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O ed. IX . M A L V A C EÆ . Br.
1. Siàa mahmflora ; foliis radicalibus subrotundatis 9-lobatis basi truncatis, lobis apice
tridentatis c.aulinis fi-partitis, laciniis linearibus subdentatis, racemo terminali, carpellis
muticis. L in d i.— D e Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . .1,74. Lin d i, in Bot. Beg. t. 1036. HooL Fl. Bor.
Am. V. 1. 108.
O ed. X. H Y P E R IC IN E Æ . Juss.
1. Hypericum aîMÿa/foirfes; caule herbaceo Iramifuso repente, foliis 6-7-nerviis obtusis
tenuissime pellucido-punctatis, cyma terminali foliosa paueiflora eglandniosa, laciniis calycinis
obovatis corolla brevioribus, stamüiibus 13-20 subliberis, stylis discretis tribus. C/uim. et
Schlecht, in Linnæa, v. Z. p . 127.
la general appearance and size, this appreichcs the H. guimjmnervium of Walter and of Hook. Fl. Bor.
Am. V. 1. p . 110, but that is an erect plaut,
O ed . X I . G E R A N IA C E Æ . Juss.
1. Geranium Carolinianum. DC .— Hook. Fl. Bor. Am . v. l . p . 116.
1. Erodium cicutarium. L ’Hérit.— Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. l . p . 116.
O ed. X I I . O X A L ID E Æ . D e Cand.
1. Oxalis coraicafato. L in n .—Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. l . p . 117.
O ed. X I I I . R H A M N E Æ . B r .
1. Rhamims olefo liu s; inermis, erectus, fobis perennantibus coriaceis oblongis integer-
nm is acutis, jimioribus subtus pubescentibus, nervis lateralibus obbquis remotiusculis, paniculis
axillaribus foliosis, floribus glomeratis p entandris, petalis minutissimis, bacca disperma.
Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1. p . 123. t. 44.
a. Rhamnus ? cuneatus; ramis subferrugineo-pubescentibus, foliis oppositis in axillis
fasciculatis coriaceis brevissime petiolatis cuneatis obtusis retusisve supra glabris subtus
pubescentibus albidis reticulatis. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1. p . 124.
The only specimen of this in the CoUection, is in exactly the same state as that which was received
from Mr. Douglas, and described in the Flora Boreali-Americana, that is, destitute of flower and fruit-
w e ^ e therefore unable to add anything to tho very unsatisfactory account there given of this highly curious
1. Ceanothus thyrsiflora; caule erecto stricto ramisque angulatis, foliis breviter petiolatis
oblongis triplinerviis glanduloso-serratis glabris subtus nervis venisque appresso-pilosis,
paniculis longe pedunculatis axillaribus thyrsoideis inferne foliosis, pedicellis brevibus
H o o h . - “ Bs eh sd a ltz , in Desv. PI. Nov. Calif, in Mém. de VAcad. Imp. de Petersb. v. lo!
1826,” et in Linnæa, v. 3. p . 149. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1. p . 125.
The specimens of this exhibit, what Escbscholtz has correctly noticed, that the calyx is blue, and the
petals AA-bite.
O rd. X IV . T E R E B IN T H A C E Æ . Juss.
1 Rhus radicans; caule radicante, foliis 3-fobolads, foliolis ovato-rotundatis rhomboi-
deis've acutis seu acuminatis glabris integris. Lin n . Sp. PI. p . 381. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v.
. * tÎiîÜ IIo o s with specimens from Eastern America, and the Ji. ToAcodendrm is scarcely different from it.
2 Rlius lobata; caule stricto, ramulis brevibus foliosis, foliis trifoliolatis, foliolis ovatis
obtusissimis varie lobatis lobis obtusis sinubus acutis, pamculis laxis petiolo longioribus.
Hook. Fl. Bar. Am. v . l . p . 127. t. 46.
The specimens in the Herbarium differ in no respect from the more northern ones discovered by Mr.
Douglas at Fort Vancouver on the Columbia, and figured in the Flora Boreali-Amencana.
O rd. X V . L E G U M IN O SÆ . Juss.
Desv.— De Cand. 1. Meblotus) Prodr. v. 2. p . 187.
Introduced ?
1. T r i f o l i u m p r o s t r a t u m , glabrum, foliolis oblongis subcuneatisve spinuloso-
iknticulatis, stipulis ovato-acuminatis laciniato-spinulosis, involucro monophyllo laciniato-
multifido capitulis subglobosis breviore, dentibus calycinis lato-subulatis rectis corolla
subdimidio brevioribus. H o o k .-U n d l. in B o t Beg. t 1070. Hook. FL Bor. Am. v. 1.
p . 133.
1. Medicago denticulata. Willd.— De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p . 176.
Probably introduced from Europe.
1. Hosackia bicolor; glabra, decumbens, foliolis suboppositis 7 -9 oblongis obovatisve,
stipulis cordato-ovatis membranaceis obtusissimis, floribus umbellatis, bractea mouophylla
vel noHa.— Douglas, M S S .— Benth. in Bot. Reg. t. 1257. Hook. FL Bor. A n . v. 1. p . 134.
Lotus pinnatus. Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2913.
2. Hosackia decumbens; pubescens, foliolis alternis 3 -5 ovali-subcuneatis acutis, stipulis
minutissimis acutis deciduis, floribus umbellatis, bractea I-3-fobolata.—Reiitó. m Bot. Beg.
sub t. 1257. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. v. 1. p . 134.—Lotus incanus. Douglas, M S S .— fi. glabn-
uscula; foliolis minoribus siccitate subEeruginoso-viridibus.
The plant in this Collection differs from the more northern H. dmimhms of Mr. Douglas, in the smaUer
size of the leatlete and flowers, in the less degree of pubescence, and. when dry, in Us becoming of an almost
mruginose green colour. Iu other respects, the two species accord.
3. Hosackia tomentosa; tota iiicano-tomentosa, foliolis 5 obovatis acutis, floribus umbel-
latis sessilibus, bractea folium simulante.
This will assuredly rank next to H. decumbens, from which it differs almost solely iu the very dense
covering of white hah-s. Only one specimen exists in tlie CoUection, aud that has jomig frmt and no
flowers The legumes arc short, in proportion to the length of the style. H '« »^7“ isn o t capitate, but
simply obtuse, as in Lotus subbipimatus of Lagasca, aud of this work, p. 17. t. 8; which, Mr. Bentham is decid-
edly of opinion, should be referred to Hosackia.
4. Hosackia Purshiana ; pubesceiiti-villosa, foliolis 3 raro -4 -3 lato-oblongis, stipuUs