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capitulis multifloris, involucri squamis striatis n itidis imbricatis exterioribus lanceolato-
inte rio rib u s longioribus angustissimo-linearibus, corollæ peran g u siæ lobis brevissimis
obtusis, pap p o æquali e setis tenuibus fuscis 12-14 corollæ longitudinem æquante.
H ab. Acapulco.—Whether of the genus Phania of De Candolle or not, it is doubtless a congener with
our Phania ? urenifolia, supra, p. 297. The habit is quite the same, and the involucre and corolla : the
leaves however and the pappus are extremely different.
1. Sievia elliptica (n. s p .) ; pubescenti-glandulosa su p ern e præcipue, foliis oppositis
ellipticis seu ovato-ellipticis serratis trinerviis basi brevi-attenuatis sessilibus, capitulis
glomeratis corymboso-paniculatis, p ap p i setis 3 -4 aspeids long itu d in e corollæ.
H a b . Between Sun Bias and Tepic.—A tall growing shrubby plant with a good deal the appearance of
Stevia irachelioides, DC. and Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3856 :—but the pappus is extremely different, having
no paleæ and only from 3 to 4 long scabrous setæ. I t has not enough of setæ to range witb De Candolle’s
Div. MultiaristatcE.
2 . Hebeclinium Tepicanum (n. sp.) ; fructicosum, g labrum, foliis membranaceis ovato-
lanceolatis acuminatis petiolatis pellucido-punctatis serratis, p an icu la terminali thyrsoidea,
capitulis parvis subquinquefloris, involucri imbricati squamis ellipticis obtusis striatis,
acheniis obovatis angulatis, p ap p i setis sub-20 corollæ long itu d in e apicibus clavellatis
H a b . Between San Bias and Tepic.—The general aspect of this plant is very similar to that of the well
known H. macrophyllum, but the branches are woody to the very apices, as in Mr Bentham’s H . macro-
cephalum. The leaves are nearly a span long, copiously pellucido-punctate, the involucres and the size of
the capitula are as in the former mentioned species.
1. E rig e ro n velutipes (n. sp.) ; an n u um p arvum pubescens, caule erecto superne panicu
la to basi p ilis albis pa ten tib u s dense vestito, foliis acutis inferioribus spathulatis grosse
inciso-serratis superioribus linearibus integerrimis, pedunculis eiongatis p arce pilosis
monocephalis, involucri hemisphærici squamis linearibus scarioso-marginatis, ligulis
copiosis disco d u p lo longioribus.
H a b . Between San Bias and Tepic.—This may be placed near E . scaposim, DC. n. 27, but the stem
is always branched or panicled even in the smallest specimens, and the base of the stem and attenuated
bases of the lower leaves are densely clothed with long white hairs.
I . Chi-ysopsis? scaSra (n . sp.) ; a n n u a gracilis erecta superne p aniculata, foliis integ
errimis acutissimis radicalibus spathulatis caulinisque oppositis lanceolatis summis
lin earib u s subulatisve bracteiformibus, involucri squamis linearibus pubescenti-hirsutis,
ligulis sub-12 disco duplo longioribus, p ap p i simplicis serici setis 3-5 scabridis longitudine
fere tubi basi dilatato-paleaceis.
H a b . Between San Bias and Tepic.—A n annual, herbaceous plant, 1 foot to 14 foot high ; the leaves,
e x c e p t th o s e o f th e p a n ic le , a r e o p p o s ite ( !) a n d th e p a p p u s c e r ta in ly is n o t d o u b le ; s o t h a t th o u g h u h a s th e
habit of a Chrysopsis it will no doubt be found to belong to some other genus when more perfect specimens
can be examined.
1. W ed elia strigosa (n. sp.) ; caule erecto suffruticoso, ramis eiongatis striatis pubescenti-
hirsutis, foliis brevissime petiolatis ovalis serratis longe angusteque acuminatis trinerviis
su p ra undique subtus ad ñervos strigoso-hispidis setis tubérculo albo impositis, pedunculis
term inalibus vel e dichotomiis ramorum folio longioribus monocephalis, involucri squamis
ovato-ligulatis exterioribus subfoliaceis hirsutis interioribus subscariosis ciliatis, achenio
glabro calyculo fimbriato dentibus 2 longioribus.
H a b . Acapulco.—This does not accord with W. Acapulcencis of H.B.K., nor with any other described
2. W . cordata (n. sp .); piloso-scabra herbácea, foliis longe petiolatis cordatis (superioribus
ovato-cordatis) acuminatis membranaceis serratis trinerviis, pedunculis term in alibus
gracilibus tricephalis diphyllis, involucri squamis lanceolatis acutis pubescenti-hirtis,
a c h e n iis ?
H a b . Realejo.—Apparently a tall growing herbaceous plant, scabrous to the touch, and, when the leaves
are magnified, the hairs are seen to be short but situated on a small white tubercle as in the preceding
species, from which in other respects it is totally different. The achenia are too young to allow us to describe
their form accurately.
3. Y J . populifhlia (n. sp .) ; berbacea elata erecta pubescenti-scabra, foliis lato-cordatis
longe petiolatis serratis tenui-acuminatis trinerviis, paniculis foliosis, capitulis sæpe subverticillatis,
pedunculis pedicellisque pilosis, involucri squamis ovatis acutis striatis versus
apicem præcipue hirsutis, a c h e n iis ?
H a b . Realejo.—Here, aiso, the flowers are too young to exhibit the exact structure of the achenium and
pappus : but the species is very different from the preceding ones. The capitula are numerous and frequently
4. W . suhfiexuosa (n. sp.) ; herbácea, glabra, vel sub lente minute piloso-hispida, ramis
eiongatis subflexuosis, foliis ovatis acuminatis membranaceis serratis trinerviis basi in
petiolum perbrevem attenuatis, paniculis terminalibus et e dichotomiis ramorum po iy cephalis
subaphyllis, involucri squamis ovatis acutis striatis pubescenti-hirsutis, acheniis
obovatis, pap p o calyculato fimbriato dentibus subæqualibus.
H a b . Realejo.—Readily known from the preceding ones by the different leaves, the long flexuose branches,
and tho closely imbricated rather small scales of the involucre.
1. T ith o n ia angustifolia (n. sp.) ; caule fruticoso incano, foliis plerisque oppositis
lineari-oblongis obtusis coriaceis asperis obscure serratis trinerviis brevissime petiolatis
subtus reticulatis albo-canescentibus, pedúnculo terminali brevissimo monocephalo cylindraceo,
involucri squamis pluriseriaiibus lalo-oblongis striatis obtusis incanis margine
albo-ciliatis, acheniis interioribus biaristatis.— T . pachycepliala. Hook, et Arn. supra, p .
299. {non De Cand.)