
O e d . X I I I . O X A L ID EÆ . D e Cand.
1. Oxalis coraicKlata. L in n .— Thunb. PI. Ja p . p . \8 7— O. repens. Thunb.
O r d . X IV . Z A N T H O X Y L A C EÆ . A dr. de Juss.
1. T o d d alia ara?eate. Pers.— Wight et Arn. I. c .p . 14,9.
H a b . L oo Choo.
1. Zanthoxylon piperitums aculeis stipularibus parvis rectis, foliis impari-pinnatis,
foliolis 7-11 obovato-oblongis obtusis crenulntis margine subrevolutis basi cuneatis
inæqualibus, petiolo anguste marginato, pedunculis axill.aribus brevibus ramosis paucifloris,
ovariis duobus.—Z. p iperitum . Dc Cand. Prod. 1. p . 7 2 6 ?— F a g a ra piperita.
L in n . Sp. p . 127 ? Thunb. Fl. Jap. p . 64 ?
H a b . B o n in .— In o u r p la n t th e le a fle ts d o n o t exceed th re e and a h a lf, o r a t m o s t fo u r lin e s m le n g th ,
w h ile m a n y are o n ly a b o u t tw o and a h a lf; an d it is p rin c ip a lly fro m th e ir sm a ll size th a t w e h a re doubts
a b out th e syn o n ym s adduced.
O e d . X V . C E L A S T R IN E Æ . Brown.
1. Evonymus Jajoonicas ; ramis erectis, foliis ovalibus basi cuneatis coriaceis obtusis
■ obtuse serratis, pedunculis compressis 2-3-chotomis folia subæquantibus, floribus 4-fidis,
petalis rotundato-obovatis margine glabris stamina paullo superantibus, “ capsula sub-
globosa 8-4-sulcata.” (T h u n b .)—E . Japonicus. Thunb. Fl. Jap. p . \W . D cC a n d .P ro d .
a. p . 4. (T a b . L IV .)
Hab. Bonin. From this, E . Japonicus of Dr. Wallich, and of Mr. G. Don, in Mill. Diet. 2. p . 5, is
quite distinct. *Thunberg's description is, on the whole, so accurate, that it is unnecessary here to give a new
one. The leaves vary a little in shape, being sometimes oblong, sometimes obovate. The petals are rather
longer than broad.
T ab. LIV. Evonymus Japonicus. Fig. YiovfST-, f i g . m a g n i f i e d .
O r d . X V I . IL IC IN E Æ . Brongn.
1. Prin o s integra; foliis coriaceis venosis sempervirentibus integerrimis obovato-
oblongis obtusiusculis, pedicellis femineis aggregatis, fru c tu quadripyreno.— Ilex integra.
Thunb. Fl. Jap. p . 77 ?— I. asiatica. L in n . Sp. p . 710 ?
H ab. Bonin.—Wo refer this lo Prinos rather than to Ilex , principally from the inflorescence. The
leaves of the specimen before ns are from three to four inches long ; whereas Thunberg says of his plant that
they are only an inch ; the petioles ot the Bonin plant ate three-fourths ot on inch long, of Thunberg s “ vix
O e d . X V I I . R H A M N E Æ . Juss.
Berchemia lineata. De Cand.— Vide supra, p . 177 ei tab. X X X V I I .
H a b . Loo Choo.