
to Vf
1. Cressa Truxilletms. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 119.— C. arenaria. IVUlc/. in
Roem. et Sch. 6. p. 207.
Too near C. indica ; and that again Choisy is disposed to consider as a mere -variety of C. Cretica.
I. Cuscuta foetida. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 122.
O r d . L X . B O R A G IN EÆ . Juss.
I. Cordia Gerascanthus. Jacq. Am. p. 43. i. 173./. 16. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 69.
1. T o u rn e fo rtia hirsutissima. Sw.—H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. S. p. 80. Schlecht. in
Linnæa, 6. p. 379.
2. T . stjnsystachia. Boem. el Sch. 4. p. 53 9— Heliotropium, Buiz et Pav. FL Perm
2. p. 3. t. 109.
3. T . Caraccasana? H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 80.
1. Tiaridium Indicum. Lehm Heliotropium Indicum . L.
1. He lio tro p ium Patabilcense? H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 87.
O r d . L X I . SO L A N EÆ . J u s s .
1. N icotiana plumhaginifolia. Viv. in Roem. et Sch. 4. p. 321. Schlecht. in Linnæa, 5.
p. 111.— N. crispa. Desf.—Jacq. Fragm. n. 187. t. 84.
1. Physalis pubescens. L .—Nees ab Esenb. in Linnæa, 6. p. 467,’ cum synon.
1. Briigmansia cawrffrfa. Pers— D a tu ra arborea. Willd.
1. Solanum rubrum. Mill.—Dun. Sol. p. 155.— S. nigrum, m ru b rum . Willd.
2. S. refractum-, fruticosum, ramis pubescenti-ferrugineis scabris aculeatis, foliis glabriusculis
profunde pinnatifidis costa subtus aculeatis, laciniis remotis patentibus lato-
lanceolatis integerrimis terminali longiore, racemis folio longioribus lateralibus compositis,
ramis elongatis refractis apice præc ipue floriferis, floribus secundis, pedicellis
florem æquantibus, calyce hemispbærico-campanulato 5 -dentato glabro, corolla profunde
Leaves a span long, tapering gradually into a short footstalk ; the midrib beneath, and the branches, clothed
with numerous short recurved prickles. Flowers apparently white, and about the size of those of S.
3. S. torvum. Sw.
4. S. verbascifolium. Linn.—Jacq. Hort. Vind. 1.;?. 13.
5. S. Carolinense. Linn.—Jacq, Ic. Rar, 2. ¿ .3 3 1 .
O r d . L X I I . A C A N T H A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Justicia (Leptostachya. N. ab E.) pectoralis. Linn.
]. E ly tra ria ramosa. H. B. K. Nov. Gen, Am. 2. p. 235.
There are seven other species of Acant/iaceoe, but in too imperfect a state to allow us to determine one of
O r d . L X I IL V E R B E N A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Callicarpa Americana. Willd.—Lam. III. t. 69. f . I.
2. C. subpubescens; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis u trin q u e atten u atis petiolatis serratis
glabris adultis subtus sparse stellato-pubescentibus, pedunculis axillaribus petiolum
æquantibus, floribus copiosis cymosis.
Leaves, including the petiole, nearly a span long, two inches broad in the widest part, closely serrated.
3. C. parvifolia ; foliis coriaceis obovatis obtusissimis breve petiolatis læviter crenatis
su p ra adultis glabris subtus dense cano-toraentosis reticulatim venosis, pedunculis petiolum
æquantibus, floribus capitato-cymosis.
Leaves an inch and a half long ; the younger ones inclining to rust-colour beneath. The peduncles and
petioles are densely stellato-tomentose, like the under side of the foliage.
1. mollis. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 245.
H a b . Acapulco.— Corolla short, tubular, 5-lobed ; four lobes uniform, the fifth dilated, flabelliform, and
cucullate. Ovary 4-lobed.
2. V. fiavens ? H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 246.
Our specimens have no fiowers ; but the foliage seems to agree with that of V. fiavens.
1. L ip p ia callicarpæfolia. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 268.— H a b . Talisco.
2. L. myriocephala. Schlecht. in Linncea, 5. p. 98. and 6. p. 372.
The foiiage and the stems of this are extremely scabrous.
1, Verbena veronicoefolia. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. 2. p. 275.
Very near some of the varieties of V. officinalis.
2. V. Aubletia. Jacq.— V. elegans? H. B. K.Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 273,
1. Stacb y iarp h eta dichotoma. Vahl.—H. B. K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p. 2 79.—Verbena
dichotoma. Ruiz et Pav. 1. t. 34.
]. L a n t a n a ; fruticosa, ramis angulatis scabris, foliis breve petiolatis ellipticis
rigidis serratis strigoso-scabris reticulatim venosis rugosis, pedunculis axillaribus
solitariis p etiolum æquantibus, capitulo subgloboso p edunculi longitudine, bracteis cordatis
acutissimis appressis pilosis.