
f !
i r
O r d . L . GESNERIACEÆ. R ic h .
1. Gesneria Deppeana. Schlecht. in Lin næa , h. p . 110.
Allied to G. elongata, H. B. K., but far less hæry, with shorter leaves, smaller flowers, and a longer
upper lip.
1. T rev iran ia ; foliis ovatis uniformibus grosse inæqualite r serratis, p ed u n culis
aggregatis gracillimis, corollæ limbo parvo erecto-patente.
The flowers are very much smaller than in the well-known T . coccinea {Cyrilla pulchella, Bot. Mag. t.
374), and the limb is extremely short, and scarcely spreading. It is still more different from T. grandiflora,
Schlecht. in Linnæa, 8. p. 247 ; and equally so from T . heterophylla. Mart. ; both of them likewise
Mexican species.
O r d . L I . E R IC E Æ . Juss.
1. Cle th ra obovata. R u i z et Pav. Fl. P e r . t .3 8 \ .— C. tinifolia. Schlecht. in Linnæa,
b .p . 127. {non Sw.).
O r d . L I I . S A P O T E Æ . Juss.
1. L u c um a? ferruginea ; foliis obovatis obtusis in petiolum attenuatis subtus {juniori-
b’ls sericeo-) ferrugineis, floribus aggregatis.
O r d . L I I I . A S C L E P IA D EÆ . B r .
1. Sarcostemma Cumanense? H . B . K . Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p . 195.
H a b . Acapulco.— The leaves are glabrous ; in other respects it seems to agree with Humboldt’s Cumana
1. Asclepias glaucescens. H . B . K . Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p . 190. t. 227.— H a b . Talisco.
O r d . L IV . A P O C IN E Æ . B r .
1. T a b e rnæm o n tan a littoralis. H . B . K . Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p . 2 28.—H ab. Acapulco.
1. Nerium oitorM?«. L ,—flore pleno.—Acap u lco : cultiv.
O r d . LV . G E N T IA N EÆ . Juss.
1. H'cyúiviea M ex ica n a ? Griseb. ined.
With our imperfect specimens, we dare not venture upon offering a character of this piant, of which there
are two varieties, if not two distinct though closely allied spedes : both having the habit and paniculated stem
with divaricated branches of E . Mexicana, Griseb. in Herb, nostr. ; but the calyx is more deeply cleft. In
the one from Tepic, the flowers are twice the size of the other kind (from Talisco), but we do not find any
structural difference.
2. E . Chihnsis. Pers— Chironia Chilensis. Willd.
1. Schultesia stenophylla. Mart. Brasil, t. 182.
1. Tecoma stans.
O r d . L V I. B IG N O N IA C EÆ . Juss.
uss.— H a b . Acapulco.
O r d . L V I I . P O L EM O N IA C EÆ . Juss.
1. Hoitzia coccinea. Cav.
2. H . glandulosa. Cav. Ic. 4. p . 44. t. 3 67.—A n etiam H. Cervantesii. H . B . K. Nov.
Gen. Am. 3. p . 164.— H a b . Talisco.
1. B onplandia geminiflora. Cav. Ic. 6. p . 21. t. 6 3 2 .-C a ld a s ia heterophylla. WiUd.
Hort. Berol. l . p . 71. t. 71. H. B . K . Nov. Gen. Am . i . p . 166.—H a b . Talisco.
O kd. L V I I I . H Y D R O L E A C EÆ . B r .
L Hydrolea spinosa. L . - H . B . K. Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p . 1 2 5 . -H ab. Acapulco.
1. W ig a n d ia urens. H . B . K . Nov. Gen. Am. 3. p. 127. L in d l. Bot. Beg. t. 1 9 6 6 . -
Hydrolea uren s. B . et P . Fl. Peruv. 3. p . 21. t. 243.
O r d . L IX . C O N V O L V U L A C EÆ . Juss.
1 Convolvulus (Ipomæa, CAois.) densiflorus, volubilis, ramis teretibus jun io rib u s
pubescentibus, foliis longe petiolatis cordatis (sinu lato profundo) brevl-acuminatis inte-
o-errirais su p ra pubesçentibus subtus (junioribus præcipue) pannosis, peduncubs umbei-
fatis, umbellis compositis multifloris, calycis laciniis lato-ovatis obtusis convolutis, corolla
subinfundibulifoi mi, limbo p atente.
Leaves extremely and densely downy on the underside. Flowers numerons, 20 or more, in a compound
1. Quamoclit v itifo lia .-C a \b o a vitifolia. Cav. le . 5. p . 51. t. 4 7 6 .-M a c ro s tem a viti-
folia. Pers. Syn. F L 1. p . 185,— Ipomæa funis? Schlecht in Linnæa, 5. p . 119. et 6. p.
38 1 F ru c tu s quadrilocularis.
1. Exogonium spicatum. Chois. Conv. Diss. Sec. p. 1 2 8 .- I p om æ a b racteata. Cav. Ic
b . p . b i . t 477. {non Vahl).— Ipomæa cincta. Roem. etSch. 4. p . 254— Ipomoea s p ic a ta .
H. B . K . Nov. Gen. Am. S. p . 112.— Convolvulus obvallatus. Spr.
1. Evolvulus argyreus. Chois. Conv. Diss. Sec. p . 153.—E . incanus, H . B . K. Nov.
Gen. Am. 3. p . 116. (non P e rs.).— Cressa sericea. WiUd. in Boem. et Sch.— In nostr.
exempl. folia pleraque fere obovata su n t acutissima.
2. E . ahinoides. L .-C h o is . I. c. p . I b i . - B u r m . Zeyl. 9. t. 6 . - E . h irsu tu s? H . B . K.
Nov. Gen. Am. 6. p . 117.— H a b . Talisco.
3. E . linifolius. L . - L a m . IU. 3. t. 216. / . l . - E . debilis. H . B . K . Nov. Gen. Am. 3.
p . 115.—E . decumbens. B r . Prodr. p . 489.