collected ni fruit, but they have omitted to give a descrìption. If ours prove distinct, it may bear the name
of V, pterocarpa.
2. V. hyalinorhiza ; herbácea pubescens, foliis radicalibus subrotundo-spathulatis crenatis
caulinis lyrato-pinnatifidis, panicula fructífera anguste elongata, acheniis oblongo-
ovatis hinc longitudinaliter sulcatis dorso tricostatis pilis longis patentibus tectis pappo
plumoso coronatis.—.ñm ’: et Pav. PL Per. v. 1. p . 41. t. 67. f . b. (status junior.)
Hab. Conception.—This appeare to be only knoM-n to previous authors iu a young state, its fruit being
always described as croivned M-ith minute teeth, -which, eveutiially, as in the other species, change into a
feathery pappus. The V. hyalinorhiza, Hmub. and Kunth, v. 3. p. 331, “ acheniis glabris, foliis'’glabrius-
culis,” is surely different from the Chilian plant.
2. FEDIA. Gart.
1. F. la xa ; herbácea glabra, foliis radicalibus cordato-ovatis obtuse dentatis caulinis
lyrato-pinnatifidis lobo terminali maximo, panicula laxa divaricata, pedicellis ultimis
brevibus congestis, acheniis ovatis hinc excavatis dorso tricostatis annulo crenulato co-
H ab. Conception.—This approaches most in habit to Valeriana paniculata of the Flora Pei-uviana, but
that is pubescent, and has a pappose fruit. The achenium of oiir plant has, in addition to the three strong
dorsal ribs, a lateral one on each side, though not so elevated as the others.
O r d . X X X IV . C O M P O S IT ® . Juss.
S u b o r d . I. C ic h o r a c e a : . Juss.
1. SONCHUS. Linn.
1. S. oleraceus. Lin n .
H ab. Conception.
2. H Y PO C H ^R IS . Linn.
1. H . apargioides; foliis radicalibus lanceolatis basi attenuatis sinuato-dentatis nunc
pinnatifidis hirsutulis, scapis elongatis ramosis, bracteis linearibus subintegerrimis, ramis
unifloris, involucro densissime ferrugineo-tomentoso, pappo sessili.
H.AB. Conception.— Plant fi-om one and a half to two feet high. Leaves from four to six inches long.
S u b o r d . I I. L a b i a t i e l o r ì e . DC.
I. P . ilicifolia; foliis ovalibus rigidis coriaceis nitidis reticulatim venosis marginibus
dentato-spinosis, panicula terminali, involucri foliolis externis minutis ovatis subcoriaceis
interioribus sensim majoribus membranaceis, pappo scabro apicem versus subpiumoso.
Hab. Coquimbo.—‘Undoubtedly a congener of P. pyrifolia, which we have received from Chamisso,
gathered a t Conception ; and from Dr. Gillies, from the neighbourhood of Concon, who states it to be the
“ Voqui," or “ Boqui,” of Chili. This must not, however, bo confounded with the Boigue of Chili, which,
Mr. Cruckshanks informs us, is the Drymis chilensis, (Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 6.)
4. LEUCiERlA. Lag. DC.
1. L .? senecioides; caule erecto ramoso, foliis pinnatifidis laciniis inciso-angulatis subtus
incano-tomentosis, floribus laxe paniculatis, involucri squamis scariosis obtusissimis
inferioribus albo-tomentosis.
Caulis subnedalis, ramosus, arachnoideo-tomentosus. Folia digitalia, basi semiamplexicaiiha, profunde
pinnatifida, segmentis angulato-laciniatis, laciniis superioribus elongatis, attenuatis. Involucrum
hemisnh®ricum, imbricatiiin, squamis oblongis, exterioribus obtusis, albo-lanuginosis ; mtenoribus acutis, vel
etiam acuminatis, scariosis, margine subciliatis. Flosculi purimrei, bilabiati, exteriores radiati, labm exteriore
oblongo patente, interiore 5-plo minore, recurvato, bipartito, laciniis linearibus; intenores labio extenorc
parvo, lineari, erectiusculo, interiore duplo minore, recurvato, bipartito, lieceptaculum punctatum, nudum.
Achenia (vix matiu-a) oblonga, basi attenuata, siccitate rugosa. Pappus subplumosus, sessilis, albiis.
H ab. Conception.—We believe that this belongs to tbe Leucmria of Lagasca, but we do not find any
trace of pale® among the radiate florets.
5. CHAITANTHERA. R u iz ^ Pav. DC.
1. C. chilensis; foliis lineari-lanceolatis ra rite r serratis, inferioribus sericeis.—Zie Cand.
in Ann. du Mus. v. 19. p . 70. t 3 ?
H ab. Valparaiso.—In our plant the root is annual, and from the crown of it issue several short, u s i ^ y
one-flowcred stems. The leaves are nan-owly spathulate, obtuse, and very sharply toothed. The figure p v e n
by De Caudolle bears hardly any resemblance to our specimens, and we should not have had tbe least idea of
its being the same, did we uot possess a specimen from Chamisso, which is consequently the same as that
described by Lessing in the Liun®a, named as ahove, and identical with our owu. Mi\ Cruckshanks, IVh.
Macrae, Mr. Bridges, aud Dr. Gillies have also gathered it a t Valparaiso.
1. B .? ulicina; foliis subulatis rigidissimis pungentibus, spinis nullis, involucri foliolis
subulatis rigidis scariosis (flavis), exterioribus recurvis ciliatis interioribus erectis extus
sericeis, pappo piumoso.
H ab. Coquimbo.—The only specimen we have ever seen is too imperfect for us even to ascertain the
genus with any certainty. The habit is very remaikable. The plant shrubby, with glossy, yet slightly tomentose
branches; leaves iniraei-ous, about tliree-foiirtlis of au inch long, shining, with an obscure nerve at the back,
grooved ivithin, very rigid, and tipped with a yellow pungent point, bearing always in their axils a cluster
of young leaves, u'hich are slightly domiy. The receptacle is dotted aud naked, and tbe general aspect of
the floiver not unlike that of Carlina vulgaris.
7. TRIPTILION. R u iz Pav. D C .
1. T. spinosum; herbaceum, foliis radicalibus pinnatifidis, caulinis sessilibus inciso-
dentatis spinosis, caule superne paniculato-coryniboso. Spr.— B u i z et Pav.
H ab. Valparaiso.
S u b o r d . I I I . C o ry -m b i f e r ì e . J u s s .
1. E,. reticxdatum ; fruticosum, ramis angulatis, foliis oblongo-ovatis subattenuatis
petiolatis crenato-dentatis subcoriaceis subtus reticulatis junioribus p re c ip u e viscosis,
panicula corymboso-capitata, involucri sub-13-flori foliolis serie duplici glanduloso-pilosis.
H ab. Valparaiso.—This seems to approach very near to E . viscosum, Kuuth, but that is described with
a diffuse panicle, while iu our plant the flowers ai-e in a compact head.
9. CACALIA. Linn.
1. C.? dexiticxdata; fruticosa pubescenti-lanosa, caule angulato, foliis subcoriaceis