
l i I I é
Jacq. Ic. Ba r . I. f. 130. J)c Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 193.— W . urbovcscciis. Cav. Diss. 0.
t. n o . / 1 .
Upon tho Siuno spocmioii thoro is tVoquoiitly ;i tnvusition trom the sessile to the long pediincled heads ot
tlowei*s, and fnnn ovate to oblong leaves.
O r d . V L G U T T I F E R ® . J uss.
1. Cliisia floribus jisillaribus solitariis subsoAsilibus 4-petalis, foliis obovatis ellipticisque.
D C .—“ Forst. Prodr. n. 391.” Dc Cand. Prodr. v. l .p . 559.
Our speeimens .are not in flower, but appe;ir to bo tho plant of Forster. They were among the Oahu
CoUeetiou, but Mr. Collie has uot noticed them in his notes.
O r d . V I I . S A P I N D A C E ® . J u s s .
1. Cardiospennum Halicacabum. L in n .— D e Cand. Prodr. v. l .p . 601,
I. Dodontea viscosa. L in n .— D e Cand. Prodr. v. l .p . 616.—D. spathulata. Sin. in Bees'
CycL De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 616.
O r d . V I I I . O X A L ID E ® . Juss.
1, Oxalis repens. Thunb.—Jacq. Ox. n. 11. t. 78. f . i . De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p . 693.
Our specimens, foimd at Oneeheow, are neither in flon er nor iu fruit, and we should have referred them
to O. eorniculata, but Gaudichand having mentioned O. repens as a native of the Saudivich Islands, and not
O. comiadata, we have retained the above name.
O r d . IX . Z Y G O P H Y L E E ® . Br.
1. Tribulus cistoides. Lin n .—Jacq. Hort. Schainbr. t. 103. De Cand. Prodr. v. l . p . 703.
Tbe juice squeezed from the roots of this plant is employed by the natives as an emetic. Eight full grown
roots supply enough for one dose. ( CoUie.')
O r d . X. R H A M N E ® . Juss-
1. Ceanotbus Asiaticus. L in n .— Cav. Ic. v. 5. t. 440. / i . De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p . 30.
— Colubrina Asiatica- Brong.
O b d . X I . T E R E B IN T H A C E ® . Juss.
1. Brunellia Sandicicensis; foliis oppositis simplicibus oblongis integerrimis supra
glabris subtus minutissime pubescentibus, racemis simplicibus paucifloris axillaribus.—
Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p . 93? (absque descriptione.)
Our specimen, found in Oahu, is in a verj- imperfect state; stiU we have little hesitation in believing it to
be tbe same with the species noticed by Gaudichand, and also by Adrien de Jussieu, in his Memoir on the
Ratacece. The young branches, peduncles, and pedicels are pubescent, as also the carpels. In the specimen
before ns, the peduncle has only three flowers, one of which is terminal, and the other two are lateral and
opp<Kite to each other, all of them pedicellate. Although, foUon ing De CandoUe’s Prodromus, we have
placed this genus in Terebinthacea, Jussieu appears to us to have done right in refeniug it to the
RuUice<2 , near Zanthoxylon.
Oiu). X I I , L E G U M IN O S iE , Jm s .
1. T u fb ridw . piscMoria. P s r s . -D e Cand. Prodr. », 2, p . 2 5 8 . - T . toxicaria, GawL
in Freyc. Voy. p . 93 Ì
Wc liavo already doscribeil this species at page 02.
I . Dolichos luteus. Sw a r tz?— D e Cand. Prodr. ». 2. p . 398?
I Vigna v ilhsa. Savi.— De Cand. Prodr. ». 2. yi. 401.
this plant has only been previously met with m Chili.
I . Canav.tlia caule volubili, ramulis petiolisque pubescentibus, foliolis o v ^
ellipticis breviter acuminulatis basi .subobliquis membranaceis supra glabris subtus pubescentibus,
pedunculis axillaribus trifloris.
This was found iu Oueehcow.-The two upper lobes of the calyx are very large and ■'O'mdeffi lower
divisions of its calyx are lanceolate and acute.
I . Mucuna oMissinm. De Cand. Prodr. ». 2. p . 4 0 3 ,-D o lic h o s altissimus. Jacq. Arner.
t. 182. / . 85.
The specimen in the Coflection. as weU as one collected by Mr. ilacrae at Byron’s Bay, in Owhyhee. is
not iu fruit.
1. ErytbriuaMOhospc™«; arborea inermis, foliolis late ovato-reniformibus obtusis^sub-
tus calycibusque moUiter fuscescenti-tomentosis, fructibus monospernus. Gaud, m Ircye.
Voy. p . 486. t. 114.
We have seen only the leaves, b a t we think there can be no doubt as to the plant.
1. Acacia fcieropAy««.; phyllodiis linearibus utrinque attenuatis subfalcatis multinen-iis,
s.-epe etiam in ramis adultis folio bipinnato terminatis, eapitubs subracemos|s D t . - i MO.
Sp. PI. ». 4. p . 1055. De Cand. Prodr. ». 2. p . 4 3 2 . -A . lamdfoba. lU ld. Sp. PI. r. 4,
p . 1063. De Cand. Prodr. ». 2. p . 451.—Mimosa simplicifoba. Lm n . Suppl.— 111. Mangium.
“ Forst. Prodr. ii. 395.”
Gnudlchuud remerks of this species, that iu the more elevated parts of the isknd its a l ^ y s bear
hlphmate leaves, hut that iu the lo,ver dlstriets these disappear; also, that he higher up th y ^ w ^ ^
narrower ai-e the phytlodia, ivhile below they are broader, being T m Z m t h ^
oval In the speeimens found by Mr. Menzies, the pl.ytlodia are eonsideraWy broadm than m those in
tho present CoUection, so that wc have not hesitated to unite again, as had been formerly done by c ,
the A . lanrifclia with the present speeles. The peduncles sometimes bear only one head of flow e rs. but
more commonly, and on the same plant, they form a raceme.
1. Guilandinu Bondiic. L in n .— De Cand. Prodr. ». 2. p . 480.
1. a-issia (Sect. Chaumsemm. DC .) Gaudichandi; caule fruticoso, foUolis Ejugis elliptico
oblongis apice subemarginntis glabris subtus pallidis, gianduia Imeim tenui obtum inter
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