
O r d . IV. C R U C I F E R S . Jttss. D e Cand.
Subord. P leurorhize.® (o= ) . DC.
T rib . I. A r a b id e® , seu Pleurorhizece Siliquosic. DC.
1. C. hirsuta. L in n .— D e Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 152. Cham, et Schlecht, in L in n a a ,
v . \ . p . 20. Hook. Fl. B or. Am. v. \ . p . 45.
Var. sylvatica.— C. sylvatica. L in k .— D e Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 152.— C. flaccida. Cham,
et Schlecht, in Linncea, v. 1. p . 21.
Hab. Conception.—This does not differ from tlie larger state of C. hirstita found in our country, and
which Continental Botanists have called C. sylvatica: and it equally appears to be the C. flaccida of
Chamisso and Schlechtendal, which the former Natunalist gathered also in Chili.
2. C. tenuirostris ; foliis pinnatis, foliolis omnibus anguste linearibus acutis integerri-
mis, petalis obovatis unguiculatis calyce duplo longioribus, siliquis erectis gracilibus in
rostrum tenuissimum attenuatis.
Caules erecti, flexuosi, glahriusculi, striati, subpedales. Folia omnia pinnata, glabra vel, sub lente, pilis
minutis hirsuta; foliolis omnibus anguste linearibus, acutis, integerrimis, foliorura superioriim angustissimis.
Flores corymbosi, majusculi. Pedicelli graciles. Sepala oblonga, crecta, glaberrima. Pelala alba, oblongo-
obovata, in unguera attenuata, sepalis duplo longiora. Siliqua, vix roaturse, unciam lougse, erectre, graciles,
basì in stipitem brevera, apice hi stylum vel rostrum semiunciam longum, tenuissimum attenuat®. Stigma
parvum, capitatimi.
Hab. Conception.—In habit this plant is certainly allied to C. pratensis, and especially to that var.
with narrow leaflets which is described in the Flora Boreali-Americaua, under the var. angustifolia : but
its leaflets, and in particular those of the root-leaves, are still narrower, the flowers are smaller, and, in
the extremely attenuated beak to the pods, it differs from all the species we ai-e acquainted with.
Subord. I I . N o t o r h i z e ® ( o ||) .
T rib . S is ym b r e® , seu Notorhizese Siliquosae. DC.
1. S. officinale. B r .— De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 191. Hook. FI. Bor. Am. v. 1. p . 61.—
Erysimum officinale. L in n . Sp. PL p . 922. Engl. Bot. t 735.
H ab. Conception.
T rib . L e p id in e® , seu Notorhizese angustiseptae. DC.
1. L . hipinnatifidum ; siliculis ovalibus emarginatis, foliis pinnatipartitis, rachi alata,
lobis multifidis, ramis pubescentibus. D C .—Deso. Joum. Bot. 1814. p . 165 et 177. De
Cand. Syst. Veget v. 2. p . 544. Prodr. v. 1. p . 206. •
Hab. Valparaiso.—The specimens in the collection are extremely small, scarcely two inches high, erect
and simple. Those we have from the same country, gathered by Mr. Bridges, are a foot lotg, much
branched, especially from the base. In both we find all the essential characters of the L . I
of Desvaux, who justly observes that it is nearly allied to L. bonariense.