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Page 4L—Sphacele campanulata.—We have already, under this plant, referred, as a synonym, to the
Algue Laguen of Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 1, which is also the authority for the Phytoxys acidissima of Molina and
Sprengel, a n<une which has the right of priority.
Page 4L—1.* M e n t h a . Linn.— \. M. Pulegium. Zinn.—Folco, Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 28.—H a b . Valparaiso.
Pa<7e41.—3.* G a rd o q u ia. R u iz et Pav.— I. G. Chilensis; foliis lauceolato-oblongis integerrimis, pedunculis
multifloris. Benth. M S S .—H ab. Valparaiso.
Page ^ l.-T e u c r im n orchideum.— SYe now believe this to be the Teucrium heterophyllwm of Cav. Ic.
V. 6. t . 577, not of Lam., and the T . bicolor of Smith in llees’ Cycl, wMch latter name ought to be
Page 42. 1.* Verbena intermedia ; aspera, caule acute tetragono, foliis lanceolatis acutis sessilibus subconnatis
villosis grosse serratis, spicis breviusculis, corolla calycem cylindraceam plusqiiam duplo superante.
Gill, et Hook, in Bot. Misc. v. 1. p . 166.
Page 42.— 2. C it u a r e x y l o n . Limi.— \. C. cyanocarpum; spinis axillaribus, ramis teretibus pubescentibus,
foliis ovatis cordatisve mucronulatis coriaceis glabris nitidis subtus punctis impressis, pediuiculis axillajd-
bus l-3-üoris. ( T a b . XI.) Poppigia cyanocai-pa. Bert, in Bull, des Sc. Nat. 1830. Oct. 109.
Frutex ramosus plerumque spinosus, spinis (ramis abortivis) axillaribus mmc parvis nunc validis, unciam ad 2
uncias longis. Rami ieretes, juniores subangulati pubescentes. Folia opposita, pollicaria, coriacea. Lato-ovata vel
cordata, sessilia, acuta, plerumque mucronulata, integerrima, supra glabra, lævia, pai-allelim impresso-nervosa,
costa solummodo pubescente, subtus pallidiora, glabra, reticulatim venosa, venis prominentibus sub lente
punctis impressis notata. Pedunculi axillares, breves, bi-triflori. Calyx ovatus, glaber, 5-dentatus. Corolla
unciam ad sesquiunciam longa, infimdibuliformis, limbo quinquefido, lobis ovatis obtusis patentibus, intus
pubescentibus. Stamina 4, didynama, tubo corollæ inserta, inclusa. Antheroe ovatæ, obtusæ. Pistillum :
Germen ovatum. Stylus filiformis, tubi corollæ longitudine. Stigma büobum. Fructus : Drupa subsicca,
magnitudine seminis Pisi sativi, calyce persistente tecta, et basi styli coronata, demura in 2 nuces hemis-
phæricas sepai’abifls. Nuces dispennæ. Semina oblongo-ovata.
H a b . Valparaiso.—This plant we long ago received fi-om Mr. Cruckshanks, and since fi-om Mr. Mathews
and Mr. Bridges; as well as from Mrs. Graham and Dr. Bertero, who find it at Juan Fernandez; fi-om the
latter gentleman, under the appellation of Poppigia cyanocarpa, M S S ., a name we should gladly have
adopted, but that the genus seems scarcely to differ from Citharexylon. The corolla and fi-uit are the same
in both genera : the anthers are ovate, as figured in Rauwolfta flexuosa, (Ruiz and Pav. Fl. Per. t. 152, which
Mr. Don considers a true Citharexylon,) not linear, as described in Citharexylon of Mr. Don : the stigma
is 2-lobed, and the inflorescence can scarcely be called racemed. We do not indeed find the petioles to be
“ callous at the base, and evidently jointed.” The leaves are dotted on the underside, as in the Myrtaceoe.
It is named in the coimtry Arayan de Espino, and Arayanmacho.—T ab . XI. Fig. 1, Flower; fig . 2, Stamens
and stigma ; fig . 3, Fruit, enclosed in the calyx ; fig . 4, Fruit removed from the calyx ; fig . 3, The two nuts into
which the fi-uit separates ; fig . 6, Nut cut open to show the 2 seeds ; fig. 7, Seed :—all more or less magnified.
Page 43.— O r d . LV.* AMARANTÎ^ACEÆ. J uss.— \ . A . viridis. Ziwn.—H a b . Valparaiso.
Page 4 4 .-2 . Chenopodium muitifidum; foliis pinnatifidis laciniis linearibus, inferioribus subdentatis,
glomei-ulis florum axillaribus se.ssilibus. Willd. Enum.—Rcem. et Sch. v. 6. p . 260.— Dill. Elth. p . 78. t. 66.
f . 77.—Hab. Valparaiso.
Page 44.—O r d . LVI.* LAURINEÆ. Zass.—1. L a u r u s . Linn.— \. i . Pewrno.-HAn. Valparaiso.—The
specimen in the CoUection, as ivell as that from Macrae, noticed at p. 45, is destitute of flower, and in a very
imperfect state; so that we are not able to offer any further remarks upou it.
Page 43.— 3. C o l l ig u a ja . Mol.— \. C. odorifera; foliis elliptico-lanceolatis obtusis mucronatis pulcher-
rimc glanduloso-serratis, capsula triangulari tricocca angulis obtusis.—Mol. Chil.—Hooli. in Bot. Misc. v. 1.