
Botanist should recognize this as the Fuchsia rosea of Ruiz and Pavon, which those authors declare to be
found in rocky places about Valparaiso, and still more strange that both Audi-ews aud Sir J. E. Smith should
give it as au inhabitant of the North-West coast of Americii. It was long ago introduced to oiu- gardens by
Mr. Menzies firom the coast of Chili.
Page 23.—Ord. XXIII. MYRTACEiE. Juss.—1. Eugenia Chcken; pedunculis axillaribus sub 1-
floris solitariis folio longioribus, sub flore bracteolis 2 minutis linciiribus deciduis, foliis glabris deiisissimis
ovalibus utrinque acutis brevissime petiolatis obsoleto parallelim nervosis pelucido-puuctatis, segmentis calycinis
obtusissimis.—E. Cheken. Mol. Chil.—De Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p. 278.— Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. *32.—
H.AB. Valparaiso.—This we have also received from Mr. Cruckshanks and Mr. Bridges, but without the
vernacular name; nevertheless it accords so well with the Cheken of Feuillee, that we have little doubt of
its being liis plant. When the upper leaves fall off, the peduncles appeal- to be terminal aud coi-ymbose, as
in that author’s figure.
Page 23.—2. E. Temu ; paniculis axillaribus plerumque solitariis subcorymbosis paucifloris longitudine fere
foliorum, foliis ellipticis obovatisve obtusissimis coriaceis subtus pallidis (jimioribus ramulisque subvelutinis)
brevissime petiolatis.—Hab. Valparaiso.—This u-e have received fi-om Messi-s. Cnickshanlvs aud Mathews,
both of whom affirm it to be the Temu of Chili ; but it cannot be the Temus moschata of Molina, wliich he
cousiders the Temu of the country, but which, from his description, authoi-s have ai-ranged with the Magnoli-
ace<B, and near to Drimys.—Oiu- plant has quadj-ifid flowers, and is a fi-ue Eugenia, but it may perhaps be
the Myrtus Luma of Molina aud Sprengel, which De Caudolle with doubt refers to his Myrtus multijlora.
Page 23.—Obd. XXIX.* SAXIFRAGES!.—1. E s c a llom a .—I. E . rubra; ramulis glanduloso-pubes-
centibus, foliis obovato-lanceolatis acutis, basi in petiolum attenuatis duplicato-serratis inferne glandulosis subtus
resiuoso-punctatis, pedunculis in axillis foliorum terminalium simplicibus vel ramosis bracteolatis, floribus
cylindraceis. Pers.—Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 2890. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 3.—Escallonia Poppigiiuia. De
Cand. I. c.—Stereoxylon rubrum. Ruiz et Pav. Fl. Per. v. 3. t. 236. B.—Hab. Valparaiso.—This appears
to be frequent in Chili, and liable to much variation in the shape of the leaves, in the simple or branched
peduncles, in the breadth, &c. of the calycine segments, and iu the pubescence and glands : hence we have been
led to unite u-ith it the E . Poppigianum of De Candolle, u-hicli is indeed the E . mbra of Pdppig himself.
Page 23.—2. E . revoluta; tota hirsuta, ramis erectis hii-sutissimis adultis glabratis, foliis obovatis denticulatis
revolutis, racemo thyrsoideo, calycis dentibus subulatis, petalis lineari-spathulatis. D C.—Pers. Syn.
PI. V. I. p . 235. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 5.—Stereoxylon revolutum. R u iz et Pav. Fl. Per. v. 3. t. 236. B.
—Hab. Valparaiso.
Page 25.—3. E . pulvemleiita; 'tota hireuta, ramis subtrigonis erectis, foliis ellipticis obtusis breve petiolatis
semilatis superne junioribus subviscosis, racemo terminali spiciefoimi erecto, calycis dentibus patulis,
petalis obovatis.—Pers. Syn. PI. v. 1. p. 235. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 5.— Stereoxylon pulverulentiun.
R u iz et Pav. Fl. Per. v. 3. t. 237. a.—Hab. Valparaiso.
Page 25.—2.* Lorantlius heterophyllus; (parasiticus,) ramis teretibus teneris scabris femigineis, foliis
sparsis breve petiolatis cordatis ovalibusve mucronatis coriaceis glabris, racemis terminalibus et axillaribus
angulatis ramulis brevibus trifloris, flore medio sessili lateralibus pedicellatis, bracteis minimis, petalis 6
lineari-spathulatis, antheris incumbentibus. D C .—R u iz et Pav. Fl. Per. v. 3. p. 48. t. 273. B. De Cand.
Prodr. V. 4./>. 312.—Hab. Valparaiso.
Page 25.—2. L . Cactorum. We have recently ascertained that the plant which we have thiLS named a t
p. 25, is the L. aphyllus of Miers, iu Bull, des Sc. Nat. v. 19. p. 319, and of De Candolle, Prodr. v. 4. p. 307.
Page 26.—6.* Amiii. Linn.—1. A. Visnaga. Lam.—De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 113.—Daucus Visnaga.
Jacq. Hort. Vind. v. 3. t. 26.—Hab. Valparaiso.
Page 26.— Osmorhiza chilense. Tliis appears to be the O. Berterii of De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 232, which
name is of course to be preferred. It is also the Scandix chilensis of Molina and De CandoUe.
Page 2 8 . 2. Proustia pyrifolia; foliis petiolatis cordato-rotundatis ovaUbusve subtus tomentosis,
acheniis pilosis. Don.—Lag. et De Cand. in Ann. du Mus. v. 19. p . 70. t. 4. Don in Limi. Trans, v. 16.
p_ 1 9 8 .— H a b . Valparaiso.
Page 29.— 2. Eupatorium ageratoides? Linn.—Spreng. Syst. Veget. v .3 .p . 4 1 9 .— H ab . Valparaiso.—
The present plant may perhaps be a distinct species, having the stems slirubby at the base, the leaves smaller
and more in-egularly toothed.
Page 3 0 . - 9 . * S p il a n t h e s .— 1. 5 . olerácea. Linn.—Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p . 4 4 4 .— H a b . Valpa-
,.aiso. We may here remark that the Eupatorium Chilense is the Flaveria Contrayerva of Persoon, (FeuiU.
V. 3. t. 14.)
Page 30.— W.* E u x e m a .— 1. E . grata. Cham, in Hor. Phys. Ber. p . 75 . t. 16.— Ogiera tripUneiwia.
Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3 . p . 67 4 . (not of C a s sm i .)— H a b . Conception.—The plant of Cassini appears identical
with Eleutheranthera ovalifolia, Poit., from St. Domingo, and is herbaceous.
Page 3 0 .—2 . Baccharis linearis ; foUis linearibus dentatis integcrrimisque, floribus subcorj-mbosis. Spr.
—Pers. Syn. PI. v. 2. p . 423. Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3. p . 4 6 3 .— H a b . Valpai-aiso.—This has the leaves
much larger and longer than in B . rosmarinifolia, and they are, in general, decidedly toothed.
Page 31.—6. Baccharis rigida ; caule fruticoso ramoso, foUis coriaceis rigidis ovali-eUipticis sessilibus
venosis spinoso-dentatis, paniculis corymbosis.—ILvb. Valparaiso.—This we have received also from Mr.
Cruckshanks and Mr. Bridges.
Page 31. 7. Baccharis absinthioides ; caule erecto herbáceo ramoso angulato foliisque lanceolatis acutis
in petiolum attenuatis integerrimis vel grosse remote dentato-sen-atis incanis, corymbis multifloris,
floribus congestis, pedunculis incano-tomentosis.—a. foliis longioribus subintegerrimis.—ß. foliis omnibus
dentato-serratis.—H a b . a. Couception. ß. Valparaiso. (Mr. Bridges.)—Leaves often fascicled, 3-4 inches
long; under the microscope exhibiting minute yeUow dots. Mi-. Bridges states it to be from 6-S feet high.
Page 3 1 .—1 4 .* C o n y z a . Linn.—1. C. ambigua. De Cand. Fl. Fr. ed. 4 . v. 3 . p . 4 6 8 .—C. Chilensis.
Spreng. Syst. Veget. v. 3 . p . 5 1 3 .—Erigeron linifolium. Willd.
Page 3 2 .-5 . Senecio Bridgesii; sufihiticosus, glaber, foliis sessiUbus pinnatifidis laciniis Unearibiis
acutis, corymbo denso multifloro, involucris subcyliudi-aceis, foliolis uniserialibus apice vix sphacelatis basi
bracteolatis, radio patente.—H ab . Valparaiso ; whence we have also had it from Jlr. Bridges.—It is nearly
allied to S. artemisiifolius, but that is herbaceous, and ha.s bipinnatifid leaves.
Page 3 2 . - 1 7 . * M a d ia . Mol.— \. M. viscosa. Cav. Ic. v. 3 . p . 5 0 . t. 2 9 8 . Curt, in Bot. Mag. t. 2 5 7 4 . —
M. mellosa. Mol.—Jacq.—M. sativa. Mol.—Spr.—Madi, Feuill. Chil. v. 3. t. 26 .—H a b . Valparaiso.
Page 32.— Helianthus glutinosus.— y^Q have since ascertained that the plant so called at p. 32, is the H.
thurifer of Molina, whose uame ought therefore to be preferred.
Page 32.— 18.* X a n t i i i u m . Linn.—1. X . spinosum. Linn.—H a b . Valparaiso.—May uot the X . catharticum
of Kunth, from Peru, be the same ?
Page 33.—O r d . XXXIV.* CAMPANULACEÆ. Juss.— \. W a h l e n b e r g ia . Schrad.— \. W.liiuiri-
oides ; caule erecto basi simplici glabro vel scabriusculo, foliis lineai-i-acuminatis aogustis glabris siibdeiiti-
cuLatis, calycis tubo glabro obconico, corolla infundibulifoi-mi profunde 5-flda laciniis calycinis dimidio longiore,
capsula obconica, Alph. De Cand. Campan, p. 158.—Carapauula Chilensis. Mol.—C. linai-ioidos. Lam.—
H a b . Valparaiso.
Page 39.—4. Solanum tuberosum. Limi.—I I a b . Valpai-aiso.
Page 3 7 .— G. N ic o t ia x a . Limi.— \. N . acuminata; herbácea, pubescens, foliis lato-lanceolatis acuminatis
undulatis sublonge petiolatis, paniculis paucifloris, calyce glanduloso-pubescentc laciniis angustis, corollæ tubo
elongato, limbi laciniis rotundatis obtusis.—Bot. Mag. t. 2 9 1 9 .—Petunia acuminata. Graham in Edin. Phil.
Journ. July, 18 2 8 . p . 3 7 8 .— Nicotiana angustifolia? R u iz et Pav. Fl. Per. v. 2. t. 1 30.— H ab . Valjau-aiso.—
Upon comparing oui- plant with the N. angustifolia, Ruiz and Pav,, we can scarcely discover any difference.