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O r d . X X X V I . B O R A G IN E Æ . Juss.
1. Cordia (G e ra sc an th u s) tomentosa. Cham, in Linnæa, v. 4. p . 472.
Hab. Between San Bias and Tepic.—This exactly agrees with authentic specimens of C. tomentosa from
tropical Brazil in our Herbarium. The species is at once distinguished from G. Gerascanthus, nobis (supra,
p. 304.) whieh we believe to be the true plant of Jacquin, by the larger, more acute leaves, less tapering at
the base, clothed beneath with stellated pubescence, by the smaller flowers and shorter calyx, in proportion to
its size.
2. C. (Va rro n ia ) multispicata. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnæa, 4, p . 490.
H ab, Between Saii Bias and Tepic.—This differs in no respect from our authentic specimen from the
Berlin Herbarium, except in the leaves being of a thinner and more membranaceous character.
O r d . X X X V IL A C A N T H A C E Æ . Juss.
1. A p h e lan d ra cristata. B r . in Bot. Mag. p . 1578— Ju sticia c ristata. Jacq.
H ab. Acapulco.
O r d . X X X V I I I . V E R B E N A C E Æ . Juss.
1. L ip p ia asperifolia. R ic h .—Hook. Bot. Misceli, v. 2. p . 236.
2. L . geminata. H .B .K . Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p . 266.
Hab. Realejo.—This seems to agree with the L . geminata, H.B.K. except that the leaves are more
generally obtuse than acute.—It is also nearly allied to L . microphylla, Cham, et Schlecht.: but there the
leaves are smaller, more harsh and wrinkled, and the scales of the capitula are acuminated.
O r d . X X X IX . L A B IA T Æ . Juss.
1. Hy p tis (Polydesmia ) rhyUdea (B e n th . PI. Hartweg. p. 2 1 .); fruticosa, ramis glanduloso
pubescentibus, foliis brev iter petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis serratis rigidis supra
scaberrimis subtus puberulis, floralibus parvis subovatis acutissimis, capitulis paucifloris
densis subsessilibus, in racemum terminalem in te rru p tum subramosum dispositis, bracteis
paucis oblongo-linearibus subulatisve calyce plerumque brevioribus, calycibus pubescentibus
subviscosis, fructiferis acutis obliquis rigidis, dentibus lanceolato-subulatis sub-
spinescentibus, corolla calyce parum longiore leviter pubescente. Benth.
H a b . Between San Bias and Tepic.—This is the same plant with Hartweg’s n. 170 from Bolanos, and of
which Mr Bentham says, “ Species distinctissima, habitu quodammodo H. rubicundam refert, inter Po lydesmia
et Minthidio media.”
O r d . X L . L E N T IB U L A R IE Æ . Rich.
1. P in g u icu la lilacina (Cham, e t Schlecht. in Lin næa, v. 5. p . 9 4 .); foliis ro tu n d ato -
ovatis obtusis siccitate hyalino-membranaceis u trin q u e n igro-punctulatis su p ra pilosiusculis,
p edunculis puberulis, calcare cylindrico obtuso, corollæ totius q u artam p artem
H a b , Between San Bias and Tepic.—Flowers lilac-colour. Leaves very large, broad, and peculiarly thin
and semi-transparent.
O r d . X L L N Y C T A G IN E Æ . Juss.
1. Mirabilis Jalapa. L .
H a b . Realejo.
O r d . X L H . E U P H O R B IA C E Æ . Juss.
1. Ja tro p h a urens. L .
H a b . Realejo.
1. P a lech am p ia hibiscoides : foliis trip a rtitis argute denticulatis utrinque hirto -p u b escentibus,
stipulis basilaribus b ipartitis, bracteis involucrantibus trifidis hirto-puberulis
glanduloso-ciliatis. H .B .K . Gen. Am. 2. p. 102.
H a b . Realejo.
O r d . X L I I I . P I P E R A C E Æ . Kth.
1. P ip e r erftpitcmw (n. sp.) ; caule fruticoso tereti tuberculato maculato, foliis glaberrimis
submembranaceis oblongo-ellipticis integerrimis nervosis obtusissimis basi valde
inæquaîi u trin q u e ro tundatis subtus reticulatis, petiolo brevi canaliculato tuberculato
basi amplexante, spadice longitudine foliorum.
H a b . Realejo Leaves 4-5 inches long. Stem almost black, with small light brown spots.
O r d . X L IV . C O N I F E R Æ . Juss.
1. Pin u s radiata. Don.— Hook, et Arn. supra, p . 392.
H a b . San Juan mountain, near Tepic.—The cone of this was noticed by us at p. 392 : and if we are cor