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The plants noticed in the following Supplement were gathered by Dr Sinclair, Surgeon of H. M. surveying
Ship, Sulphur, and transmitted to us at the request of Captain Beechey. They were collected at San Bias,
or between San Bias and Tepic, in about lat. N. 22°, in December, 1837 : at Acapulco, N. lat. 17°, in
January, 1838 ; or at Realejo, N. lat. 12° 45", in February, 1838. This latter place indeed belongs to
Guatemala; but the Flora of that country, judging from what little we know of it, is so similar to that of
Mexico, that we have no hesitation in including all under the generalJiead of Mexican Plants.
O r d . I. R A N U N C U L A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Clematis Acapulcensis; floribus paniculatis dioicis, foliis trite rn a tim sectis, foliolis subcordato
ovatis acuminatis integerrimis 5-nerviis membranaceis glabris, acheniis lato-ovatis
rostratis sericeis, cauda elongata valde barbato-plumosa.
H a b . Acapulco.
O r d . I I . M E N IS P E R M A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Cocculus ohlongifolius (DC.) ; foliis oblongis trinerviis utrinque obtusis mucronatis
glabris, pedunculis folio brevioribus supremis subracemosis, masculis 4-10 floris, floribus
subcorymbosis brevipedicellatis, femineis unifloris.— De Cand. Prod. 1. p. 99.
H a b . A c a p u lc o .
O r d . I I I . P A P A V E R A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Argemone Mexicana, L .
H a b . San Bias to Tepic.
O r d . IV. C IS T A C EÆ . DC.
1. Helianthemum (He te romeris) polifolium. Torr. et Gray, F h r . I. p . 151— Hetero-
meris polifolia. Spach.
H ab. S a n B ia s to T e p i c .
O r d . V. P O L Y G A L E Æ . Juss.
1. P o ly g a la rivincefolia, H .B .K . Nov. Gen. V. p . 409. t. 512.
H a b . A c a p u lc o .
This solitary specimen appears suffruticose ; Kunth describes his as herbaceous ; but the species appears
the same.
O rd, V I. L IN E Æ . DC.
1. L inum Schiedeanum (S ch l et Cham.); glabrum gracile adscendens sufFruticosum,
foliis qu a tem is verticillatis vel superioribus oppositis, obovato- vel lineari-lanceolatis basi
attenuatis, floribus cymosis, bracteas sepalisque glanduloso-ciliatis, floribus flavis.— Ch.
et Schl. in Linncea, V. p . 234.
H a b . San Bias to Tepic.
O r d . V I I . M A L V A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Pavonia Mexicana, H .B .K . ?
H a b . Acapulco.
Of our plant there is but one specimen, which has a decidedly shrubby stem, and the leaves are cordato-
ovate, and acuminated, in which two points it differs widely from Kunth’s description. I t can scarcely be
his P . mollis.
1. Gossypium Barbadense, L . ?
H a b . San Bias to Tepic.
None of the described varieties of Cotton agree precisely with the one before us. Tho stem is almost
glabrous, purplish, woody and dotted with black points ; leaves glabrous, dotted, cordato-ovate, entire or
three-lobed, the lobes broadly ovate and acuminated ; middle nerve with a gland a little above the base,
leaves of the involucel laciniate, glabrous. The fruit, seeds and wool, we have not seen.
1. Anoda hastata, Cav Schlecht. in Linnæa, X I . p . 214.— Sida centrota, Spr.
H a b . Tepic to San Bias ; and Acapulco.
2. A. lanceolata; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acuminatis crenatis n u n c ad medium
utrinque unidentatis subtus velutinis supra scabridis, pedunculis folium æquantibus calyceque
scabro-velutinis, sepalis floriferis ovatis obtusis fructiferis in acumen obtusiusculum
margine involutum attenuatis, corolla (flava?) 9 lin. longa calycem triplo superante,
fructu e carpidiis sub-10 brevissime mucronatis composite.
H a b . Tepic to San Bias.
1. Sida rhornhoidea, Roxb L. obliqua, Flor. Mex. ined.?
H a b . Tepic to San Bias.
This differs principally from S. rhombifolia by the carpels being awnless ot at most two-toothed, and
certainly not birostrate.
2. S. carpinifolia. I ,.—var. carpellis bidentatis haud birostratis.
H a b . Tepic to San Bias.
We may hero remark that S. carpimides DO., referred by some as a variety to S. carpinifolia, is
Malva triciispidata, Ait.