foliata, floribus fiisciculatis. Gaud iu Freye. Voy. p. 4C9. t. 84.—I t must be observed, however, that his specimens
seem to have beeu even less advanced than onrs, aud this circumstance may also account for the slight
difference in the generic character, which we shall now give as more suited to the specimen before us :__
D u b a u t ia . Gaud.; Involucrum cainpaiiiflatiun suboctophyllura, foliolis liberis margine sibi mutuo incum-
beutibus. Flores 8-10, tubulosi, herm.aphroditi. Fihuncnta linearia, apice vix iucrassata. Stigmata dilatata
acuta ciliata. Achenium oblougnm. Pappus paleaceus dorso et margine setis patentibus rigidis plum-
osus.— Suffnitices, ramis apice foliosis, infeme nudis, cicatriso-annulatis. Folia opposita, sessilia, basi sub-
comiata, rigida, parallele venosa. PaniculcB terminales ; ramis hispide setosis.—This genus is most allied to
Tridax aud Craspedia. It has also some iiffinity to the new geuus Railliarda, of u’hich we possess three
new species from Mr. Menzies and Mi-. Macrae, all from the Sandwich Islands.
O r d . X X IV . L O B E L IA C E Æ . Juss.
1. Lobelia (Delissea) acuminata; ramosa, foliis oblongis duplicuto-denticulatis utrinque
hirtellis, calycibus 5-dentatis. Gaud, in Frexjc. Voy. p . 457. t. 76.
As the characters of Delissea aud the two following genera, whether they be viewed as distinct genei-a,
or only as sections of Lobelia, are only to be found in the above-quoted work, we shall ti-anscribe them here.—
D e l i s s e a . Gaud.; Calyx ovario arete adnatus, limbus liber o-deiitatus persistons. Corolla tubulosa,
arcuata, decidua, tubo cylindraceo indiviso, limbo 5-pai-tito subbilabiato. Stamina 5 ; filamenta in tubum
liberum connata; antheræ cohæreutes, 2 inferiores barbate. Stigma bilobum, pilis cinctum. Capsula
baccata, calyce persistente coronata, bilocularis non dehiscens. Semina creberrima.
2. Lobelia (Cyanea) Grimeseiana.— Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p . 458. t. 75.
The character of this suh-genus is :—C y a n e a . Gaud.; Calyx ovario adnatus 10-siilcatus; limbus foUaccus
longior 5-partitus, laciniis oblongis margine reflexis et undiilato-crispis. Corolla tubuloso-eylindracca, arcuata,
limbo 5-partito subbtlabiato. Stamina 5 : tubiis stamineus liber. Anther® coimatæ, larbatæ. Capsula
baccata, sulcato-decagona, indehiscens, bilocularis, calyce persistente coronata. Semina crebeiTima.
3. Lobelia (Rollandia) lanceolata; ramosa, foliis magnis oblongo-lanceolatis duplicato-
dentatis subtus hirtellis, calycibus 5-partitis glabris, laciniis ovatis obtusis, racemis depauper-
atis, staminibus epipetalis. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p . 458. t. 74. (R . montana.)
The specimen iu the Collection has ranch larger leaves than that figured by Gaudichaud, to which anotlier
in our herbarium, from Mr. Macrae, exactly corresponds; but to the latter the term fo lia magna can
scarcely be applied, while those before us well deserve the name, being from a foot to a foot aud a half long.
Gaudichaud thus chai-acterises R o l l a n d ia :—Calyx ovario arete adnatus; limbus liberus 5-partitus, laciniis
abbreviatis obtusis. Corolla tubulosa, lateribus compressa arcuata, tubo indiviso, limbo 3-partito subbilabiato.
Stamina 5; tubu.s stamineus infeme parti superiori corollæ adnatus. Antheræ cohærentcs barbate. Stigma
bilobum pilis cinctum. Capsula baccata, indehiscens, biloculai-is, calyce persistente coronata. Semina creberrima.—
The genus Clermontia, Gaud., was not observed during the expedition under Capt. Beechey : we, however,
possess C. oblongifolia and grandiflora. Gaud., from Mi-. Macrae. This differs from the former genera
by the calyx being coloured, tubular, curved, and as long as the tube of the corolla.
4. Lobelia macrostachys ; glaberrima, caule elato stricto, foliis lineari-lanceolatis utrinque
• attenuatis subcrenatis, racemo simplici terminali longissimo, pedicellis simplicibus scciindis
horizontalibus apice sursum vergentibus, bractea lineari pedicello breviore, calycis tubo
hemisphaerico, limbi laciniis obtusis, corolla pedicello duplo longiore.
Calyx ovario arete adnatus; limbus liber, 5-partitus; laciniis oldongis, obtusis, tubum æquantibus.
Corolla tubulosa, duas ad tres uncias longa, arcuata ; tubus cylindraceiis 5-fidiis, hinc fissus. Stamina 5;
» .n t» in tubum Uborum couuata. Antherx c oW n te s , duas inferiores barbata!, cíetera! glabrte. Stigma
bnobiun ; lobis „lauis, crassis, cartilagiueis, rotundatis, diraricatis imberbibus. FmCms .mmatur,™
From the appearanoe ot this plant wo may presume it to be e.ther shrubby or suffruticose. The flowers
are of a whitish colour, but were probably bluish when recent.
OiiD. X X V . G O O D E N O V I iE . B r.
1 SciEVola G m d ic hm d i; fruticosa erecta glabra, foliis spathulato-lanceolatis acuüs
intewerrimis, axillis barbatis, pedunculis axiUaribus folio multoties brevioribus umfloris,
corolla glabra, drupis ovalibus urceolo 5-dentato coronatis bdoculanbus dispermis, bracteolis
linearibus.— S. montana? Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p . 460.
Iu the specimou before us, the leaves are uot falcate: but there is no t e c r e s s ^ a l
it and the plant of Gaudichaud. We regret we cannot retain the name appbed to it by that Botanist, as there
is a previous S . montana of Labillardière.
2 Scoceoìti Chamissoniana; fruticosa erecta glabra, foliis oblongis utrinque acumintitis
argute denticulatis, axilUs barbatis, pedunculis axillaribus dichotomis folium subiequan-
tibus, fioribus lUcbotomiarum sessilibus, calycibus abbreviatis, 5-dentatis, corollis pubescentibus,
drupis bilocularibus. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p . 461. t. 82.
In our specimen, the corolh is scarcely pubescent, aud is smaUer than as e.vhibited in Gaudichaud's
3 Scasvolaoteftra; fruticosa erecta glabra, foliis cuneato-obovatis oblique acuminulatis
lonue petiolatis obscure et remote glanduloso-deiiticulatis, axillis barbatis, pedunculis axillaribus
unifloris petiolo dimidio brevioribus nudis, coroUa glabra, calycis dentibus tubum
This species appe.ars, at first sight, very ue.-udy allied to & Chamismniana. but the iufloresoeuoo is tot.tey
different. The leaves .are ahnost entire, o.üy exhibiting a few distant very mmute glandular tcetb. There me
no bracteas apparently, on the peduncle ; but at the same time, a decided scar is to be seen at the base of the
calyx, ou both sides, which seems to indicate that they may have beeu present a t a very early The
corolla is much bu-ger tliail in the last species. The petiole is about au inch, or au inch and a hall lon„.
4. Scajvola mollis; fi-uticosa erecta dense pubescens, foUis oblongo-lanceolatis supra
irlabris subtus sericeo-tomentosis petiolaUs glanduloso-denticulatis, axillis barbatis, pedun-
liilis petiolo brevioribus axiUaribus divarieatis, ramis flexuosis p.mcifloris, bracteolis subulatis
recurvis, corolla sericeo-tomeutosa, calj'cis dentibus 5 brevissimis obtusis.
Very closely allied to S. ae™««, F orst, hut, .as we think, perfectly distinct The whole plant is so
extremely fragile, that there is uot au entire specimen iu the Colloctioii. Besides these four species, wc also
s S, K mig ii from the same islands, gathered by Mr. Macrae.
O r u . X X V I . E P A C R ID E Æ . B r.
1. Cy.atbodes Tameiameioe; corollæ laciniis barbatis, d rupa 5-8 -lo cu lan , foliis anguste
cuimato-obovatis petiolulatis mucronulatis subtus imüüiiervibus. Cham, et Schlecht. m
Linncea, v. I. 539.
Tluat the present, although only iu fruit, is Iridy the plant of Chamisso, we have satisfied o.frsclves by a
comparison of it with specimens sent us by that Botanist; but wc are by no means certain whether C. Bankm