
H a b . Between San Bias and Tepic.—Better specimens in Dr Sinclair’s collection, than we before possessed,
have satisfied us that we were wrong in referring this to De Candolle’s Tithonia pachycephala. It
is quite a different and a frutescent species.
2. T . tagetiflora. Desf. in Ann. Mus. 1. p . 46. t. 4. De Cand. Prodr. 5. p . 584.
H a b . Acapulco and Realejo.
1. Bidens hipinnata. L .— De Cand. Prodr. 5. p. 603.
H a b . Between San Bias and Tepic.
1. Lipochffita umbellata. De Cand. Prodr. Ò. p . 610.
H a b . Between Sao Bias and Tepic.
2. L . macrocephala (n . sp .) ; foliis rigidis subsessilibus ellipticis acutissimis serratis
asperis trin erv iis s u p ra pilis brevibus basi bulbosis subtus elevatim reticulatis, pedunculis
axillaribus terminalibusque solitariis monocephalis, involucri squamis magnis laxis ex l.
ovato-subrotundis in terio rib u s ellipticis apice scariosis infra apicem constrictis, acheniis
c en tra lib u s aristis 2 eiongatis.
H a b . Between San Bias and Tepic.—A solitary specimen of this is in the collection. Leaves 3-4 inches
long, harsh and rigid, with very short inconspicuous hairs. Capitula 5 or 6 times as large as m Z . umbellata.
Our Verbesina? ceanothifolia, supra, p. 299, is undoubtedly a congener with this.
1. Ta g eies multiseta ; caule erecto alterne ramoso, foliis alternis bipinnatisectis lobis
lineari-subulatis fere omuibus in setam elongatam productis, pedunculis solitariis longis
nudis monocephalis, invol. oblongo 5-dentato, flosculis 15-20, ligulis 5 parvis retusis
obcordatisve. De Cand. Prodr. 5. p . 646.
H a b . Between San Bias and Tepic.
1. Po ro p h y llum viridìflorum. De Cand. Prodr. 5. p . 648. Kleinia viridifiora.
H .B .K .
H a b . Between San Bias and Tepic,
I . Cacalia sessilifolia (n. sp. Sect. Eucacalia) ; glabra, caule herbaceo subsimplici ?
foliis pro fu n d e cordatis a n g ula to-dentatis marginatis reticulatis omnino sessilibus, corymbo
laxo oligocephalo, pedicellis nudiusculis, capitulis multifloris, involucri campanulati
squamis 10-12 ext. herbaceis in t. marginibus scariosis.
Ha«. Between San Bias and Tepic.—A flnc handsome species, allied to C. cordifolia, but quite distinct
in its entirely sessile leaves.
a. C. cirsiifolia (n. sp. Sect. Eucacalia); erecta, glabra, caule herbaceo superne suba-
phyllo, foliis inferioribus lanceolatis pinnatifidis laciniis patentibus lineari-oblongis acutis
1 -dentatis in petiolum longum basi insigniter d ilatatum atten u atis superioribus fere ad
petiolum d ilatatum reductis, corymbis amplis paniculatis, pedicellis bracteatis bracteis
subulatis, capitulis multifloris, involucri campanulati squamis sub 10 oblongis acutis
striatis interioribus latioribus late scariosis.
H a b . Between San Bias and Tepic.—A tall handsome plant with copious rather large flowers, but smaller
than in the preceding species.
1. Cirsium cernuum. L a g— De Cand. Prodr. 6. p . 639.
H a i , Between San Bias and Tepic.—The heads of flowers in our dried specimens are erect; but in
other respects the species quite agrees with the description of the plant to which we have referred it.
1. T rix is frutescens. Browne, Jam. p . 3 3 . / . 1. D e Cand. Prodr. t . I . p . 68.
H a i. Between San Bias and Tepic.—Our T r ià s latifolia (supra, p. 300) is the Acourtia forrrasa, Don,
and De Cand. Prod. 7. p. 66. and is also in the present collection. The genus Acourtia, however, scarcely
seems to differ from Trixis.
O r d . X X V I I . L O B E L IA C E Æ . Juss.
1. Lobelia laxijlora (H .B .K .) ; caule erecto ramoso, foliis subsessilibus ovato-acuminatis
serrato-dentatis, pedicellis axillaribus nudis vel medio bibracteolatis folio subæqualibus,
tubo calycis hemispbærico, Iobis lanceolatis acutis tubum longitudine æquantibus,
corolla intus pubescente 6° 8°ve brevioribus, antheris apice hirsutis, capsula semisupera.
D e Cand. Prodr. 7. p . 383. L. persicæfoîia. Cav. Ic. 6. t. 518, non L am . L . Cavanillesii.
Roem. et Sch. 5. p . 4B. Hook. Bot. Mag. L Z 6 6 6 {var. ïo\. awgosns). L . rigidula.
H .B .K . { fd e De Cand.) Siphocampylus bicolor. Don. B r it. F l. Gard. t. 389.
H a b . Realejo.—a very variable species, with the habit of Ttipa or Siphocampylus, to which latter
genus Don refers it without hesitation. In our present specimens the leaves are crowded, broadly lanceolate,
acuminate, wrinkled, more or less downy, especially the upper ones. The flowers do not extend much beyond
the length of the leaves. Our Z . lanceolata and angulato-dentata (supra, p. 801.) and Z. ovalifolia
(supra, p. 299), belong to the same group with tlie present, and may possibly be forms of the same species ; but
if so it is the most variable with which we are acquainted.
O r d . X X V H I . E R IC E Æ . Juss.
1. Gau lth eria odorata. H .B .K .—3. Mexicana. De Cand. Prodr. I . p . 595.
H a d . (3. Realejo.— The pedicels are scarcely so long as De Candolle describes them to be in this variety ;
but the plant is quite the same as Andrieiix’s PI. Mex. n. 264, to which De Candolle refers.
O r d . X X IX . A P O C IN E Æ . B r.
1, Vinca rosea. L.
H a d . Between San Bias and Tepic. No doubt an introduced plant.