
I c.— Goniis amai'issimus. Lour. Cochin. 2. p. 809.—Ailanthus gracilis. Salisb Rumph.
Amb. V. 7. t. 15.
We believe there can exist no doubt of SaUsbury’s plant being identical with that of Roxburgh; the
younger leaves are quite villous on both sides, and the racemes sometimes simple, in which state only Salisbury
and De Candolle appear to have seen it. We possess the plant from Sir. Vachell and Mr. Millett.
Cymenostna pedunculata of this Order, has been communicated by Mr. VachcU from Hong Hong Island.
O r d . X X IV . C E L A S T R IN E Æ . Broion.
1. Elæoclendron glaucum ; foliis oblongis, paniculis axillaribus dichotomis folio brevioribus,
Horibus pentandris, germine 2-loculari, drupa globosa sæpius uniloculari submonospermo__
Pers. Syn. I. p . 241. De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p . 10.—Schrebera albens. Re tz. Obs. 6. p . 25.
t. 3.—Celastrus glaucus. Vahl. Symb. 2. p . 42.—Mangifera glauca. Lofiè.—Senacia glauca.
L am— Pluhn. Amalth. t. 407. f . 1 ?
Dr. Wallich, in bis edition of Roxburgh’s Indian Flora, observes how liable the leaves of E . orientale
are to vary in shape. The same remark seems applicable to the present species : they are sometimes ovate
and obtuse, sometimes oblongo-lanceolate, sometimes perfectly entire, sometimes obtusely serrated, and even
some leaves are rather acutely serrated. We have always, however, seen them much longer than the petiole,
and not as De Candolle says, “ petiolo vix friplo longiora.” Thus there does not appear to have been
one character given to separate the E . glaucum from E . orientale, until the shape of the fruit was
pointed out : in E . orientale, the drupe is oblong. Surely De Candolle must have made some mistake when
he says, in the generic character, that the drupe is 5-celled, although sometimes, by abortion, with fewer
cells ; implying that the ovary is always S^jelled. Roxburgh and Dr. WalUch attribute only two cells to
the ovary in their character of the genus; Gsertner, however, appears to have seèn (Fruct. 1. t. 57.)
three cells iu the drupe in E . orientale, but Roxburgh, in his figure, at the India House, n. 73, represents
only two, and occasionally one cell.
O r d . X X V . IL IC IN E Æ . Brongn.
1. Ilex pubescens; ramis dense pubescentibus, foliis ovato-oblongis acutis integerrimis
supra sparse subtus dense velutino-pubescentibus, umbellis axillaribus subsessilibus glomeratis,
calyce 5-6-fido, coroUa 5-6 -p artita, germine 5-6-loculari. (T ab. X X X V .)
: Caulis Ugnosus, teres. Ramuli, juniores præsertim, dense ac molliter pubescentes. Folia subcoriacea,
alterna, breviter petiolata petiolo pubescenti, ovato-oblonga vel elUptico-oblonga vel etiam elliptico-lanceo-
lata, vix acuminate, acuta, basì acutiuscula, supra glabriuscula vel potius pilis raris mollibus brevibus velutina,
subtus dense ac molliter pubescentia. Flores hermaphroditi, numero quinario re i senario gandentes, umbellati;
umbellis binis ternisve aggregatis, subsessilibus, axillaribus; pedicelli petiolum duplo triplove
superantes, pubescentes. Calyx pubescens : segmentis rotundatis. Corolla petalis vix distinctis, unguibus
per filamenta alternantia adglutinatis, laciniis rotundatis calyce triplo longioribus, planis patentibus. Stamina
petalis breviora: aniAerts adnatæ, cordato-ovatæ. nullus. Germe» superum, ovatum, 5-G-loculare:
stylus nullus : stigma capitatum, 5-6-lobatum.
T ab. XXXV. Ilex pubescens. Figs. 1 and 2 , Flowers ; fig . 3 , Front view of a stamen ; fig. 4 , Back view
of do.:—magnified.
1. Prinos asprellus ; foliis deciduis elliptico-lanceolatis attenuatis obtusiusculis, supra
tubercidis raris minutis breviter piliferis subasperis subtus glaberrimis denticulato-serratis
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