
length, and two of the stamens arc equally united, one on each side the vexillum, with these combined
claws. The other eight stamcDS are free. The germen is linear, glabrous; the style filiform and much curved.
In our A . papposa, the base of the limb of the vexillum has a tuft of hairs, and the upper teeth of the
calyx are remarkably short.
2. A . microphylla ; caule fruticoso ramosissimo, ramulis striatis pubescentibus divari-
cato-spinescentibus, foliolis minimis 6-jugis orbicularibus brevissime petiolulatis pubescentibus,
racemis subcapitatis terminalibus simplicibus spinescentibus, bracteis orbicularibus,
leguminibus triarticulatis, setis longissimis plumosis basi rigidiusculis nudis. (T ab. IX .)
Frutex decumbens, valde dichotomeque ramosus, ramis divaricatLs, striatis, spinescentibus, tuberculiferis,
tuberculis squamosis (e stipulis vctustis, persistentibus), foliiferis. Folia pari-pinnata, subcamosa, pubescentia,
foliolis minutissimis subsexjugis, oppositis, remotis, brevissime petiolulatis, cito decidáis. Stipules diue,
parv®, ovat®, in unam bifidam concrct®, persistentes. Racemi terminales, 6-8-flori, subcapitati, rachi demura
spinescente. Bractea parva, subrotunda. Pedicelli semiunciam longi. Ccdyx campanulatus, breviter 5-
dentatus, pubescens. Pétala staminaque libera. Al<s extus transversim rugos®. Legumen triarticulatura,
articulls semiorbiculatis, setis longissimis, flexuosis, plumosis, basi nudis, rigidiusculis dense tectis.
H ab. Valparaiso.—This and the following species belong to a groupe of Adesmies hitherto undescribed,
having fruticose, spinescent stems, and small rigid and somewhat fleshy leaves, a plumoso-setose fruit, and
free stamens and petals; of which several have been collected in Chili and Mendoza by Dr. Gillies and
Mr. Cruckshanks. The present species was first detected by Mr. Menzies, whose specimens we possess. It
has also been gathered by Mr. Macrae.
T ab. IX. Adesmia microphylla. Fig. 1, Flower; fig . 2, Petals separated from the calyx; Jig. 3, Canna;
Jig. 4, Single stamen; Jig. 5, Pistil; Jig. 6, Legumen; flg . 7, Inner view of one of the valves:—
3. A . glutinosa; caule fruticoso ramoso, ramulis p atentibus glanduloso-hirsutis glutinosis
spinescentibus, foliolis subtrijugis ellipticis hirsutis, racemis elongatis terminalibus simplicibus
spinescentibus bracteisque linearibus glanduloso-hirsutis, leguminibus triarticulatis
longissime setoso-plumosis.
Hab. Coquimbo.—This differs from the preceding in its laiger leaflets, longer racemes, narrower
bracte®, longer pedicels, and in the viscid glands and patent hairs which clothe all the younger parts of the
plant except the corolla.—The genus Adesmia has been divided by De Candolle into two sections ; the one
Patagonium, characterised by the pods of from 4 to 8 joints, and either scabrous or puberulous: the other,
Chcetotricha, having a pod of 2 joints, wrinkled, and hearing plumose set®. He even thinks the latter
ought to form a distinct genus. We, however, possess some that cannot be referred to either section, but are
interraedi.ate; nor do we think the arrangement otherwise a natural one : we prefer, therefore, the subjoined
divisiou, aud ivill notice some other species not in the collection, but which we have received from Chili.*
* S ect. I. Herb® anmun. Flores inferiores axUJares sdiiariipeduncidati, versus caulis apicem, foliis decresceatilms, paniculam
efformantes. Habitus Smitkix.—Hue A. muricata, Smithue, et hispidula. BC.
1. A. tenella; pubescenti-hireuta eglaiidulosa, caulibus procumbentibus simplicibus, foliolis 3-4-jugis nunc cum
impari obovatis obtusis retusisve pedicellis inferioribus folium aquantibus, calycis laciniis ovato-lanceolatis subse-
qualibus, legmnine 2-3-articulato rugoso muricato calycem squante.
Had. Chili, il/r. Cruckshanks. Hills near Valparaiso. Mr. Bridges.
2. A. angiistifolia; pubescenti-hirsuta eglaodulosa, caulibus procumbentibus, foliolis remotis 4—5-jugis linearibus
obtusiusculis, pedicellis inferioribus folio multo brcvioribus, calycis laciniis lanceolatis subtequalibus, legumine 5-6-
articulato rugoso pilis raris rigidis plumosis calyce duplo longiore.
C 2