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O rd. X V I I I . F IC O ID E ® . Jm s .
1. Sesuvium portulacastrum. L in n .— D e Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p . 453.—Aizoon Canariense.
Andr. Bot. Pep. t. 201.
O rd. X IX . S A X I F R A G E ® . Juss.
1. Broussaisia arguta. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p . 479. t. 69. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 17.
This is a sraall-sized tree, the branches being soft and spongy, and filled with pith. The leaves are
opposite ; the petioles are short, and fiirnished with a remarkable dilatation or appendage a t their back, where
they spring from the branch. This dilatation is not connected with the branch by any vessels ; but when
the leaf falls off, which it does very readily, it leaves a heart-shaped scar, so large as almost to meet that at
the base of the opposite leaf. De Caudolle places this in the SaxifragetB, close to Hydrangea and Deiitzia,
to the former of which genera it is allied in habit : but the style, which is very short, has a truncate and
simple, although indistinctly lobed stigma; and the ovarium has five ceUs, and is perfectly free from the calyx.
O rd. X X . U M B E L L I F E R ® . Juss.
1. Hydrocotyle interrupta ; ’io\ns peltatis duplicato-crenatis ll-n e rv iis petiolisque glabris,
floribus in verticillos subdistantes pluiimos dispositi, ultimis umbellatis, fructu basì subattenuato
colorato. D C .— Muhl. Cat. p . 10. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 59.—H . vulgaris.
Mich.—R ich. Hyd r. t. 50. f . 1. b.
O rd. X X I . A R A L IA C E ® . Jm s .
1. Panax? Guadichaudi ; caule arboreo glabi'o inermi, foliis digitatis petiolatis superioribus
oppositis, foliolis quinqué longe petiolulatis ovato-ellipticis obtusis remote e t argute
serratis coriaceis, pedunculis terminalibus umbellas paniculatim dispositas gerentibus, pedicellis
brevissimis, stylis 3, fructibus globoso-trigonis 3-spermis. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p .
253.— Aralia trigyna. Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p . 474, t. 98.
The panicles are much shorter than the leaves. Two of the leaflets are often abortive, so that the leaves
ajipear ternate. The three styles render it dubious whether to place this species in Aralia or Panax.
It was first discovered long ago by Mr. Menzies, from whom we have a specimen in our herbarium.
2. P an ax ? ovatum; caule arboreo glabro inermi, foliis petiolatis superioribus oppositis,
foliolis tribus longe petiolulatis ovatis integei-rimis coriaceis.
The wliole plant, as far as we can judge from the individual before us, is quite glabrous. The petioles ai-e
opposite, about three or four inches long : the partial ones about an inch or an inch and a half. The leaflets are
broadly ovate, not acuminated, but slightly obtuse ; the upper surface is glossy ; the margin perfectly entire.
There is neither flower nor fruit on the only specimen in the Collection, which was found in Oneeheow ; but
it is very nearly allied to the last species.
3. P a n a x ? platyphyllum; caule arboreo glabro inermi, foliis petiolatis superioribus oppositis,
foliolis tribus longe petiolulatis transversim oblongis longitudine duplo latioribus apice
subiter apiculatis coriaceis integerrimis, pedunculis terminalibus umbellas paniculatim dispositas
arboreus, inermis, glaber ut tota planta. Folia, saltern superiora, opjiosita: petiolus 4 uncias et
petioli pai-tiales duas longi : foliola circiimscriptione valde singnlari, tres fere uncias longa et tautummodo
sesquiunciam lata, vix emarginata at breve apiculata, venis plurimis parallelis divergentibus. Panicula
been taken of it in Mr. Coliie’s notes.
O ed. X X I I . R U B IA C EÆ . Juss.
1 Petesia? terminalis; foliis oblongis basi obtusis apice acutiusculis
glabris, paniculis terminalibus racemosis folio dimidio brevioribus, corollæ hypocrateufotm,
lobis tubo brevioribus, stylo bifido.
CauU. dichotonte rantosns. FoUa oblong. X -
tres vel quatuor uncias longa, unciam vel sesqmnne.am lata. P ' f T J m L ovatc lobosns ; limbus
racerm,sa, Cav., but cannot be placed in that genus, on account
of the quacb-identate calyx and bifid style.
2. Petesia? coriacea; foliis oblongis basi subacutis apice obtusis coriaceis glabr,s, corymbis
terminalibus densis paucifloris folio multo brevioribus. ^
allied to the last species, b u t th e leaves are more obtuse aud coriaceous.
1 . Kadua cordata ; ramulis teretiusculis, foliis sessibbus superioribus
cyma di-trlcliotoma follosa, capsula turbinato-heraisphærica e ro stra ta .-CA a» n ct Sddccht.
Linnæa, v. 4. ». 160. De Cand. Prodr. i). 4. p . 431.
giving it a remarkable bi-acleatcd appearance. Of this we possess the low ei leaves on J , 1
Mr. Menzies.
2 Kadua glomerata; ramulis inferne teretiusculis superne compressis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis
basi subiter in petiolum brevissimum contractis, panícula terminali, ramis elongatis
opplsitis apice bractea! duas foliáceas floresque glomeratos gerentibus, calyce ccrollaque
M n ity ™>»*cr l e d species, K
inferni teretin.cnlis superne compressis, foliis cord.to-lanceolat.s subsessilibns, pan cnla terminali, ram,,
brevibus oppositis apice flores subnudos glomeratos gerentibus, calycc eoroUaqim gbibns.
3. Kadua acuminata; ramis teretibus versus apicem compressis, foliis lanceolatis longe
acuminatis distincte petiolatis subcoriaceis, stipulis triangular,-acuminatis, floribus ^ ,
subbinis pedicellatis, calycis dentibus .anguste lanceolatis corollæ tubum mquantibus, capsul,
.r lo b o s a .- r a u « . et Schlecht. in Linnæa, v. 4. p . 163. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 431.
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