
villosis, ligula nulla, panicula subcoarctata, ramis strictis erectis elongatis, glumis subæqualibus
acutis nervosis glabris, floris neutri glumula superiori brevi.— Gaud, in Preyc. Voy.
p . 411?
As it appears doubtful whether this is the same as the species discovered by Gaudichaud, wc have altered
the specific character to what corresponds to our specimens. The hairs on the sheaths of the leaves spring
from tubercles, and often fall off on the upper part. It appears to be a tall plant.
5. Panicum Beecheyi; culmo ramoso glabro decumbente, nodis sericeis, foliis convolutis
vaginisque glabris, ligula brevi ciliata, panicula contracta, glumis subæqualibus nervosis
pilosis, floris n eu tri glumula superiori minutissimo.
l 'li' '
The outer or lower j l te u l e of the neuter floret ie as lou,. as. aud similar to, the calycine glumes : the
upper one is very minute and rounded.
6. Panicum glubmm, culmo ramoso, f o l i i s convolutis, ligula cito fo rm i
brevi, panicula coarctata, glumis subæqualibus acuüs nervosis, floris neutri glumula supe-
riori subnullo.
V, , I.her „reçus 1 -U oedalis, ramosus, rigidus : m d i glahri. Folia augusta, exsieeationc conyobfe
rior panilo longior, lanceolato, acuminata. 5 - n e r ^
This is allied iu habit to Agrostis temifolia, M. B. as figured by Trinius. Spec. Gram. fm,e. 3. u. 35; hut
is a true Panicum.
1 Orthopogon compositus; spiculis m ultifloris, floribus geminis h t a t i s , glumis ambabus
a rism ü s ,e x L îo r i p a r i majori, interioris arista a b b r e v i a , flosculo neutro tn u cro n u late
foliis lanceolatis. Brown, Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p . IM . Spreng. Syst. Feget. P-
Panicum compositum. L m n . - 0 . composites, var. T n n . Spec. Gram. fa se . 16. t. 188.
1 Stenotaphrum gla irum ; sinubus racheos bi-quinquefloris spiculis absque rudimento
in ti ; f l l u lo s ! Nees ab E s e n b .-T r in . Fund. Agrost. p . 17Ò. Nees ab Esenb. Agrost. Bras,
.p 92.— Rottboellia dimidiata. Finn.
l i l l d 0 . 1 come near to Pan,asm. in which latter genus Linnmus placed S. complarmtivn.
1. Pennisetum calyculatum. Spr.— Fide supra, p . 72.
Found ill Oneeheow.
1 Vilfa Firginica: paniculæ lanceolatæ contractæ densæ, ramis approximatis sparsis
racemoso-compTsitis, gluma inferiori valvulis parum breviore, superiori eas æquante vixque
rn e ro n tem u cT om d ata , culmo ramoso, foliis disticliis patulis convoluto-subulatis glaucis,
: l l lT n q l e ba rb a te . Nees ab E s e n b .-P a l. de Beauv. Agrost. p . 16. Nees ab Esenb.
Agrost. Bras. p . 400.— Agrostis Virgimca. Lm n .
1 Eragrostis variabiUs; culmis erectis simplicibus, vaginis foliisque S ' f
.■ioidis collo barbatis, panicula ramosissima, ramis fasciculatis, spiculis 3 -U - flo u s oblong
v f H n " p a lc ;k x te r io r e acnto-miicrona.a glumisque dorso denticidato-hispiduhs
rarius olabris. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p . 408.
1 . Eleusine Indica; culmo compresso basi repente I™
maro-ine villosis, spicis digitatis strictis, spiculis subsexfloris. Nees ab Esenb. Goertn.
48. >. ! . T r i l s p e e . Gra.m. fa se . 6. ». 7 1 .-C y n o s u ru s Indiens. L,n n .