t J
T IR . L W m
â\ Plumba'jinw..} MEXICO. *^>7
axillaribus solitariis unifloris folio brevioribus, calyce 4-p artitij laciniis lanceolatis in-
æqualibus foliaceis costatis corollam 5-p artilam rotatam superantibus, filamentis glan-
clulosis, stylo incrassato. ( T a b . L X V I I I .)
A Iruticosc plant, with leaves a good deal resembling those of L . EphernErum, but with a totally different
T a d . L X V III. Lysimachia glaucophylla. Fig. L Flower; ß g .2 . Corolla laid ojjen ; ß g . '-i. Kistil
O k u . L X V I . S C R O P H U L A R IN E Æ . J u s s .
1. Buddlea decurrens. Schlecht. in Linncea, b .p . 105.— An B. acum in a ta .' IJ. B . K.
1. Stemodia parviflora. A it.—Schlecht. in L in n . 6. p. 376.
1. Mimulus glahratus. 11. B . K. Nov. Gen. 2. p . 297. Schlecht. in L in n . 5. p . 107.—
H a b . Talisco.
1. Scoparia annua. Schlecht, in Linncea, 6. p . 375.
2. S. dxdcis. L in n .
1. Cap ra ria hirsuta. H . B . K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p . 35 5.— &. minus vU!(»a.
2. C. saxifragoefolia. Schlecht. in L in næ a , 5. p . 105.
1. Herpestes chamoedryoides. H. B . K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p . 296. SchiediL in LxnTuta,
5. p . 107.
2. H . Monnieria. H . B . K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p . 3 66.—Gratio la. L .
1. Bucbnera elongata 9 Sw .—Schlecht. in Linncea, S. p . 2-45.— H a b . Talisco.
1. Castilleja integrifolia. L .— Smith Ic. PI. p . 39. t. 39, H . B . K. Nov. Gen. Am . 2.
p . 330.
1. Lamourouxia multifida f H . B . K. Nov, Gen. Am. 2. p . 339.
2. L . cordata. Schlecht. in Linncea, b .p . 103.
H ab. Talisco This must be, in a living state, a very fine plant, 2-3 or more feet high, with looe fpikes
of large scarlet secund flowers.
1. Russelia floribunda. H . B . K. Nov. Gen. Am. 2. p . 359. Schlecht in L inrum. 5.
p . 106.
2. R. rotundifolia. Cav. Ic. b .p . 9. t 514.— H.ab. Acapulco.
O r d . L X V I I . P L U M B A G IN EÆ . J u s s .
1. Plumbago Me.xicana? H . B . K. Nov. Gen. Am. Z. p . 224.
It seems scarcely to difter from P. Zeylanica, and may perha{»s be cultivated.