O b d . X X X I . M EM E C Y L EA 3 . D e Cand.
1. Memecylon scutellalmn ; ramulis teretiuscidis, foHis brevissime petiolatis ellipticis b.asi
acutis apice subiter brevi-attenuatis coriaceis uninerviis, pedunculis axülaribus e t e nodis
infra folia brevibus paucifloris, racemis folio multo brevioribus, toro 8-10-costato, germine
unilocidari, ovidis 8 -1 0 cii-ca receptaculum breve e fimdo ortum orbiculatim dispfsitis.—
Scutiila scuteUata. Lo u r. Cochin, v. 1. p . 290. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p . 7.
The interior of the germen is marked with eight or ten ridges, corresponding ,vilh the mimber of ovules ;
these probably become more apparent as the fruit sweUs, giving tho appearance which Louriero describes in
rather anomalous languide, " bacca 8-locularis, monosperma.” It is, however, only one-celled, and one-
seeded, as iu the rest of the genus. Tbe flower-buds are about the size o t the seed of V id a latkyroides.
2. yiem ecylo n nigrescens ; ramis teretibus, foliis ovato-eUipticis basi acutis apice obtuse
breviter acumbiatis pergamaceis unbierviis nigrescentibus breve petiolatis, floribus minutis
numerosis in capitula globosa densa ad nodos mfra folia sessüia digestís, germine uniloculari
The whole head of flowers is scarcely so large as a small pea, and consists of nt least forty or fifty flowers
so mmute as to render their structure difficult of determination. The torus appears to be grooved, as in the’
last species, and the germen onereclied: but it is probable that these characters are common to most of the
genus, a t least we have not been able to detect any true dissepiments iu such species as we have examined
The interior of tho germen is, however, marked with ridges, which at first sight might induce one to suppose
that it contained more than one cell.
Of the Order Granatea, Air. MiUett sends Punica Granatum, fiere pleno.
O r d . X X X I I . C O M B R E T A C E IE . B rm m .
1. Quisqualis indica ; pubescens, bracteis ovato-rhombeis aristato-acuminatis sub quoque
flore, petalis ovali-oblongis adpresse pubescentibus. D e Cand.— L in n . Sp. PI. p . 556__
Rumph. Amb. 5. t. 38. Bot. Mag. t. 2033. L am . M . t. 357. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p . 23.
Of the Order Onagrarias, we possess from Mr. iVEUett and Mr. Vachell, Jussieua fruticosa, DC., and
•T. Tepens, L., both from Lappas Island. ’ ’
Of the Order Lythrariea, we have beautiful specimens of Lagerstrcsmia Indica, L., and L. Regince, Roxb.
O r d . X X X I I I . T A M A R IS C IN E iE . Desv.
1. T am arix Chinensis; ramis nutantibus, foliis minutissimis imbricatis acutis, spicis pani-
ciüatis tenuibus longis, petalis linearibus erectis. D e Cand.—Lour. Cochin, v. l . p . 228. De
Cand. Prodr. v. 3. p . 96— T . Gallica b. Chinensis. Ehrenb. in L in n . v. 2. p. 267.
The specimens before us are destitute of flowers, and will not permit us to decide whether or not
Ehrenberg is right in reducing it to T . Gallica.
O r d . X X X IV . M E L A S T O M A C E ^ . Juss.
1. Melastoma Malabathricum ; fruticosum, ramulis tetragonis strigoso-asperis, foliis elliptico
oblongis basi obtusis apice acutis integerrimis utrinque viridibus strigoso-scabris, corymbis
1-5-floris, calycis adpresse squamuloso-strigosi iobis ovatis acutis, staminibus alternis, connectivo
brevissimo et longissimo. De C a n d .-L in n . Sp. PI. p. 559. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 3.
p . 145.—M . septeninervium. Lo u r . Cochin. 1. p . 335. De Cand. I. c. p . 147. Rheede,
Mai. 4. t. 42.— Rumph. Amb. 4. i. 72.
The nerves of the lenves arc generally five in number ; sometimes they are reduced to three, and we have
seen in a specimen we have from Canton, as many as seven, in which state the species forms Loureiro s
M. L tcmnerv iurn.-Mc. VacheU and Mr. Miflett find the Melastoma n,acrocarpum, Bo„, and a variety of
Osiellia Chinensis, with narrow leaves, (the O. angustifolia. Wall.) and with a glabrons calyx.
O r d . X X X V . A L A N G I E ^ . D e Cand.
1. Marien begoniifolia; Roxb. Cor. 3. f. 283. Fl. In d . 2. p . 261. D e Cand. Prodr v. 4
p . 267.-S ty lid ium Chínense. Lo u r. Cochin. 1. p . 2 7 2 .-S ty lis Chinensis. Potr. Encycl.
Meth. Supp. 5. p . 266.— Pautsnuvia, Jnss. in Diet. Sc. N a t. v. 51. p . l . f . 182.
We h,avc retained, along with De CandoUe, the generic name given by Eoxbiirgh, but we scarcely know
why the older one of Stglis is not retained.
O e d . X X X V I . M Y R T A C E iE . Juss.
1. B a e c k e a / rK t e e n s ; foliis linearibus muticis, pedicellis axillaribus umfloris, dentibus
calycinis membranaceis coloratis. De Cand.—L in n . Sp. PI. p . 614. Hooh. in Bot. Mag.
t. 2802.
1. Svzyo-ium? buxifolmm ; arbuscula? ramis teretibus, ramulis alato-tetragonis, foliis
ovatis obtiTsis coriaceis pellucido-punctatis margine peUucido, corymbis axUlanbus terminalibusque
folio demidio brevioribus 3-5-floris, calyce 4-Iobo, tubo obovato.
The petals appear to be distinct, hence onr doubts as to the genus ; towhlch many species are now referred
of whic! the p i s do not fall off like a calyptra. The tube ot the M y x is obovate, with four angles^
the limb is four-lobcd, the undivided part being lined with the torus : lohes ovate, slightly rannate. Stigma
simple The leaves are from b,lf-an-ineh to an inch long; although we have described them as ovate, yet
th e ! vary oceasionally to oblong, to cuneato-oblong, and even to cnnealraobovate ; we have always fonnd
them obtuse.
2 Syzyo-ium odoratimi; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis basi acutis apice longe attenuatis snbnn-
punctatis coriaceis supra nitidis, pedunculis terminabbus cjanoso-panicu at.s caljm.s tubo
obovato, bacca globosa m o n o sp e rm a .-D e Ca,A. Prodr. v. 3. p . 260 ? - S . lucidum, Gartn. ?
— Opaodoraüi. Lo u r. Cochin. 1. p . 377.
Our plant agrees much better witb the description given by Loureiro, than with the character of De Candolle.
It ranks, as a species, very near to S. Zeylanicum, unAS. ¡mlitum. W all, from which two rt piinc.pM y
differs by the short, not elongated, tube of the calyx. The berry appears to be white. The specimen in
the Collection is destitute of flower and fruit, our chiu-acter of these being taken from speciniens sent by
Mr Millett and Mr. Vachell, We possess, by the liberality ot the same geatlemen, some other spec.es,
atoUg wfficli, ai-c & neroosuin, Dc cL d ,, S. fruticosum, De Cand, and one or two apparently undescribed.
l.°M y rtiis tomentosa; pedunculis lti!-floris folio brevioribus sub flore b r a c t^ la s dnas
ovatas gerentibus, ramis calycibusque vdiitiiiis, foliis ovato-ellipticis superne adidtis gliibns
subtus 7ino-tome.itosis 3-.ierviis nervis lateralibus submarginalibus, calyce o-fldo, semmibus
compressis in locido quoque biserialibus.— Ait. Hort. Kew. 2. p. o . e an . to r.