
Our plant has the inflorescence more elongated than Roxburgh attributes to his species, but all other points
seem to agree ; the filaments are quite glabrous. It differs from T . thyrsiflora of Blume by the sheaths
being ciliated or almost bearded at the mouth and along the margins.
O r d . L X X X V L ' A L ISM A C EÆ . lì. Br.
1. Sagittaria sagittifolia. L in n .9 ~ L o u r . Fl. Coch. 2. p. 698.
We have not received the leaves: the inflorescence is quite the same with the Europæan plant.
O r d . L X X X V I I . P A N D A N EÆ . R . B r .
1. Pandanus odoratissimus. L in n . F i l—Lour. Fl. Coch. 2. p . 739.—Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3
p . 7B8.— Vachell, n. 77.
O r d . L X X X V I I I . A K O ID E Æ . Juss.
Ì . Arum Colocasia. L in n . ?
We have seen only one specimen of the spatha and spadix without any leaves.
1. Pothos Lo u re ir i; parasitica radicans, petiolis planis folium simplex lanceolatum latitudine
æquantibus longitudine excedentibus, florescentia subterminali, spatha lineari, spadice
longo cylindraceo tenui erecto.— Flagellaria repens. Lour. Fl. Coch. 1. p. 263.
Very nearly allied to P. scandens, Linn.
O r d . L X X X IX . C Y P E R A C EÆ . Juss.
[The Cyperaceoe and Ch-amineoe form the most numerous and valuable part of the collections received
from Canton, and from the extreme vagueness with which the Chinese and East Indian species of both
orders have been usually described, it is necessary that they should be noticed more in detail than the
other families. For the following account of them we are indebted to our friend Prof. C. G. Nees von
Esenbeck of Breslau: and when we have added any species not elucidated in his MS., or have made any
additional observations of our own, we have inserted them within brackets. The mere specific characters of
most of the Cyperaceoe have been already published in Wight’s Contributions.]
/ T r i b . I. C y p e r e æ . N . ab E .
1. CYPERUS. Linn.; N .a b E .in Wight’s Contrib. Bot. Ind.
1. C. pnllystachyus. Rottb.—N . ah E . I. c. p. 7.5. (cum char, e t syn.)—a ; Millett.—13:
Vachell, n. 70. a.
Var. /3 non differt, nisi gracilitate quadam, et radiis omnibus longiusculis.
2. C. capillaris. Koen.—N . ab E . I. c. p . 76. (cum char, e t syn.)
Spiculoe P I pollicis longæ, lineam la te , valde compressæ ; rhachillæ inter squamas scrobiculis oblongis
insculpte; carinula utrinque inter squamas undatim conspicua. Squamoe arcte imbricate, basi membranacea
rhachillam amplectentes, chartaceæ, lateribus lævigatæ, luteæ, magisve aut minus bnmnescentes, dorso
angusto spatio viridi nervulo utrinque carinaque prominulis, oblongæ, apice obtusæ. Stamina duo. Caryopses
fuscæ, foveis rhachillæ rectangulis elongatis semi-immersæ, obovate, minutim punetulatæ.
[One of the specimens before us, from Macao, contains more rays to the umbel than is noticed by Prof.
Nees von Esenbeck : he limits it to having only from one to three rays ; we find three or four principal rays
from an inch and a half to two inches in length, and two or three others scarcely three quarters of an inoli
long; besides these there is a central almost sessile capitulum. In no other respect, however, does it differ
from our friend’s description above quoted. This is Mr. Vachell’s ii. 69.]
3. C. compressus. L in n .—N . ah. E . I. c. p. 76. (cum char, et syn.)
Had. Canton ; Millett: Vachell, n. 73. b. (ex parte.)
Species e spiculis argute compressis, viriduHs, lineolis purpureis, ætate provcctiori autcm macula marginali
flava notatis, squami» argute acutatis, radiis umbellæ 1-4 patulis magis minusve elongatis facile distinguenda.
Spiculoe in apice radiorum 3-5, approximate, patentes, 4-8-lineas longæ, 1-11 lineas la te , radiate aut digita
te , in centro umbellæ magis congeste. Caryopsis distincte trigona. Styli rami tres gracillimi. Stamina
4. C. pectiniformis. R . et Sch.?—N. ab E . I. c. p . 77. (cum char.)
Exempla nostra vix bipollicaria. Culmi cæspitosi basi squamis laxis folioque uno alteroque angusto carinato
culmum vix æquante lævi instructi, trigoni, in nostro haud adeo rigidi. Spiculoe 10-12 pollicem longæ,
lineam late, compressæ. Squamoe imbricatæ, carinate, ovate, in acumen mucroniforme non nihil recurvuni
productæ, nervis subundcnis striate, dorso virides demum griseæ, margine pallidæ, interdum macula lanceolata
flava notatæ; inferiorcs deciduæ. Rhachilla compressa, alternatim gradata. Stamina tria. Stylus ad
^ a vertice trifidus. Caryopsis trigona, obovata, læviuscula, immatura alba, matura cinerascens. Involucri
folla tria, foliis similia, quorum unum spiculas magis minusve excedit, reliqua easdem subæquant.
[Mr. Arnott has shown, in Wight’s Contributions to the Botany of India, p. 77, that C.pectinatus of Roxburgh,
which name Roemer and Schultes exchanged for C. pectiniformis, (there being a previous C. pectinatus),
is not the same as the present species, but is C. Wightii, N. ab E. The plant here described has been
therefore named C. Meyenii by Wight and Arnott (Wight Cat. n. 1815) in honour of Meyen, who first discovered
it in the island of Manilla.]
5. C. castaneus. Willd.— N . ab E . I. c. p . 79. (cum char, e t syn.)— Vachell, n. 296.
[The Chinese specimen which we have received from Prof. Henslow has the umbel simple, as described
by Prof. Nees Von Esenbeck; but in those from the Peninsula it is morcffrcquently compound, as noticed by
Roxburgh : the mucro to the scales is often straight and patulous, but is usually slightly recurved ; Roxburgh
has described and figured this form.]
6. C. Haspan. Rottb,— N . ab E . I. c. p . 80. (cum char. var. e t syn.)
H a b . fi, circa Macao urbcm; G. H . Vachell, “ g.” (ex parte.)
Est species elegans, inflorescentia valde regulari distincta. Culmus ^ 1 pedem altus, acute triqucter, infra
umbellam scaber, striatus, crassitie pennæ gallinaceæ. Foliorum loco in aliis vagina una ct altera ad basin
culmi membranacea, acuminata, striata, purpurea; in aliis vagina inferior transit in folium lineare carinatuin
obtusum margine scabrum, culmo brevius. Folia fasciculorum angustiora, complicata, culmum æquantia.
Involucrum diphyllum, folio altero umbella breviori, altero breviori. Ochreæ communes margine
a])iceque membranaceæ, oblique truncate. Umbellæ radii 6-8 valde inæquales, 1-3 polHces longi, compressi,
altero latere canaliculati, glabri, graciles, patuli. Umbelluloe 6-8-radiatæ, medio pro more sessili. Involucella
(luariim ochrcolarum longitudine, lanceolata, scariosa. Ochreola singuli radioli laxa, oblique truncata.
Radioli scmipollicares. Cymula radioli bifida cum spicula media sessili, ramo laterali utroque divaricato-
rccurvo, vel distachyo, altera spicula terminante sessili, altera ad ejus basin pedicellata reflexa, vel altero
saltern bifido tetrastacllyo, scil. spicula media, unaque altcrius lateris, alterius lateris radiolo duplici spicula
instructo, quo figura cymulæ pedata oritur. Spiculoe 24-3 lin. longæ, lineares, compressæ, glabræ. Squamoe
f: ■