
KOTZEBUE’S SOUND. [Unibellifer:
2. Saxífraga cerima. U m i.— Engl. B o t t 664. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 89.—/?. mul-
There are, in the Herbarium, some remarkable slates of this plant, 6-8 inches high, branched upwai-ds and
each branch bearing a lai-ge flower, no bnlhs. This is perhaps the most perfect form; and the very opposite
to that which grows in Scotland, where almost afl the flowei-s are turned into sessile bnlhs Perhaps
the S. Steplmniana Sternb. Saxifr. Suppl p. 8. t. 6. f. 2, may be correctly referred to onr'Tariety 1
S . Sibirica also seems too nearly allied to it.
Saxífraga rivularis. L in n .
4. Saxifraga Daliunca. Sternb. S ca ifr . p . IS. e t var.—var. (3. foliis angustioribiis glan-
duloso-pubescentibus, panicida decomposita.
This species seems to vary considerably in the breadth and pubescence of its leaves. Our var has the
pubescence and panicle of the /3. latifolia of Sternberg (Saxifr. Suppl. t. 5,) but the leaves are narrower.
3. Saxífraga kieracifoUa. W aldst et K i t v. 1. p . IT. t 18.
6. Saxífraga Nelsoniana ; caxÚQ ghmduloso superne pubesceiite, foliis longe petiolatis
orbiculari-cordatis crenato-lobatis venosis margine venisque subtus glandulosis, glandulis
pedicellatis, racemis compositis subspiciformibus, bracteis lanceolatis pedicellisque glandulosis,
calycis segmentis triangulari-ovatis acutis. (T a b . X X IX .)— in L in n . Trans
V. 13. p . 354.
Caulis spithamæus ad pedalem, erectus, robiistus, simplex, glandulis pedicellatis asper, inferne glaber
supeme pubescens. Folia ampia, longe jietiolata, orbiciilari-cordata, coriaceo-membranacea, glabra, reticulatim
venosa, creuato-lobata, dentibus acutis, margine uervisque subtus petiolisque glandulis pediceUatis instructis.
Petioli ad basin membraiiaceo-vaginantes. Racemus digitalis ad spithamæum, compositus, densns, sub-
spiciformis : rachis pedicellique pubescentes et glandulosi. Bracteoe lanceolatæ, acuminatæ, floris longitudine,
margine glanduloso. Flores, inter ma.vimos hujùsce generis. Cahjx glandulosus, laciniis ovatis, acutis seu
acuminatis, erecto-patentibiis. Pétala patentia, obovata, suhunguiculata, hirsuta. Stamina petalis breviora.
Ovarium seminiferum. Styli 2, erecto-patentes.
It is very strange if this fine Saxifrage should have escaped the notice of Chamisso : yet Ave do not find
it described by Sternberg in the Supplement to his Monographia Saxifrag., where the other species of Chamisso
are detailed. We possess the same plant from the Kocky Mountains, gathered by Mr. Drummond.
T.4B, XXIX. Saxífraga Nelsoniana. Fig. 1, 1, FloAvers.
7. Saxífraga pwwciaia. L in n .—supra, p . 114.
8. Saxífraga Hirculus. L in n .—Engl. B o t t. 1009.
9. Saxífraga flagellaris. WUld. in Sternb. S a x ifr . p . 23. t. 6.— S. setigera. Pursh, F l
Am. ». 1. p . 312.
10. bronchialis. L in n .—supra, p. 114.
11. SaxiSra^a tricuspidata. Metz.—M . B a n . t. 976.
1. Chiysosplenium L in n .
O r d . X V . U M B E L L I F E R Æ . Juss.
1. Bupleurum angulosum. L in n .— Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnæa, ». I . p . 283.
1. CoDÍoselinum Lischeri. “ Wimm. et Grab."— De Cand. Prodr. ». 4. p . 164 Ligusticum
Gmeliui. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnæa, ». 1. p . 394. Gmel. Ft. Sib. v . l . t . 44.
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