
Oun. IV. M A IaV A C E tE . Jm s .
1 Malv.a rotunilifolia. L in n .— De Cand. 1‘rnár. v. l .p . 433.
1 Hibiscus Ymnejianus; caule fruticoso vclutino aculeato setífero, foliis ^ n l a t t s su b tn -
lol,i! ,lentato-serr.atis, involucelli foliolis 10 teretibus .apice d.vancato-biñd.s— GaKrf. m
Frene. Fon. p . 91 ? (absque descriptione.)
Caulü fruticosus, douse vcluliuus, sotis couspcrsus, aculcutus (secundum Collie at acule, a n.du,s non to ,.;
Hamuli Tclutiui setifori. Petioli velutini duas poUiccs long!. Folia cordata, 3-5-lel.ata, angidn. obtusis, lobo
medio l.roductiore i.Tcuularitcr dentato-serrata, petiolum longitudine a.qinintia, subtus velutina, supra scabra.
s X S axilares, velatini, setiferi, petiolum vix superantes. LoolueelM M e la 1 0 teretia h.sp,do-
sctosa .apice bilobo, lobis parvis patentibus, Sepala 5 ad medium eoalita, dense setifem, d o r» " “ fS'“ «!“ "
n c l s a f r e t i c u l a tt e v c n i . L a , a “ rosea” (CoUie.) Carpdla polysperma. troncata, dorso pdr, albubs
rigidis appressis dense tecta. Semina subrcniformia, grisca, glabcmma. , \
Wo have no authority for supposing this to be the H. Ymngkenus “ndYs
states it to bo a new species of the section Furearia of Dc Candolle, to which our, certmnly belongs, and .s
a species closely allied to H. bifurcatns, Cav. It was found m Oahu.
2 . l ì . B o n /a n u s ? D e Cand. P r o d r . V . Ì . .P - * * 6 . . a , . » r,
From the imperfect state of the specimen before ns, we cannot affirm it pos.tively to be the p l a n ^ f De
Candofie. The leaves aro ovate, slightly coriaceous. 3-nerved, perfectly smooth, and quite entme ^ e pe-
dimeles are short scarcely an inch long, and very stout. The calyx ¡S-toothed, and spht up on one side by
^ sw e l l in g of the fr .d t,L in Do Candolle’s section Mani,m l The carpel, are
covered with fulvous hairs. Perhaps, then, this is a new spcc.es, and more closely alhed to /?. rbombjohm,
Z hut l e possess a plant in Holer from Owhyhee, coUccted hy Mr. Macrae in Byron’s Bay. which seems
to he the same as om-s : this certainly belongs to the section CrmaMia hy the n a ta e of ns c o ro l^ oM
has toothed leaves, as in H. Boryanue; the flowers arc, however, red, not white, and the leaves are
3-nerved, as in the specimen from Oahu. •
1. Gossypium indicum. L a n .— De Cand. Prodr. v . l . p . 436. Cav. Diss. 3. 1.169. Bmnph.
A m b . v . i . t . 12. ..
1, Sida ulmifolia; foliis ovato-cordatis acuüs serratis glabriuscidis, pediceUis » lito n is
1-floris petiolo subiequalibus, carpellis 5 longe birostratis.— Can. DiSS. 1. p . lo . t. 2. / 4 .
De Cand. Prodr. v . l . p . 4 6 4 Ì
Found in Oahn, where it was also met with by Mr. Macrae. It differs prmeipaUy from S. vlmjo lm ot
Cavanilles, by the leaves being not acuminated and scarcely at all pubescent; hut we do uot consider it a
distinct species.
2. S. rolnndifolia. Cav. Diss. 1. p . 20. Í. 3. / 6. ci I. 194. f . 2. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p.
There are tlfrce states o t this species iu the Collection; one with the pedicels » lita ry andthisroppears
to he to . Mpe o r th e species; a u o tllr nd.h the pedicels in palm, “
the tops of the short young branches, but differing from the former m no ether respect;
leaves mnch smaller and rounder than either of the others, and the pedimcle sohtiuu. V e
disposed to have sepai-ated these into as .many distmct species, hut Mr. Colhe, whose note- B
them .1 1 by the manuscript name ot S. inxynalis, stating that them vcrnacnto appellation i s ^ i i i a . whale,
iqrain Gaudichand remai-ks that Bima, Irima, and Onirima. are all apphcable to S. rotundijoba.
O rd . V. B Y T T N E R IA C E iE . Br.
1. W a lth e ria Americana. Lin n .— De Cand. Prodr. v. I. p . 492. Y . indica, Linn.
M b -