
d uobus, staminibus 12? subexsertis, filamentis quibusdam (3 vel 4 ? ) nudis cæteris valde
purpuveo-lariatis duobus etiam u ltra an th eram puvpuveo-barbatis, stylo glab ro incluso.
H a b . Talisco.—This resembles, in some points, C. procumbens, Cav., but that has a much shorterflower,
and the hairs on the calyx glandular. We judge that the terminal flowers form a spike-like raceme, from the
appearance of one from which every flower has fallen off from the short pedicels. The tube of the calyx is
raiher more than an inch long.
5, C. eqnipeiala. Cav.— H a b. Talisco.
O r d . X X X I I . R H IZ O P H O R E Æ .
1. R h izo p h o ra Mangle. L in n .
O r d . X X X I I I . C O M B R E T A C EÆ .
1. T e rm in a b a Cataffa. Lin n .
B r .
B r .
From the appearance of tbe specimens, we suspect that they were collected at the same time, and. along with,
those noticed from Loo Choo and Bonin. But we believe the species, or a variety of it, is also a native of
1. Conocarpa erecta. H . B .K .
1. Combretum farinosum. H . B .K , Nov. Gen. 6 . p . 110.—Schlecht in L in n . 5. p. 5 5 8 .
— H a b . Acapulco and T ep ic.
2 . C. Mexicanum. H . and Bonpl. PI. Equin. 2 . t. 1 3 2 ?
H a b . Acapulco. The petals of our plant are yellow i the fruit is oblong and 4-winged.
O r d . X X X IV . M E L A S T O M A C EÆ . Juss.
1. Conostegia Xafopewm. Don— De Cand. Prod. Z. p . l i b . Schlecht. in L in n . b. p .
5 6 2 .— H a b. Talisco.
Folia in nostris oblongo-lanceolata basi subcordata, ciliato-serrata ; alabastrum ovatum apice acutiusculum.
Petala rosea. Cæteia ut in Melastomata Xalapensi Bonpl. videntur.
H E T ER O C EN TR O N . Nov. Gen.
Calyx campanulatus, raembranaceus, extus adpresse setosus ; limbus quadripartitus, segmentis lanceolatis
acuminatis persistentibus absque appendicibus alternantibus. Petala 4, late obovata. Stamina 8, quatuor
longiora. Antheræ oblongæ erostratæ obtusæ uniporosæ ; longiorum connective stipitato ad articulationem
setis dnabus subclavatis instructo, breviorum basi bigibboso. Ovarium liberum apice nudum. Stylus filiformis.
Stigma acutum. Capsula inclusa, 4-locularis, apice loculicido-quadrivalvis.— Caulis basi lignosus.
'KixmW tetragoni hispidi. YcXia petiolata oblonga integerrima utrinque setosa, penninervia I {\^-2 poil,
longa, 8 lineas lata). Flores albi thyrsoidei, terminales, subpaniculati.
1. H . Mexicana.
This plant does not accord with any of the genera described by De Candolle. It belongs to the Rhexiaceoe,
but is, nevertheless, allied to Castradenia of G. Don {Gen. Syst. Gard. 2. p . 765), formed for the Rhexia
inoequilateralis of Schlechtendal {Linnæa. 5. p . 567) ; in that, however, the conncctivum of all the stamens
seems to be stipitate, the ovarium to be crowned with a few hairs, the inflorescence to be axillary, and the pair
of opposite leaves to be unequal.