
t i .
basi in petiolum brevem atten u atis adultis præsertim serratis glaucescentibus coriaceis
punctis minutis resinosis adspersis margine reflexo obsolete nervosis, amends axillaribus
solitariis, fructibus tuberculatis nudis.— Ch. et Schl. in Linnæa, VI. p . 535 ; Hook. Flor.
Bor. Am . I I . p . 2 60.— M. Xalapensis, supra p . 160 ; (an H .B .K . ?)
O rd . L V IH . C U P U L IF E R Æ . B ich .
1. Quercus agrifolia {Née) foliis subcordato-ovatis remote spinoso-dentatis u trin q u e
glabris perennantibus, fructibus solitariis geminisque axillaribus, cupulæ hemisphæricæ
basi a tten u a tæ squamis adpressis oblongis obtusiusculis glabriusculis, glande ovato-oblonga
acuta ju n io re subconica.— Née in Ann. Se. Natur. IH . /?. 271 ; Willd. Sp. P l. IV . p. 431 ;
Spr. Syst. H I . ju. 8 5 9 Hook. le . Pl. ined.
2. Q . Garryana {Dougl.) foliis membranaceis latissime obovatis u trin q u e obtusis sinuato
pinnatifidis siccitate nigrescentibus su p ra glabris subtus petiolis ramisque dense fusco-
pubescentibus lobis latís obtusissimis, fructibus sessilibus, cupula perbrevi-Iiemisphærica
dense squamosa squamis ovato-acuminatis pubescentibus, glande ovata obtusa cum umbone
conico. Hooh.Jlor. Bor. Ani. \ l . p . 159.
California. Menzies. Douglas.
3. Q . Douglasii ; foliis membranaceis oblongo-ovalibus basi acutis petiolatis sin u a to -
pinnatifidis siccitate haud nigrescentibus, su p ra glabris subtus puberulis, lobis brevibus
acutiusculis, petiolis ramulisque ju n io rib u s dense fulvo-pubescentibus, fructibus sessilibus
solitariis binisve, cupula hemispliærica dense squamosa squamis ovatis convexis in appen-
dicem submembranaceam fulvam appre.ssam linearem obtusam productis pubescentibus,
glan d e ovata cupulam trip lo superante obtusa cum umbone conico.—Hooh. le . P l. ined.
The leaves and whole appearance of this ]ilant closely resemble Q. sessiliflora, but the scales of the cupule
are different. In this respect also, as well as in the shape and colour of the leaves when dry, it differs from
Q. Garryana. We have branches with nascent foliage whieh we suspect to be the young state of this
plant ; in these the leaves are covered with down on both sides, the lobes are tipped with a short soft mucro.
4 . Q . densifiora ; foliis perennantibus coriaceis petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis basi
obtusis brev iter acuminatis parallele nervosis integerrimis margine revolutis ju n io rib u s
fulvo-furfuraceo-tomentosis subtus pallidioribus demum g labris, amentis masculis eiongatis
folia subsuperantibus densifloris valde tomentosis nunc ad basin flores paucos femíneos
ge rentibus, fructibus sessilibus, cu p u la brevi hemispberica dense squamosa, squamibus
elongato-linearlbus laxis sericeis, glande ovato-globosa sericea— Hook. Ic. P I. ined.
This remarkable plant has very much the appearance of a Castanea, the fruit in the only specimen we
possess being situated at the base of a male somewhat fascicled catkin of the former year, while the numerous
male catkins of the present year present no appearance whatever of female flowers. The leaves are from
two and a half to three inches long, and nearly three-quarters of an inch in breadth.