
7 . , VI
We have drawn up, for this and K . cordata, characters somewhat different from those given by Do Candolle,
in order that they might suit the specimens before us. With regard to K . Mm ziaiami, the Hedy-
oiis coriacea of Smith is by no means the s.imo, .although also a species of this genus. This hast may be caUed
K . Smilhii: ramis teretibus versus apicem compressis, foliis coriaceis ov.ato-eUipticis glabris petiolatis,
stipulis triangiJaribus obtuse apiculatis, p,amcula terminali tricliofoma dcus,a, calyce corollaquo pubescentibus!
The tube of tho corolla is long, and has the segments of the Umb strongly deflexod, tvith long acuminated
recurved points.
1 . U y om m a umbellata ; foliis obovatis e t obovato-oblongis, p ed u n c ijis axillaribus apice
multifloris, pedicellis 7 -8 umbellatis, baccis subrotundis, dentibus calycinis acutiusculis
brevissimis. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 463.
1. Coffea Kaduana ; foliis cuneato-obovatis in axillas venarum scrobiculatis margine
reflexis junioribus smpe subtus rufescente-pubescentibus, stipulis ovatis acutis margine cica-
tricis interiori cibato, cyma terminab longe pedunculata 5-radiata radiis 4 verticillatis, corollis
5-fidis fauce nuda.— C^aw. et Schlecht. in Linncea, v. 4. p . 33. D e Cand. Prodr. v. 4.
p. 502.
We have not observed that the segments of the calyx are ciliated, as the above-mentioned authors describe
them, although the hracteolse are so.
2. Coffea Chamissonis ; foliis elliptico-oblongis in axillis venarum scrobiculatis margine
reflexis utrinque glaberrimis, stipulis ovatis caducis margine cicatricis glabro, cyma terminal!
longe pedunculata 5-radiata radiis 4 verticillatis, corollis 5-fidis fauce nuda.
It is mmccessary to give a more detafled description, so similar is this species to the List. It principaUy
differs by the leaves, even the younger ones being quite glabrous, aud by the absence of the fringe of short
red hairs at tho upper margin of the cicatrice, upon the faU of the leaves: the bracteoim, also, are free from
any ciliation. In both, the shape of the fruit is precisely the same, being turbinate, with often one abortive
eeU.—There arc fragments of some more Ruhiaeems plants in the Collection, but too imperfect to he made
O r d . X X I I I . C O M P O S IT ® . Juss.
1. Bidens/zATwWaws ; foliis lanceolatis petiolatis argute serratis radicabbus subincisis,
floribus radiatis erectis, involucro anthodiunt «quante . Spr.— WiUd.~P,. arguta. Humh. et
Kunth, Nov. Gen. v. 4. p . 231.
The specimen before us is so very imperfect, that we have preferred referring it as above, to constituting
a new species of it, although it differs slightly in several points from the detailed description given by
Kimth. It is allied to our B . paniculata, (page 6 6 .)
2. Bidens micrantha; suffruticosa glaber, fobis ternatis, foliolis argute serratis ovato-oblongis
acuminatis terminali majore bi-trifido, corj’mbis terminalibus trichotomis fobatis, floribus
radii 4 -5 , fructibus linearibus compressis falcatis glabris apice biaristulatis. Gaud, in
Freyc. Voy. p . 464.
1. Gnaphalium Sandivicensium ; caule ramoso foliisque tomentoso-lanatis lineari-lanceolatis
subspatliulatis, corymbis terminabbus subcapitatis. Gaud, in Preyc. Voy. p . 464.
This appears to us to have considerable affinity to EUchrysum gnaphalioides. H. B. K.
ffiii '
1 Yriaevon multiflorus; glaber, caule herbáceo, foliis lineari-lanceolatis basi m pe
olum lomrnm attenuatis integerrimis, panicula ramosissima compacta, ramis nudis, ramulis
squamatisi squamis involucri oblongo-lanceolatis, radio involucrum submqnante.
There is only one specimen in the Collection, and in it the stem is simple below the panicle.
2 Yricreron paueiflo,-us; caule fi-uticoso ramoso glabro, ramulis pubescentibus, foliis
confertis lla b r is cartilagineo-serrulatis lineari-lanceolatis basi a ttenuatis atque cibatis, ju n n
oribus subpubescentibus, panicula terminali corymbosa, ramis 2 ^ -f lo r is nudis, squamis
involucri oblongis acutis, radio involucrum subalquante.
In many respects very closely allied to E . linifbUus. W., and still more to E^ Carmdunsis. We have it
also from Mr. Macrae. The stigmas are long, linear, and papülose, ahnost as m Eupatorium.
1. Aster suiulatus. Mich.— Spreng. Sy.st. Veijet. v. 3. p . 632.
1 Verbeslna lobata ; fruticosa, foliis ovatis digitato-tri-quinquelobis argute et grosse ser-
intis uU-inque hispido-scabris canescentibus lobo medio elongato lanceolato. Gaud, m treyc.
Voy. p . 464.
We do not observe in our speeimens that the leaves are distinctly digitate, they are
but otherwise they agree with the above chmnctcr given hy Gandiehaud. They are
The stem is soahrmÌ The flowers ar-o on long peduncles. The i ^ u c r o m ,s
broadly ovate coriaceous leaves : tho inner smaUcr, five-leaved, and memb.-anaceotm. The «orets of the raj
are a b L nine in number, and J-eflow, The receptacle paleaceo™. The achema of he ray “ I
crowned with three awns ; those of the disk compressed, and with two ar.stm .-O f tins ^ ,
lection fragments ot a variety, or perhaps a closely allied species, with the leaves not at ,iU lobed, but diffeni.„
ill no other particular.
2. Yerhesma hastulata; suffrnticosa, foliis oppositis breve petiolatis ovato-lanceolatis 3-
nervibus versus basin utrinque .sursum lobulatis grosse serratis supra scabris subtus luspidis.
We lümost incline to suppose that V. connata, (Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p. 7 .) may he the
being found in the same island, and possessing many points in common: “ There
species the leaves are sessile and connate, whereas, in ours, they are shortly hnt decidedly petiolate.
is only one specimen in the Collection.
3 Verbesina succulenta ; hcrbacea glabra nitida succulenta, foliis oppositis oblongo-ovatis
apice obtusis mucronulatis basi in petiolum attenuatis supra medium crenulato-serratis.
Found among volcanic rocks on the shore of the island of Oneeheow, where it is caUed Nehe ovNenel^.
The loivei- part of the leaf is quite entire. The peduncles ai-e terminal and solitary, and the leaa®s oí the
involucre orbicular. Tlie receptacle is convex : the achema are compressed or frigonal, one of the angle«
beimr exceedingly sharp, or almost produced into a aving, which is deaticidate : they are crowned by two or
' thre¡ short arSt®, according to the onmher of angles. We feel uncertain as to the genus : the cliaracter
agrees sufficiently with that of Verbesina, but the habit is more that of Spilanthes or Aanclla.
1. Dubautia laxa ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis basi attenuatis argute serratis subtus strigoso-
liispidis, panicula corymbosa laxa nudiuscula.
If Gaudichand be correct in his descriiition, our species cannot be the same as his, which may be characterised
thus: D.plantaginea; foliis amplexicaulibus lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis crenatis glabris, panícula
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