438 MEXICO.—SU PP L EM EN T . [ Genlianea.
1. Ge rb era Thevetia. Jacq, Am. 48. t. 3 4 . Bot. Mag. t. 23G9.
H a b . Acapulco.
O r d . X X X . A S C L E P IA D E Æ . B r .
1. Asclepias Curassavica. L .—var. foliis angustioribus.
H ab. R e a l e jo -
2. A. incarnata. L Bot, Beg. t. 250.
H a b . R e a l e jo .— T h e s tr u c tu r e o f th e flow e rs in th e so li ta r y s p e c im e n a g r e e s w ith A . incarnata, e sp e c ia l ly
in th e n a r r o w e x s e r te d h o r n s o f th e n e c ta ry , b u t th e s tam in a l c row n is , in t h e d r ie d sp e c im e n , d e e p y e llow ,
a n d th e le a v e s a r e la r g e r ( 5 in c h e s lo n g b y 2 b r o a d ) a n d u p o n lo n g e r p e tio le s th a n in a u th e n ti c sp e c im e n s o f
A . incarnata.
3. A. longicornu (B en th . P I. Hartweg. p. 2 4 ) ; suffruticosa, ramis adscendentibus
pubescentibus, foliis petiolatis ovatis v. ovali-oblongis obtusis u ndulatis basi cuneatis
crassiusculis u trin q u e pubescentibus, umbellis brev iter pedunculatis in te rp etio la rib u s—
F lo re s majusculi. Corolla reflexa, laciniis acutiusculis. Coronæ foliola cornuformia,
angusta , gynostemio p lus duplo longiora , su p ra medium divergentia, apice latiora, ap erta ,
processo acuto foliolum p a rum su p e ran te . Benth.
H ab. Realejo.—A very fine and distinct species. The root is woody and tuberous. Drummond’s A i-
clepias from Texas (2d Coll. n. 219). is, if not the same, a neatly allied species.
1. Sarcostemma bilobum (n. s p .) ; glabrum, caule herbaceo scandente, foliis longe
p e tiolatis cordato-ovatis tenuissime acuminatis basi profunde bilobis sinu angusto lobis
rotu n d atis, umbellæ multifloræ pedúnculo foliis longiore, pedicellis eiongatis.
H a b . Acapulco._An undoubted Sarcostemma, with leaves H to 2 inches long, having so deep a fissure
or narrow sinus at the base as to extend one-third the length of the leaf. Segments of the corolla at length
reflexed. Outer corona, a fleshy, elevated, entire ring : inner of 5 flesby, ovato-triangular, very conspicuous
O e d . X X X I . G E N T IA N E Æ . Juss.
1. E ry th ræ a macrantha (n. sp .) ; caule diffuso a cute tetragono ramoso angulis suba-
latis, ramis alternis, foliis linearibus acutis trinerviis floribus terminalibus solitariis, calyce
p en tag o n o u ltra | fisso, laciniis subulatis tubum corollæ æquantibus, corollæ tenui-mem-
b ran a ceæ subpellucidæ laciniis ovato-lanceolatis p a tentibus, capitulo tubum duplo tn -
plove su p eran te, antheris sp ira liter tortis, stigmate?—)?, major; foliis anguste linearibus
u n in e rv iis .-E ry th roe a Mexic ana (?) Hooh. et Arn . supra, p . 302. {the var. from Tepic.)
Hydroïcaceæ.] MEXICO.—SUPPLEMENT . 439
H ab . a Between San Blas and Tepic.—Well preserved specimens of this plant have satisfied us that we
have confounded two very distinct species oi Brglhrma at our p. 302 above quoted. The Talisco plant is,
we believe. E . Texensis, Grisebach, Gent. p. 139. (E . Mexicana—Griseb, mst. in Herb. Hook.) in an
old state. The other is a broad leaved state of out E . macrantha. Dt Sinclair’s perfect specimens have
the flowers so large that we did not hesitate, at first, in considering them as belonging to a large flowered
species of Chironia, particularly near some of the slender varieties of C. tinoides ; and the generic diifer-
ences between tho two, it must be acknowledged, are very slight. In our plant there is no perceptible connec-
tivum between tho cells of the anthers, which is the main character ot Griscbach’s Erythroeaceai :— end the
tube of the corolla is as short in our present species as in any CMronia.
I. Halen ia multiflora (B en th . PI. Hartweg. p. 2 4 .); caule erecto folioso angulis suba-
latis, foliis trinerviis ellipticis lanceolati.sve obtusissimis obovatis in petiolum angustatis,
cymis umbellæformibus, sepalis lanceolatis acutis, calcaribus crassis corolla quadrifida
q u ad ru p lo brevioribus. Benth.
H ab. Between San Bias and T e p ic .-T h is has the shortest spurs to the corolla of any species we are
acquainted with.
O r d . X X X IL B IG N O N IA C EÆ . Juss.
1. B ignonia? obovata (n. s p .) ; fruticosa v. arbórea, foliis oppositis simplicibus ob o vatis
brevissime petiolatis membranaceis integerrimis basi acutis apice brevi-acuminatis
parallelim nervosis su p ra glabris subtus pallidioribus reticulatis ad ñerv o s pubescenti-
hirsutis, racemo terminali paucifloro, pedicellis brevibus, calyce oblongo-tubuloso e foliolis
quinque exterioribus sensim minoribus 2 in t. unitis apice bilobo, corollæ tubo calyce ter
longiore sursum d ilatato limbo 5-lobo lobis amplis ro tu n d atis patentibus.
H ab . Realejo.—I can find no description of this fine species, which may perhaps be referred to 5>a-
thodea. The leaves are 4-6 inches long, membranaceous, penninerved, the nerves obliquely transverse,
numerous, parallel. The flowers 2-3 inches long: corolla apparently yellow. There is no specimen of
fruit: but I)r Sinclair has put up with the specimens the dissepiment of a capsule which is 5^ inches long,
oblongo-elliptical, chartaceous, much thickened at the mai^ins on both sides : seeds numerous, obcordate,
with an exceedingly broad, delicate, membranaceous wing, marked with radiating nerves.
1. Amphilophium M utisii. H .B .K . Nov. Gen. A rn. 3. t. 219. Spreng. Syst. Veget.
2. p . 836.
H ab. Realejo.—The specimens entirely agree with Humboldt and Kunth’s figure.
O r d . X X X I I I . H Y D R O L E A C EÆ . B r .
1. W ig an d ia scorpioides (Choisy in Mem. Soc. Phys. Gen. 6. p . 117) ; elata, herbácea,
pubescens, foliis ovatis (inferioribus co rd atis?) ellipticisve acutis dentatis subtus albo