
i t
OiiD. X X IV . L O A S E ® . J h s s .
1. L . acerijbiia; foliis suboppositis basi cordatis 5-7-lobis, lobis acutis dentatis, pedicellis
folio florali brevioribus, lobis calycinis oblongis acinninatis. DC .— Juss. Ann. Mus.
V. 5. p . 24. t . 1. f . 3. De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p . 341.
H ab. Conception.—Altliougli De Candolle has described si.x species of tlio genus from Chili, particularly
from Conceptiou and Valpai-iiiso, aud several new ones exist in our collection from the same countiy, this,
as far as we can collect from the notes and specimens, seems to have been the only one observed.
O r d . X X V . P O R T U L A C E ® . Juss.
1. CALANDRINA. Humb. §• Kunth.
1. C. pilosiuscxda ; caule suberecto angulato foliisque lineari-spathulatis pilosiusculis,
pedicellis axillaribus folio florali subadnatis racemum terminalem constituentibus.__
D e Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p . 359.—Ta lin um ciliatum. Hook. Exot. Fl. I. t. 82. (non l iu i z et
P a v . sec. De Cand.)— Tutuca. Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 41.
H ab. Conception.— The Talinum adscendem, Hort. Berol., according to specimens and seeds n e Lave
received from Dr. Fischer of St. Petersburgh, which De Candolle has referred as a variety to C. compressa,
Schrad., proves to be identical av-ith C. pilosiuscula. Perhaps even C. compressa is a mere variety, with
fewer stamens.
2. C. tenella; caule adscendente basi ramoso, foliis anguste linearibus glabris, racemo
terminali ramoso, sepalis glabris triangularibus cordatis acuminatis.
H ab. Valparaiso.—Very closely allied to the last species, from which it principally differs by its small
size and its quite glabrous, not ciliated, leaves, which, moreover, have no tendency to become spathulate.
O r d . X X V I . P A R O N Y C H IE .E . St. Hil.
\ . C.deltoidea; caule p rostrato, foliis cleltoideis longe petiolatis, racemis lateralibus
basi bractea spathulata instructis.
H ab. Conception.— This plant bears a strong resemblance to C. littoralis, having a bractea at the base
of tbe lateral racemes; but in the latter the leaves are oblong or spathulate, of the same shape with the
bracteas; here they are of a deltoid figure, as in some species of Chenopodium, but much smaller.
O r d . X X V I I . C R A S S U L A C E ® . De Cand.
1. TILLiEA. Mich.
1. T .e re c ta ; caule basi simpliciter ramoso erecto, foliis connatis oblongo-linearibus,
floribus brevissime pedicellatis axillaribus solitariis 4-fidis, petalis 4 erectis calycem
H ab. Conception.—We have nothing to add to the specific character, farther than that it most resembles
T. moschata, which, however, has a very different habit.
O r d . X X V I I I . F IC O ID E ® . Juss.
1. T . (Sect. Tetragonoides, DC .) expansa; herbácea, foliis petiolatis ovato-rhombeis,
floribus sessilibus, fructibus 4 cornutis 6-8-spermis. D C .—A it. Hort. Kew. v. 2. p . 178.
D e Cand. PI. Grass, t. 114. Prodr. v. 3. p . 452.—T . cornuta. Geert. Fruct. 2. t. 1 7 9 . / 3.—
T . halimifolia. Forst. Prod. 223.
H ab. Conception. Probably introduced.
O r d . X X IX . G R O S S U L A R IE ® . De Cand.
1. RIBES. Linn.
I. l i . (Sect. Ribesia, DC.) punctatum-, foliis trilobis serratis subtus punctatis, racemis
pendulis brevibus, bracteis oblongis ciliatis punctatis, calycibus flavicantibus. D C .— R u iz
et Pav. V. 3. p . 12. t. 233. / a. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p . 482.
H ab. Conception.
O r d . X X X . L O R A N T H E ® . Juss.
1. L . tetrandrus; ramis compressis junioribus rufescenti-pubescentibus, foliis ovatis
breve petiolatis, floribus aggregato-umbellatis tetran d ris, bi'acteis 3 ovatis ciliatis.—R u iz
et Pav. Fl. Per. v. 3. p . 46. t. 275. Roem. et ScJi. Syst. Veget. v. 7. p . 103.—Lonicera
corymbosa. L in n .—Frolichia violacea. Spr.— “ Ytiu.” Feuill, Chil. v. 2. t. 45.
H ab. Conception.
2. L . Cactoruni ; apbyllus glaberrimus, caule ramoso, ramis teretibus, bracteis 3
parvis ovatis, floribus subpaniculato-corymbosis tetrandris.
Caules vix digitales, valde et intricatim ramosi ; ramis teretibus (u t et tota pianta) glaberrimis. Bractea
3, pame, ovat®, quarnm 1 paulo major. Germen oblongum calycis limbo brevi obscure tetralobo corona-
tum. Corolla duaspolliccs longa, tetraquetra, tetrapetala, mbra. Stylus, staminaque i , longitudine petalorum.
H ab. Coquimbo; and, according to Dr. Gilhes, upon the stems of Cactus peruvianus. We must
observe, however, that our valued friend ju st mentioned, considers it to be an aphyllous state of another
species found by him abundantly on trees in Chili, and nearly allied to, if not the same as L. glaucus of
Ruiz and Pavon. To us, however, it appears an entirely distinct species.
2. VISCUM. Linn.
1. V. chilense; caule tereti ramoso, ramis ramulisque oppositis compressis articulatis
aphyllis, floribus 2 vel 3 ad genicula sessilibus.
H ab. Conception.
O r d . X X X I . U M B E L L IF E R ® .
1. BOWLESIA. R u iz §- Pav.
1, B . geranioifolia ; stellato-pubescens, caule procumbente gracili, foliis longe petiol