
This belongs to the Lactucets, but the true genus is very uncertain, as we have only seen the immature
achenia; these are oblong-cylindrical, striated, and truncated at the apex, without any beak; pappus soft
and pure white ; hairs linear, apparently in a single series, closely denticulated or almost plumose at the base ;
flowers purple ; capitula, when young, campanulate, afterwards expanding and somewhat hemispherical, never
dilated at the base.
O r d . X X X I . L O B E L IA C E Æ . Juss.
1. Clin to n ia pulchella {L in d l.); foliis sepalisque obtusis, corollæ laciniis superioribus
ovatis acutis divarieatis labelli lacinia intermedia productiore. lA n d l. in Bot. Reg. t. 1909.
1. Lo b e lia carnosula; n an a g lab e rrima ramosissima diffusa basi subrepens, caulibus
exsiccatione alato-marginalis, foliis linearibus integerrimis acutis, pedunculis axillaribus
fructiferis patenti-recurvis, pedicello folium superantibus, laciniis calycinis linearibus
ovarium corollæque tum æquantibus, capsula oblongo-obovata.
H ab . Blackfoot River, Snake Country. M r Tolmie.
A small tufted plant, with pale blue flowers, evidently growing in very wet muddy places, bearing flowers
numerous in proportion to its size, of which the peduncles become more elongated, patent, and at length
recurved, as the fruit advances towards maturity. It is somewhat allied to L . alata, Labill., but is much
O r d . X X X I I . E R IC E Æ . Juss.
1. R hododendron calendulaceum. Torr. Fl. Un. S t. \ . p . 4 2 b Azalea calendulacea.
The tube of the corolla is scarcely so long as the segments, pubescent, but apparently not at all viscid ;
stamens much exserted ; calyx small, segments oblong, and, together with the pedicels, covered with glandular
hairs ; ovary and lower part of the style villous. Leaves oblong-obovate, nearly glabrous, deciduous.
— The forms of the pentandrous species have been so much multiplied of late years in our gardens, that we
scarcely know to what to refer our native specimens, and among others the present is attended with considerable
difficulty ; we have, however, in the mean time, referred it to calendulaceum.
1. A rb u tu s tomentosa. 0. Hook. <
1 3 0 . / 4.
A m . supra, p . 144. Hook. F l. Bor. Am. 2. p . 37. t.
O r d . X X X I I I . V A C C IN EÆ . D e Cand.
1. Vaccinium ovatum. Pursh. Hook, et A rn. supra, p . 144. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2. p.
34 . L in d l. Bot. Reg. t. 1354.—fi. angustifolium ; foliis lanceolatis basi acutis.
Both varieties are in this collection.
O r d , X X X IV . JA SM IN E Æ , Juss.
1. F rax in u s (Ornus) dipetala ; foliis 3-jugis, foliolis ovalibus obtusis acute serratis
glabris basi cuneatis, inferioribus in petiolulum longiusculum attenuatis superioribus duobus
sessilibus, supremo longe petiolulato, paniculis multifloris longitudine fere foliorum ac
infra folio ortis, petalis 2 obovato-oblongis obtusis unguiculatis. (T ab. L X X X V I I .)
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