4. D . gra cilis; fruticosa paniculatim ramosa, ramis divarieatis gracillimis filiformibus,
foliolis 4-6-jugis oblongo-obovatis integerrimis su p ra oblique lineatis, racemis terminalibus
laxis paucifloris, calycibus obovatis sulcatis dentibus late ovatis acutis brevibus, legumine
This species and the foregoing differ considerably in habit from the other Dahoe that are known to us,
especially in tho lineated upper side of the leaves, the absence of black glandular dots, the decidedly racemed
fructification, deeply furrowed calyces, witli sometimes glands (which are not discoloured) between the
furrows. The petals are very deep and bright purple.
(There is still a 5th and very distinct-looking speeies of Dalea in the collection, but too imperfect to justify
our framing a specific character for it. It is annual, throwing up several branches from the base, which are
long, twiggy, green, striated, and glabrons. The few imperfect leaves show that the leaflets are 4-5-jugate,
linear-oblong, glabrous, with black glandular dots beneath. Spikes terminal, on short branches, ovato-cylin-
drical, dense. Bracteas ovate, aristate, ciliate, as large as the calyx, with large black glands on the back.
Calyx with long hairs and long setaceous, ciliated teeth.)
1. T ep h ro sia toxicaría. Pers.—Plum. Ic. t 135.
This seems a very variable species in the size of the leaves and number of the leaflets. I t is the same,
however, as what we have received from Guiana and the West Indies, and which we believe to be the true
T. toxicaría.
1. Indigofera Anil. L .
2. torulosa ; ere cta fruticosa laxa ramosa, foliolis ellipticis mucronatis 4-6-jugis
uppresso-pubescentibus, racemis fructificantibus elongatis folio longioribus, leguminibus
erectis longe cylindraceis torulosis subarticulatis longe rostratis.
A very remarkable species of Indigofera, with large leaflets, some of tliem nearly an inch in length, and
legumes nearly 2 inches long, erect, slender, 8-10-seeded, much contracted between the seeds, and internally
separated by dissepiments as in Sesbania, yet in other respects the habit and pubescence are quite those of
the present genus. Ind. galegoides, DC, n. 89, from Ceylon, has the foliage aud the long erect beaked
legumes of this plant, but the fruit is broader and not torulose. I. Domingensis and I. disperma are
described as having torulose fruit, but their other characters are extremely different from our species.
I. Neurocarpum multifiorum ; fruticosum volubile, foliis sublonge petiolatis trifoliolatis,
foliolis petiolulatis ovato-ellipticis lateralibus obliquis omnibus coriaceo-membrana-
ceis su p ra glabris reticulatim venosis subtus pubescenti-hirsutis, racemis multifloris,
legumine lato-lanceolato acuto basin versus contracto pubescenti-velutino.
We possess no flowers of this species. The legume is 3 inches long and | of an inch in its greatest diameter,
compressed, clothed with tawny velvety down, with a strong prominent nerve running the whole length
through the middle of each valve. The peduncles evidently have many flowers, and in the old flower-stalks
there is a large tubercle at the insertion of each pedicel.
1. Sesbania tomentosa; ubique m olliter tomentosa fruticosa, foliolis 8 - 10-jugis oblongo-
ellipticis utrinque obtusis su p ra (sub lente) minutissime atro -p u n ctu latis, racemis folio
brevioribus, leguminibus longis gracilibus teretiusculis cuneatis glabris vix torulosis folia
æquantibus longe rostratis.— H a b . Acapulco.
A very fine and distinct species, exceedingly tomentose, with large, apparently white flowers, and leaflets
nearly an inch long. The young foliage and branches are almost silky and tawny.
1. Stvlosanthes viscosa. Sw .— Probably also S . glutinosa, H . B . K . Nov. Gen. t. 596,
but the p lan t is larg er and stouter in every p a rt, and the leaflets a re narrow er— H a b .
1. Æschynomyne hirsuta. D C .— Schlecht. in L in n . 5. p . 583— H ab . Talisco.
1. Desmodium plicatum. Schlecht. in L inn. 5. p . 585, et in Herb. Nostr.— fi, compactum ;
foliis floribusque magis densis, foliolis latioribus magis coriaceis.
This species, of which we have two varieties in the collection, is well described by Professor Schlechtendal
in the place above quoted.
2. D. cinerenm. DC .— Hedysarum cinereum. D C . et H . B . K .— Poeppig, Herb. Cub.
— Hab . Talisco.
3. D. triflorum. DC .— Schlecht. in L in n . 5. p . 584.— H ab . Talisco.
1. Rhynchosia grandiflora ; fruticosa subvolubilis rufescenii-hirta, foliis ternatis b re vissime
petiolatis oblongis mucronatis, venis utrinsecus 10-15, racemis terminalibus axillaribusque,
calycibus vexilloque sericeo-hirsulis, leguminibus ovalibus compressis oblique
rostratis villosissimis. (T ab. L IX . )—Schlecht. in L in n . 5. p . 5 88.— H ab. Talisco.
Schlechtendal has well observed that tliis is closely allied to Rhynchosia ( Glycine, H . B. K ) i-ufa, Humb.
Nov. Gen. t. 574 ; differing, however, in its larger flowers, longer leaves, and the more numerous primary
Tab. LIX. Rhynchosia grandiflora. Fig. 1. Flower ; fig. 2. Legume ; fig . 3. Valve of do., with a seed :
2. R. Mexicana ; volubilis gracilis pubescens, foliis trifoliolatis, foliolis rhombeo-ovatis
latis acutissimis lateralibus subsessilibus obliquis, intermedio petiolulato, pedunculis a x illaribus
folio longioribus racemosis, vexillo pubescente, leguminibus oblongis pendulis
pubescenti-hirsutis dispermis.
Very small and imperfect are the specimens of this plant in the Herbarium. Every part, save the inner
petals, is downy. The legumes are scarcely J an inch, the leaflets 2 inches long.
I. Phaseolus mzcrani/«i5; a n n u u s? hispido-hirsutus volubilis gracilis, foliolis rhombeo-
ovatis integerrimis, stipulis stipellisque ovalis striatis, pedunculis laxe racemosis folia
d uplo triprove superantibus, calycibus hispidis, leguminibus lato-lineari-oblongis falcatis
planis sub 7-spermis.— H a b . Talisco.
Leaflets, the largest of them, an inch or rather more long. Flowers small, yellow and purple.
1. In g a pungens. Humb. et Willd.— DC.— Schlecht. in L in n . 5. p . 692.— H ab . Acapulco.
1. Mimosa asperata. Willd.— DC.— Schlecht. in L in n . b. p . 591.
2. M.fioribtmda. Willd.— D C .-S c h le c h t. in Lin n . 5. p. 591.